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Whoever made this video must be obsessed with Koreans.
People always seem to think that the people that are in movies represent the general Korean public. Just like any society, exceptionally beautiful people are a minority. There are alot of normal looking Koreans, and not so attractive ones too. Of course there are those who look better because of surgery but there are also many that never had surgery and look great too. This video just generalizes too much. I think people who are so against Plastic Surgery are just jealous either because they want it and they can't afford it or are too scared to get it, or ugly to a point where surgery can't help them. Who cares if someone looks great because of plastic surgery. The point is, they look great. And most of the time, people that have great results are already pretty attractive to begin with. Plastic Surgery is not magic. It enhances what you have already.

In the video, you have to realize that in the before and after photos, the girls have lost weight in some cases and got a better hairstyle and put on make up. The video is just way to biased and takes things out of context to make their point. For example, they choose to only show photos school girls (who are probably not allowed to wear makeup or get any kind of fancy hairstyle). They of course chose the ugliest and fattest people they could find. I'm sure anyone can make this kind of video for any country, like one on the USA...lots of beautiful people and plenty of fat and ugly people too. Just take photos of people at the DMV or McDonalds and send it to someone that has never been in the USA to make them believe everyone in the US is fat and ugly.
Anyway, here's the video:

The Great Korean
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Somehow I do agree that once some people have done their noses, they do look older because the feature is not so "soft" anymore - no wonder caucasians seem to look older than their age, huh? For many Asians, the natural softer features seem to suit them and they don't look their age even at the age of 30! So I think it is a little risk one takes if one wants to have rhinoplasty.
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It does make you look a bit more mature but I think it also has to do with the amount of space between your eyes and eyebrows. The greater the distance between the two, the younger you look.
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I agree with you.

First, plastic surgery is for ourselves, for our self-conscience and for our sastifaction. Plastic surgery will be wrong if someone abuse it or don't need it, plastic surgery is for someone that want to be better herself. That ain't true that the Koreans are ugly because they have many plastic surgery clinics, they have many Koreans who look beautiful whitout surgical procedures, they just don't see them because they don't go to Korea.

But this a fact that 50% of young Korean adults (15-25) will intend to have plastic surgery in their lifes (from a study), Korea is also a superficial society who the beauty is very dominant, but let not generalize, I think myself that the Koreans are one of the most beautiful, especially the Korean girls with their fair complexion.

I am Chinese and my uncle is married to a Korean, they have two beautiful girls, it surprised that they look really Korean. One of them look like Taeyeon from SNSD, but she doesn't have double eyelid and I don't mind that she needs it, she doesn't need it.
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Can you tell me how long did it took for you to be able to SMILE, SPEAK as usual, feel as normal or untight after your chin and nose surgery. Right now, I feel like a muppet when I smile. I feel my cheek and bottom part really tight somewhat TIGHT. If you don't mind sharing the length of time that you really felt comfortable with the new chin plus nose i would feel much better in terms of what to expect. I do know that it could take up to a year but I also know that it varies from person to person. I am a very fast healer as that's what the doc had said but at the going rate, I am beginning to worry that I am not myself. I really want my real self back as normal as I looked. I am still very vunerable.

Thank you

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about 4 weeks for me to be able to speak ok. I had a really hard time pronouncing "six"
The soreness and tightness took a bit longer to go away. I can still feel some tenderness if I apply pressure to my chin.
the nose bridge height started to look less swollen starting around week 4. The greek look went away around week 5. It will continue to shrink as the months go by but very slightly after the initial swelling subsides. The tip will take longer. Your upper lip will feel tight and you may not be able to smile fully for 6 weeks or more. I still feel a tiny bit of stiffness where my alars were reduced. It's been about 11 months for me.
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Thank you so much. At least I now know what to expect and will try to keep positive about this healing progress. It is SUCH a daunting experience and I really do NOT wish it upon anybody who had to go through it. I really wish if I know what I know before that the surgery that I WOULD not GO through it unless I have a summer off or about 2 months for a chin operation. I really learnt a hard lesson and lost so much of my confidence and not to say the least "reputation".
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Haha, I guess we both are looking for that tiny bit of tweaking to look even more gorgeous than we already are. XD

That is so comforting to know, thanks so much! I feel much better about going to Korea for the surgery, prior to that I was kinda worried I wouldn't be able to tell the surgeon what I wanted and might end up with a botched job. XD Have you checked out Dream/Jelim/Cinderella yet? They are well known in Korea but I think most foreigners don't check them out because they don't have English webpages.

OMG. Me too! :biggrin: A korean friend invited me to stay over at their house while I did the surgery but they're going back in May and I don't think I'll have saved up enough by then! I think I might go some time in Nov... if you're thinking about going around then don't hesitate to email me! We can share a hotel/hostel room to save costs and give each other moral support. XD If you're thinking of going in May I do think blueheavens will be there for a while, you might want to email her and ask her if she'd like to share accomodations with you. :biggrin:

Either way you can email me at [email protected] so we can share our newest findings, if you're comfortable. :biggrin:
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CrazyGirl1 - sorry for the late response, i haven't checked back in a while. that's exactly what happened with my mom, she had 3 creases and the other only double; then one day one of them went single. and mine, well sometimes the other goes single and it's uneven. i think a normal double eyelid surgery will fix it. i have been wanting to get mine done but i don't know where. i want mine to just match the other side, or maybe do both to make them bigger. it's sooo annoying! lol

have you played with eyelid tape or glue? sometimes that could help if you do it long enough.
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Hi guys... You all seem to be talking about Dr Chuang doing Silicone and Gortex... however do any of you know if he does Ear Cartiledge? If i use my own for tiplasty do u guys know how much Rhinoplasty cost with DR Chuang?

If u have done nose surgury with Dr Chuang plz tell me the price
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I thought ear cartiledge will eventually heal back? Your ear isnt chopped in half or anything right? its just from the back side?
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CrazyGirl1 - Sag? wow i had no idea. I've played with both and it did train my eye to do double for a while, but since it's not permanent, I have to get surgery in the future. :sad:

Sorry about your uneven eye... i know it's uncomfortable but we all have to live with what we have.
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I am living USA now. How about u?i think i will go there this year, and now i also want to have a lot of information before i go there.

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