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The Crossroads

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Choosing the correct surgeon for your needs is such a hassle because when you've lived with a certain level of facial dissatisfaction it becomes hard to stay patient and wait for that gut feeling to tell you which one clinic you should go with. As someone who has thought about having this surgery for most of my teenage years and now I'm finally old enough I question whether or not I'm actually going to go through with it. Also in the beginning of this journey I only had one surgeon and he was in America and I was hundred percent that I would go with him but then I discovered surgery in Korea and what the possibilities are in Korea. Now I feel like I'm back at square one. My list grew longer upon considering Korean plastic surgeons. Thankfully I narrowed down most of my searches. However the places that I picked as my short list places I'm always hearing new information steering me away from them or I'm seeing some results from others that I'm less than pleased with. It's like for every before and after that I like/love there are two reviews saying don't go and one before and after that is just okay not amazing. I know this forum is meant for reviews only but I didn't know where else to write this so thank you for reading. 

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A lot of us have been there, but sometimes it's good to take a breather from thinking. Also please note that reviews are very subjective especially if you're reading ones on sites like purse forum there is a lot of disinformation on there and that's why we made beauty hacker to make a better research community. But here are some cautions about researching:

Researching Plastic Surgery (PS) too much can:

  • Make you a perfectionist and develop unrealistic expectations
  • Consume your thoughts and distract you from other things in life
  • Create a paradox of choice and analysis paralysis by knowing too many options

I recommend to create some clear goals, understand the risks, hope for an improvement, but have some flexibility that it won't be exactly like how you imagined. Try to see if you can do it in your home country first, or use that opportunity to learn more about treatments before going to Korea.

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As always Kino you are the bestest admin both in KakaoTalk and here on Beauty Hacker. I've always appreciated your neutral and pleasant view point/insight. (also lowkey I love when you spill the tea on these fakes!!!)


Thanks for everything.❤️❤️❤️

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