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How can I make my calves smaller?

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hi darakuku

sounds like you are doing really well - i have asked dr jong about having a general anesthetic rather than epidural - that does sound pretty scary to me feeling awake during the op/ or even just feeling aware of what is going on! i may look into this a bit more. i have been searching for some form of surgery that would reduced my calves, for probably over 20 years, though only came across this forum by chance a couple of years ago - it was fantastic just to hear from other people with the same problem. i certainly don't think that having the op is an easy solution and i admire yourself and all the other people on other that have had the guts to go through with this. i still haven't got the courage to mention it to those around me as they will think i have gone mad - but this is how much this problem affects my life - for me to be willing to travel half way around the world and go through this op! :smile:
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i hope everything goes well - good luck and please let us know how you go on :smile:
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hi darlene
Unfortunately there is nothing like this in the Uk or in Europe - I wish there was, I probably would have done it by now. I found a place in germany though they do full removal rather than partial resection. I originally contacted Dr park in Korea though from what I remember, I did not receive a very helpful response to my first email so I contacted dr jong - he has been most helpful in answering all of my questions so far and have I have been in contact with him since 2011- he is also willing to do some lipo around knees and ankles at the same time. Taiwan also seems a relatively safe place to travel alone, from the research i have done. Although the recovery will be long I have not found an alternative to this that would be as effective in the long term. Where are you going - what is v-line surgery?
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Hi Christy2

I have also written to both Dr Park n Dr Jong before n both are friendly. Actually i prefer going to Taiwan than Korea as i can speak Mandarin well but not the korean lanaguage.

However because Dr Jong removes an additional muscle Sol which Dr Park is strictly against it n thats why i am thinking about going to Dr Park.

Also i read in one of the recent posts that a forummer went to Dr Jong and during the post-surgery period she was in discomfort or something like that n she requested to see Dr Jong but he said he was tied up n wouldnt be able to see her till around 10 days later. I was rather shocked n wonder what would happen to me if i were to travel alone there n im in need of help n what would happen?? So now im thinking of going to Dr Park instead.

I read about a forummer who went for partial neurectomy n im trying to find out more as it seems that the recovery period is shorter.
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Hi darlene,

I am super excited that this forum is getting alive again!
darlene! you mentioned a very good point: it does not matter where you go for this surgery, it only matters if you trust on the surgeon or not! Im planning to go to Korea because of the same thing that you said: There, beauty "standards" are more appealing in my opinion.... haha! But the other people can have the same mentality about china or Taiwan. I hope that everyone gets satisfied with the results where ever they go for this purpose:smile:
If you go through the previous posts, you can find the girls have written that they didn't have any problem with running or aerobics which they used to do before the surgery.
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Hi all,

Does anybody know if calf resection also affect on the lateral muscle even if the surgery is just done on the medial one?! Cz in the pictures, I can see that the lateral one has shrunken although the operation is done only on the medial muscle! I think I read somewhere that the lateral muscle also gets temporarily paralyzed and then shrinks...but I am not sure...! So any information from you guys?!:cool:
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I just wanna let you guys know that I also sent more than 4 emails to Dr.Park and he answered to them very carefully and patiently each time. I have never contacted with Dr.Jong though.
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hello they quoted me a maximum of $2500. the reason i chose against muscle resection is because it is a more serious operation, and longer recovery time. honestly i just hope for an inch reduction which is possible with nerve ablation but if you want more than that i think muscle resection is better. hope that helps :smile:
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Hi maybe it can go either way. Some people the lateral muscle becomes larger as it compensates for the muscle loss. I think everyone on here had both muscles reduced though
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Hi Princes

How are you going now after your neurectomy? Have you noticed much of a difference yet?
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Hi Baby Angel,

Did you manage to find out any more information about the forummer who went for a neurectomy? Was it on this forum that you read about it?
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