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you will probably need to stay in the area for about 1 week.
depending on what kind of double eyelid procedure you do, the dr may need to remove stitches in a few days.
it will take 4-8 weeks for you to start to look normal.

some articles pertaining to injectible fillers in the nose. probably not a good idea to get a filler...yes it's cheaper, but it can cause permanent damage.



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Hi vikiviki!
I'm planing to go there this year. but i'm considering about which doctor to do my nose. if i go there soon, i will share with u. how about u? when will u go to korea. i really don't want to go there myself.
so, i cung muon co ban cung di den do de bac si se lam ky hon ko co nhu truong hop cua may ban o benh vien BK clinic..

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Hey guys. I found a really sad story on the internet. It's about a woman who went to Romania to get her nose done. She went to doctors who were considered very good too. Here's the story:
It's heartbreaking. I send her warm wishes that she will have a successful revision in North America and that she can be happy again.
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oh wow, poor woman. they really messed up her nose. she was very pretty before. i wish i'd read her story before i got my surgery. i wish her the best as well.
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Hi all, I visited the Oz clinic and the consultation was okay. I also want to check out Dream Plastic Surgery Clinic in Apkujong.

Dr. Park at Oz said an I-implant would be good for me and I also talked to him about gettin the eyelids with medial ep done at the same time as well. He said I should get the nasal tip elevated (wil this make me look like ms.piggy??) Total cost may run around 3 mil KRW ~$2,046 USDollars

I'm wondering if anyone wants to share a hotel with me post-op????? hotels around the gangnam-gu area (includes apkujong, nonghyun, shinsa,hakdong,gangnam,etc) run about 180,000 KRW ~$121 USDollars...if we split it, it's not too bad :smile: Plus it would be nice to share the experience with someone :smile:
Aiming for a June 30th operation?
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Do you live in Seoul? If yes, so why is the need of finding a hotel if you already live there. ^^

If you live in Korea, you can visit Dr Jung, Dream Clinic, Clinic 9, BK Clinic, Migo Clinic also.
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Hi! Well, yes I live in Seoul, but in an officetel (apt) that my school gave me as part of my teaching contract. My contract is done the last day of June, so no more apt. that's why :crybaby:
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This is a question for those of you guys who had both chin and nose done. I just had my nose revision to correct some minor problem which crop up and so far am happy for the result. I end up getting a chin surgery also to balance out my asymetricalness and also a bit of chin reciding. It is not so obvious to me when I look at myself in the mirror that I have a bit of chin recession but when I look at a web cam, its more obvious. The doctor pointed out to me before that I should consider it but I have always been very conservative about making any big chances to my face.

Anyways I now look so much prettier with this chin implant along with my slimmer nose. Honestly if I did not get the chin done, I don't think people EVEN notice that I had my nose corrected. I try covering the chin just to verify and its true, I looked like before except my nose is just a slight bit slimmer. The doctor had to fix my alar because it got wider over time.

When I uncover my new chin I look like I have oval face rather than the fuller (bit roundish) look I have before. I look like a different person except much more prettier than before. It REALLY broke my heart as I did not want it to come out this way. I don't know who this person I am looking at in the mirror and it confuses me. People at work really notice the change in my face and thus I felt so ashame of myself. I told my doc about this and he said to give it another 2 weeks to see the change and if I still feel that I can't live with the new chin I can have it remove. I told him in the beginning that I DO NOT want to have my look ALTER my overall appearance and he did the simulation on the computer to show me how it will turn out. I was looking at a familiar face at the time he showed to me but how come I am looking so different now. I am at my 10 days post operation.

Can of you dear souls who have had chin and nose operations share your experience please. I would really like to hear from you. I felt really sick in my stomach at this point in time to go through such strange emotions. Would I get myself back eventually and how long did it took for you to feel like yourself again. Even my lovely smile had changed due to chin operation.

Thank you very much.
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I am in mid 30s. The receding is about 3 mm. He puts 5 mm silicon above the muscle of my chin and so nothing is lower than the lowest part of the bone on my chin. It is suppose to make my chin to project towards the front and not make it longer but at the current time, it makes my face longer hence it looks oval. I know oval is the idea look but I liked my roundish look much more. He said it will shrink to 3 mm in time but I really need it to be instantaneous as I can't afford 2 months for it to shrink or for the swelling to be completely go away.

As for the slimming, he did nothing to the bridge and tip and so I had a closed operation on my nose. The method he applied actually came from a new methodology that was implemented by another renounce surgeon in the States. Darn that I have VERY short memory as well but I could have gotten the name of that surgeon and the article in which he published the methodology that does not cause pinched or fixated smile. I can email the doc to get him to send me the article as he lets me read it while I was waiting for him to prepare me for surgery.

What the surgeon did to reduce the side of the alar is cut the flesh of the 2 side of the nose. It is the between flesh on each side/wall of the nose. How he does it is beyond my comprehension. He then sutures the part the side of your nose to your face (4 sutures through and through) to reduce the side. The after math is that you actually look like a "bull" because you can see your nostril REALLY flaring out. What you're really seeing now is the obvious suturing and SWELLING. There is a lot stitching in that "between" of your nose and so you think your nostril is going show a lot. It really scared me for the first 4-5 days because you actually do looks like you have a bull nose. On top of that, the swelling really contributed to the bull-looking nose as well. I think for people who want this procedure done really SHOULD have AT LEAST 2 and half week to recuperate. Normally the doc does not thinks any of this and how it could inconvenient one but it does causes quite an inconvenient so BE WARE.
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Want2Change you're so courageous. I would have FREAKED out after seeing the bull look. We always assume the worse you know, like it would never go away, and that it was a huge mistake.
How does your chin recede when you're so young? It's not like you're 50.
I'm glad you feel you look good now. Perhaps don't worry so much. There's this guy that used to come on here and he mentioned he had major identity issues after doing jaw shaving, chin implant, and nose implant. He did look quite different from the way he looked before. His name was Jez, I think.
I don't think he posts on here anymore.
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Oh I am telling you, I normally react very gently and in slow-mode in the presence of others. But in the dark, I am an emotional wreck. Thank for your words of encouragement but I think this is really IT for me.

Thats why I ALWAYS recommend people to GO VERY slow in what they want to do with their face. There is too much emotional issues in multiply surgeries to process along with the everyday life you need to get thru.

Actually chin recession is not that apparently in my family. None of my siblings have this problem EXCEPT me and I do think I know why. I have had amples of teeth taken out the same time and had to wear braces for 5 years in my teen in order to pull all the teeth together. Believe it or not, braces can change the structure of the lower part of your face. My othodontist did told me that I should consider getting a a jaw surgery to fix the under bit after I had the braces remove but I did not understand why I have to had it then but now I know why and it is to fix the minor issue of what wearing braces did to me. Well at least i had straight teeth now.

For now I will just have to endure thru another 2 weeks to see the full results of how my chin will deswell. I would still like to hear from others what they though of their chin operation though.
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After reading many posts here about people's negative experiences with plastic surgery, I feel that I might be one of the lucky ones. Also statistically speaking, men have a higher rate of dissatisfaction with their results...so I feel even more fortunate.

My chin actually makes me look more masculine and give better balance to my face. It does give me a longer more oval face too. I don't like round faces so maybe that's why I like my outcome. I also really like how my nose turned out. I had alar base reduction and never got the "bull" look you described.

I think it can take up to a year for all the swelling in the chin to go down. I still feel some tenderness when I apply pressure to my chin. Dr. Lee thought a large implant would best suit me but opted to give me a medium-sized implant instead because he felt that most patients wouldn't be able to deal psychologically with having a Jay Leno chin for a year until the swelling subsides.
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I have a question or a few. Can the alar or nostrils get wider after alarplasty? I mean much does your nose change after all the healing is done and swelling is gone, like years after. How much does the implant go down over time, how much would the tip change, etc?
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