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i'm beyond excited!! :smile:)

i meant to say in my last post, do dr. require the 10% deposit for the consultation?!
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i don't think for consultation.. but they do charge a consultation fee, if thats what they're asking for
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hi NNhongnheo!!!!!!!!!!! are u still there??????
are u vietnamese. i' m vietnamese. i really want to go korean to make my nose. have u done your nose yet? if yes, can u share ur experience if u don't mind. thanks alot.
[​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
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It has been awhile since I posted.

From my experience ps won't solve your self-image issues. The most important thing is to love your-self. If you think how you look right now is some how preventing you from doing anything in your life then I don't think you should go get plastic surgery. You should solve you image problem first, before you decide if you really need ps. I think if you just get ps, your self-image problem will come back. Perhaps you should try therepy? You have no disability, so what's holding you back from doing the things you love?

I think haivng PS taught me that looks aren't everything. Not being a 9/10 shouldn't stop you from enjoying your life. Go on trips, go make friends, go experience life. Go have fun! Maybe you can't be a movie star, but why can't you enjoy life and do what you love?

Don't compare yourself to others. There are always ppl who are better looking. I think a happy person is a beautiful person.

To answer your question regarding silicone vs. goretex. Both are foreign objects. The body will have some sort of a reaction to them. Silicone is better for definition, while goretex is less defined but it hugs the nose, so it's great for making subtle changes that no one can notice.

There are different types of goretex though. There's the soft sheets, and harder blocks. Sheets tend to be less mobile and can be very subtle. Blocks can move just like silicone. Blocks are also very hard to remove withour causing tissue damage.

I think aesthetically Goretex is better at making natural results although a skill surgeon can have natural results with silicone too. Both silicone and goretex have the same reject / infection rates. (Goretex might be a bit higher).

Myself have a silicone L shaped implant. Currently looking for revision with Dean Toriumi In Chicago who uses rib Cartilage.

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thanks for the advice silverlight,

anyway so how come your getting revision done? is it just that you dont like the results or is it because the implant is causing some complications, like contraction, protrusion or signs of infection?

i read that goretex is less prone to rejection because it allows particals with the nose to somehow flow thur it and eventually mesh together with it, however the reason why silicon can cause complications was because it doesnt allow this, and the body builds a caseing like substance, which surrounds the silicon implant causing various problems???

im confused now....help? someone? anyone?
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Hi there. Goretex allows limited tissue growth because it's porous (little tiny holes). This limited in growth is not enough to protect against infection. I know for sure it has about the same infection rate as a silicone implant. It does have lower extrusion rates than L silicone implants.

I'm going for revision because my implant moves and I'm tired of worrying about other ppl bumping my nose. Also, I think some ppl can tell I have an implant, it just looks too silicone...I think your own cartilage is a implant material that have the highest chance of lasting a lifetime without issues. I want to enjoy my life without having to worry about my nose again.

Lots of ppl have silicone and goretex implants without problems. So no need to be freaked out. Get a skilled surgeon. Just understand the risk involved and be OK with removing the implant when problems develop.

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hey silverlight, do you mind me asking how much is toriumi charging you for the revision? you can pm me if you want it to be private : )
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mkryu, could you send me before and after pictures of your nose? After reading your post, as well as others, he's moved to the top of my list. And one more question, how much was the consultation and procedure? TIA!!!
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Correct me if I'm mistaken, but mkryu had his rhinoplasty with Dr Lee in Beverly Hills, right? I had rhino with Dr Lee last year. He charges $100 for consultation and then applies that to the surgery if you choose to have it with him. I was first quoted $7900 for rhinoplasty (ear cartilage and silicone implant) and then they went down to 6900. They, like almost every plastic surgery business will first have you see the doctor in the exam room and then they pass you over to their surgery scheduler who will give you a price and then they'll say, "well, we like you, so I'll ask the doctor if he'll go down on price." Then they leave and come back to you and say, "ok, the doctor said that he'll go down in price; but only for you." Then the patient agrees to the surgery and then goes away thinking they got a good deal. This is how it works.

As for Dr Lee: I wouldn't say that I'm completely satisfied. My right ear does not look like it used to. I can't put an iPod earphone in my ear anymore. The silicone in my nose is crooked and my chin implant is obviously crooked too. My impression from this forum is that Dr Lee does a lot of revisions of his own work. My gut feeling is that he's busy because he does a lot of advertising on the internet....I don't think he is busy because of word of mouth or satisfied customers. I only wish I knew this earlier....oh well.

Of course not all doctors will have 100% satisfied customers, but I really don't think my case was very hard. I did not have outrageous expectations. At least he could've put my chin implant straight! (Plus he's gonna charge me to fix it even though it's his fault!) Just wanted everyone on this forum to hear about my experience with him and proceed with caution!

By the way, I saw Dr Babak Azzizadeh in Beverly Hills also for consulation. He was a very nice doctor. He was very patient and even invited me to come back to the office if I had any other questions. The only reason I didn't go with him is because he didn't have any Asian nose "before and after" photos. I didn't want to be a guinea pig. And also, he wanted to do the surgery as an open procedure. But I really did like him and occasionally wonder what my outcome would be if I went with him......
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Hi Cocoleehan
i'm Vietnamese too and planning to go to korea as well. I want to do face bone surgery but still haven't decided which doctor/clinics to go to.
Are you going there soon? Can you share your experience when you go there?
Hope to to hear from you soon.
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Hi Everyone!!
I'm in Seoul (I work here) and I think I want to get a double-eyelid surgery and nasal dorsum surgery when my contract is up. I want to get it done and then leave in 2 days? Is that possible? I don't know what to do post-operation...I want to go back to the USA (my home) without looking like a TOTAL mess. Im thinking about goin to the Oz clinic in Nonhyung. Anyone have a good experience with them??

I've also thought about doing the injectible filler (Radiesse) to augment my nose. Only downside is that it will last maybe up to a year.

:faint: I'm so scared that it will look weird, but I WANT TO BE PRETTY DAMNIT!!!
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