cassandra-007 Posted December 11, 2010 Share Posted December 11, 2010 Okay I would love to have smaller calves, but considering I have a few years of college to still pay for, that's not happening any time soon. There's gotta be some other way than going to Korea for 2 weeks and paying about $10,000?? Aren't there any other ways that anyone has been able to find? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
babyangel11 Posted December 12, 2010 Share Posted December 12, 2010 Hi Cassandra, From what i read, if one has muscular calves, the other alternative is Botox which is much cheaper and no downtime. But one would need quite alot of botox cos of the bulk of the muscles. For me, my calves are not only muscular but also fat so i think the surgeon would need to remove some fats also besides resecting part of the calf muscles. I guess thats why i didnt see any difference after trying botox on my calves. Cheers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
missjesss Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 scooterella OMG you are CRAZY you have rlly rlly small thin calves DO NOT GET SURGERY they are so nice im jealous let me post pics of mine and you will see big calves! lol my circumference is 40cm around my left and 41cm on the right soo yuk! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
missjesss Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 does anyone know how to post pics im trying to upload a cpl of pics of my calves from images of my computer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joheesopro Posted December 18, 2010 Share Posted December 18, 2010 hello ashmi99! im looking into calf reduction and im hoping you can email me so i can get some detailed answers thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gingersnaps99 Posted December 22, 2010 Share Posted December 22, 2010 Hi everyone, I had the surgery done recently with Dr Park and I wanted to share my experience as this forum was what helped me to decide to do it. I was most nervous about what the surgery day would be like and I wished at the time that there were more details available, so I hope someone finds this useful Once I arrived in Korea, I had a consultation with Dr Park. His nurse took a blood sample to run some tests, and he talked me through the procedure and had a look at my calves. I had the surgery the following morning. When you arrive, they ask you to change into a robe and put an IV drip in you (I think this contains something to prepare you for the anesthesia). You lie in a room for 20 minutes with the drip, and then they take you into the operating room. Once you are in there, they apply iodine to your legs, from the tops of your thighs down to the bottoms of your feet to disinfect the area. Then the anesthesiologist comes in and does the general anesthetic by injecting it into the IV. Within seconds I had passed out and the next thing I knew, it was two hours later and I was in the recovery room, with my legs elevated. They don't let you drink or eat for a few hours after the surgery (you are also not allowed to drink or eat anything after midnight the night before the surgery). They also don't let you go to the bathroom and want you to use a bedpan, but I had someone with me, so they sneakily helped me to the toilet I stayed there for 6 hours post-op. Because I didn't feel dizzy and I had someone with me, I was allowed to go back to my hotel to stay the night after the nurse showed me the two stretches. They gave me packets of medicine to take three times a day - they didn't say what it was, but I believe it included a muscle relaxant and antibiotics, and a mild painkiller. One of the nurses walked us to find a taxi, and I was able to walk about 100 metres in the wedged shoes, with little pain (but stiffness). I felt pins and needles on the side of my left foot when i scratched it, and numbness in my right heel but again, I only noticed it if I scratched it. I did total bed rest for the first 5 days, aside from going to the bathroom, doing stretches and going for my check-ups with Dr Park. I only used the wedged shoes when leaving the clinic after the surgery, and wore flat shoes the rest of the time. By day 5 I still didn't have the extreme tightness or pain that others have mentioned on this forum - just some pain and stiffness behind the knee, and a little weakness when I walked. I had some bruising behind the knee that went a little up my thigh, but nowhere else. Dr Park and the nurses laughed when they saw how well I was walking. On day 7, Dr Park aspirated my legs for the first time - it hurts a little and is uncomfortable, but nothing unbearable. I flew home on day 13. Dr Park aspirated on days 9 and 12, and gave me compression stockings and syringes. I flew out the next afternoon. The flight was fine, and my walking was almost totally back to normal, though my legs were pretty swollen by the time I got home! Since I got home, I've been doing several short walks a day on the treadmill to get my circulation going (which helps with the swelling). I could not have hoped for a smoother recovery, and I'm so glad that I did the surgery. For anyone who is considering it, I would say: go for it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
babyangel11 Posted December 27, 2010 Share Posted December 27, 2010 Hi Gingersnaps99, Thanks for sharing your experiences, appreciate it! May i check with you - so how do you find the results? How many cm did you lose? On the day after you did your surgery, did you feel nauseous or anything? Cos usually after having GA, one may feel nauseous or may vomit. Did you? Cheers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gingersnaps99 Posted December 28, 2010 Share Posted December 28, 2010 Hi babyangel11, I am still in the stage of aspirating every week, so the measurements do vary a little from day to day. Both legs were 36.5cm before the surgery and they now vary between 32cm and 33.5cm. I'm very happy with the shape. I was lucky and felt fine after the surgery. The worst part is not being able to drink water after you wake up because your throat will be sore (they stick a tube down there to help you breathe). I had some cough drops with me so I secretly had those - and they really helped! If you feel nauseous or vomit then I think they would have you stay overnight in the clinic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
estefania26 Posted December 30, 2010 Share Posted December 30, 2010 Hey I´m new in this forum, but i´ve read all about your experiences of your calf reduction surgery. Thanks for sharing it, it helps a lot reading about it, coz informations about this procedure are rare. I hate my calves aswell, since childhood and have tried a lot in the past: sports, special excercises, botox injection, even neurectomy - this was the worst thing i could do, after neurectomy my calves looked even more disfigured and bulged out until the lower and mid calf. So i don´t wanna live any longer with those calves hiding them under pants even in summer. I´m fashionable and finally want to wear skirts and dresses. So i was so happy when i heard about asian calf reduction, because in europe where i live, nobody knows this surgery, it desn´t exist there. So my question to all who had this surgery at OZ clinic is: could the lower calf treated aswell? could the shape in the whole being improved, even the lower and mid calf? Dr Jong is the surgeon who treats the sol muscle aswell - dr park not - but i haven´t found even one experience report about dr Jong. Has anybody been at Dr Jong in Taipeh? He must be very experienced aswell, and it seems for my calves he is better. or do you think i can get similiar results at dr park with my calves (lower calf muscle bulged out)? I´m in two minds about it... It´s a major surgery so it´s important to hear about experiences. Thanks in advance! PS: is there anybody who plans to undergo this surgery in march 2011 aswell?? t would be great to have company... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
babyangel11 Posted December 30, 2010 Share Posted December 30, 2010 Hi Estefania26, Oh im sorry to hear about the neurectomy surgery that you went thru. I have huge calves as well as fatty ankles & calves too. So its probably not just a surgery to remove part of the calves muscles but need to remove some fats too. Im also quite confused about the Sol muscles i.e. whether it should be operated on or not. Dr Park says no while Dr Jong seems to say yes. I have written to both surgeons with photos previously and still contemplating who i wanna go to. This seems to be a very rare surgery as i have not heard of any other skilled surgeons other than the two. Although I havent heard of a single experience of anyone in this forum who went to Dr Jong in taiwan yet. However, he seems to sound quite good from his website, etc. But as this is a major surgery, i want to consider carefully who to go to first. For Dr Park, at least i know that several people in this forum have gone to him and most seem quite satisfied with the results in some way or another. Im thinking of going for this surgery sometimes in the coming year 2011 but i have to sort out the schedule first cos one needs to spend at least 2 weeks there for the surgery and im concerned if i could spare that time to be away. Would you consider to do the surgery sometime around mid of the year or would you still be sticking to March? Why dont you write to both surgeons and email them your photos as well? So that they could give you their professional opinions? Cos i think no one in this forum might have gone thru the neurectomy operation on the calves before n might not be able to give you the best professional advice. Hope this helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
missjesss Posted December 30, 2010 Share Posted December 30, 2010 Hi gingersnaps99, I was wondering if you had an email I could reach you on as I am going to Dr Park also for Surgery in March to get the partial calf resection done and I would really like some reviews etc Thank you!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gingersnaps99 Posted December 31, 2010 Share Posted December 31, 2010 Hi missjesss, You can email me on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alana-rose Posted December 31, 2010 Share Posted December 31, 2010 Hi there girls, I intended to go to Dr Park in January 2011, however, just as I was about to book my surgery, North Korea started their carry on, and now i'm 2 scared to go!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thegorgeous Posted January 3, 2011 Share Posted January 3, 2011 dear Javla like you i have chosen Dr Jong since it is closer to home and more affordable..i made my appointment this january...really nervous but it will be fine i believe since i only getting one leg surgery (my other calf is much bigger than the other, so i get one leg only done)..let me know if you are going to Dr.Jong as well ok..thanks girl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
missjesss Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 gingersnaps99 I have emailed you! Regarding the shape did Dr Park show you a simulation of the shape that you may get he did send me an image but I was just wondering what happens in the consultation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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