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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Sounds weird but have you tried roll on deodorant on your legs before bandage?it helps with sweaty legs and may be able to help with the humidity issues that you have in singapore? I do that for the back of my neck in summer here. It gets unbearbly hot and sweaty. Also arnica cream helps a bit with tight muscles and cramps.
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Thanks for the response, Julia. For my calves, they aren't touching on the inside but the outer part of my calves are huge. When I flex my leg or wear heels, you can see the calf line.

Are you also noticing extra skin? Or barely anything? It doesn't look like there is loose skin on your calf at all!

And I think your legs look great now! :smile:
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Thanks for the tips! Lol to the deodorant trick ! :smile:
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Hi Ellen, i am sure dr Jong will be able to fix the outer parts of your legs. There are some stretch marks behind my calves ! There are more on the right than the left. Im not crazy about them but not too bothered too. One of my friend actually told me that she didnt even noticed my calves until i told her about the surgery. So ladies, we are really our harshest critics. Lets all stop driving ourselves crazy with minor problems! Haha
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So there are stretch marks but not loose skin? I have stretch marks all over my butt so stretch marks aren’t an issue.

I am re evaluating my choice for doctors after seeing your results.

We are! But it sucks trying on pants that fit great around your waist and thighs.. and then having them be super tight on the calves :/
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Day 28 - Leaving Seoul and taking train in Seoul.

Taking public train:

Today marks the end of my surgical trip to Seoul. It’s a biter-sweet moment to leave the Airbnb apartment, which I called home for the past month. I was able to get to Incheon airport via the train ( had to change train line once), while lugging around my super over sized and heavy luggage and a bag pack, without much hassle. Fortunately I was able to find seats on the train, which was my biggest concern as standing for too long is just a no no( (train ride took roughly 2hours in total, as I chose not to take the express train). For girls who are coming to Seoul for the surgery and are planning to take the public train here, there are seats designated for pregnant, elderly and injured passengers. Because the local people are really big on respect for their elders so the designated seats are usually taken up by the elderly and the young people do not usually hog this seats. So, if you are taking the train and wearing long pants/skirts to hide your bandages, the elderly will loudly ask you or gesture you to give up your seats in the designated area, unless you lift your legs and point out your bandages to them and they will leave you alone. Hence, if the weather permits, wear shorts to “show” your bandages. The normal non-designated seats are usually occupied and the people rarely give up their seats even if they see that you are in bandages.

Taking the train saved me $90 USD of cab fare to the airport. Prior to coming to Korea, my Airbnb host helped me pre-booked an airport express cab from Incheon to my Airbnb (around the area of the clinic ), and they charge a flat fee of 90,000 won ($90 USD). The total car ride was about 1 Hour 45 Mins, because the traffic in Seoul is actually pretty bad. Taking the train ( if you take the express train, which skips some stops ) is actually faster. The train fare from Incheon to the stop at my Airbnb is only around 3000 won ( $3 USD ). Thats a huge difference in price ! You can purchase a train card at the airport, however the train staff actually advise against tourist getting it because they charge a non-refundable 2500 won for the card. However, if you are like me and planning to stay for a long time, then getting the train card is very convenient. If you choose not to get a card, the ticket sales machine at the stations are very easy to use, if you know the name of the station that you are going. The machine also allows you to switch to Chinese, English or Japanese, which is very useful.

Plane ride back:

While checking in at the airline counter, the staff kindly gave me a priority pass so I can get through the security check at the departure hall without having to queue, as she saw my bandages. She also asked if I need wheelchair service, although I did not request or arrange for one beforehand. In day 28 now, I am able to walk for long distance without much problem, albeit slowly. Walking up steep slopes is also alright now. The swelling in my feet has subsided greatly in week 4 too. They are now around 80% of my pre op feet size and thickness. My current main concern in regards to swelling, is actually my ankles. As Dr park said that it isn’t necessary to wrap the ankle, hence I have been leaving that part unwrapped and only wrapping the upper 2/3 region of my calf region. This is probably why my feet is not as swollen as before, as the swelling can now go to the unwrapped ankles too. This is good I feel, as I can now wrap my calves as tightly as I can, without my feet feeling like they are going to explode from all the swelling. My ankles are now swollen to the point that they are visibly much thicker than my calve when I take off my bandages. Swollen ankles didn’t give me any pain, they are just ugly to look at.

The plane ride back to sunny and beautiful Singapore took about 6 hours. I exchanged for an aisle seat with a nice Korean lady, and it was much better. I was able to raise my legs and stretch them straight in the aisle. My seat was also at the back of the plane, which actually worked out great for me, because I was able to walk to the back and stretch as often as I want. The air stewardess did not bother me at all and let me stretch in peace.I was worried if I kept my feet down for the entire flight, they will swell badly when I reach home, or even swell so much till they hurt like in day 2 when I slept with my feet on the floor. I also brought my massage cream in my backpack, so I can massage my feet and ankle as often as I wish throughout the flight.


Some girls are concern whether their driving ability will be impaired after the surgery, and I feel that its really up to the swelling in the feet. Because the feet is still swollen now, although I can flex them, they are still not as nimble and sensitive as pre op. Hence I am worried whether If I can switch between the brake and accelerator easily and quickly, and because my feet is not as sensitive as before, I am also worried If I will over step on the accelerator etc.. Hence I think it is advisable to wait till the swelling in your feet is roughly gone, before attempting to drive.

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Hi Ellen. I dont really think i have much loose skins. The skin at the back of my calves dont feel firm but they are not exactly saggy. I dont think you have to worry so much. The previous pic i have posted of my day 30 legs, i was actually wearing my compression stockings which is why the skin seems smooth. I have attached 2 pictures of my legs, when i am sitting and the skin is not pulled like when i am standing. You can see a small depression at the upper calf region ( where my finger is pointing ).

Regarding the change of doc, you need to go with your instinct and be confident with whoever you chose to go with at the end. Dr park removed so much of the bulky muscles at the inner and outer part, which was my greatest insecurity pre op. My legs look straight now, and they arent bulging from the sides. However, do keep in mind that the calves will gradually look more shapely after a few months have pass. So they wont stay as straight and shapeless as they do now. If you are concern with your calves looking too shapeless after the surgery, then i dont think you have to worry.
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Hi, also a super long time lurker on here!! I plan to visit Dr Jong possibly later this year/ next year....where will you be travelling from, as I'd feel so much happier about it if I could coordinate with someone else?
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I can’t do this year! I’m saving up again for the operation. I’m hoping for the end of next year! 2019 late summer/fall! I’m from Vancouver! PM me!!
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Hi guys, i have been going for some yoga classes since i got back ( currently first month post op ) and i got to say that the classes have been very beneficial. The pace of the class is just right, plus there are tons of legs and calves stretches. The instructors are also very helpful and accommodating after i informed them of my leg condition. It is nice to finally be able to exercise after 1 month of doing nothing much apart from walking. Although yoga classes doesnt burn as much calories as an intensive gym session or running, i dont have to worry about the possibility of my calves size bouncing back to pre op! So give yoga a try girls :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
I had RF done by Dr. Liu nearly two years ago and my calf circumference did not change the muscles do not contract as much but muscles still there and hard to touch. Currently looking in permanent solutions like excision but doesn't seem like Dr. Liu does that many of them cuz they also only provided me with one photo.
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Congratulations to all of you who are brave enough to go forward with the surgery! I have read this forum more than once.... I had Botox injections, 100 units each calf with Dr.Liu and I haven’t seen a difference.... I am planning to go with RadioFrequency nerve ablation, even if I know it is not a permanent solution, that nerve can grow back and that it will not be a major reduction....
Anyone had satisfactory results with RF?
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@Julia A hi Julia, how have you been doing lately? How’s your recovery going? Hope all is well and that you’re enjoying the summer with your beautiful legs. Would you be so kind to let us see some new photos of your healed legs? Thanks so much.
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Hi @Bambu , i just got home from work, and took off my bandages. Hence the ankles are very swollen. I can do fast walks now, but only for a few minutes before getting completely worn out and start walking very slowly. i think this is because i have been totally slacking with my stretching. Still going for 4-6 yoga classes a week. I can definitely feel my legs getting stronger. My ankles are still very swollen... cant see them at all haha
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