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Hi Titimo,

I just had my first consultation with Dr. Rival today for rhinoplasty. You're one of the few members in this forum who has had an alarplasty procedure with him. I'm just wondering whether you could comment on your experience in a bit more detail. I would really appreciate your input on a few of my concerns. Was your experience with Dr. Rival at all negative? I'm particularly worried about scarring and recovery time. Have your incisions healed well? I will be taking a week off of school for the surgery and I'm worried that the surgery will still be very obvious after week 1.
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surgery in march
hey peeps!

ANYONE looking to go to seoul for surgery in March? i am going in early march and need someone to accompany me. i think i will be depressed if i had to recover from the surgery all by myself. please PM me .
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True, many Pinoy stars look more Caucasian/Latin because that's what they are..they're of mixed blood, especially actresses. A lot of them are half white. That's why they look more Caucasian. It's not like they're actresses who had tons of surgery, so they could look like that. On the other hand, there are also a lot of stars that are full-blooded who are also beautiful and don't look Caucasian. I know that having light skin is preferred in our country, but I'm not sure if you would call that the Eurasian look. I just think that it's one thing to have plastic surgery to enhance your features to look better, and another thing to have surgery to the point that you're erasing your ethnicity. But I guess in some cases, the person ends up looking mixed after surgery with no intentions of looking like one.

Bottom line, whether you're Korean, Chinese, or Filipino...you can have surgery (i.e. nose augmentation) to look good and still retain your ethnicity right? That's just my take on that. I'm planning to have a rhino to enhance my beauty, but not purposely doing it to look "Eurasian"...

Only my opinion.. But I guess everyone has their own standard of beauty. Whatever floats your boat I guess....lol.
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i have uneven eyelids... and it bothers me so much lol.

i used to have single on both eyes, then as i grew up, i got double on both eyes but one is uneven. it's so weird, and i need to get surgery to correct it.

i dunno about the blanket thing..maybe it's just not a permanent crease, like how mine is?
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how many mm did you get increased on your bridge?
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Hey there

When are you getting the calf reduction done? I am so interested in hearing your experience. I wanna know all the details! Please email me on [email protected] if you don't mind. I'm getting it done in December...just in time for it to heal before my 25th birthday.

good luck


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Both Pops Fernandez and Jolina Magdangal are very attractive. I think they aren't mixed.

My intentions were just to look better. My new nose and chin just happened to give me more of a mixed look.
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Seoul is also good for shopping!
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Hey antheamae,

Really have you booked in for march already? im going to get my surgery done in april, im scared about it as well, but a little excited.
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ó ìåíÿ áûëè äëèííûå âîëîñû... ñíà÷àëà îíè ñòðàøíî ëåçëè,à ïîòîì áàö è îáëîìèëèñü (÷àñòè÷íî) "äî ïëå÷". ß ïîäñòðèãëà âñå âîëîñûäî îäíîãî óðîâíÿ. íî âîëîñû ïðîäîëæàþòñÿ îáëàìûâàòüñÿ,òîëüêî òåïåðü âûøå... ìîæåò êòî çíàåò ÷òî äåëàòü?!×óâñòâóþ ñêîðî íàâåðíîå ìîãó îñòàòüñÿ áåç âîëîñ?!
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Finkle, I woke up one day and I noticed that on one eyelid I have an extra crease, so that eye has a triple crease while the other eye has a double crease (natural). One eye looks bigger than the other!
Do you know what kind of surgery can fix this???

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I need to go back to taiwan for another touch up on my nose and at the same time am considering a chin operation to balance out the new nose, lol. Just want to get some feedback on any of you guys have had it and how do you feel about it now. When you response, can you let me know how long have you had your chin operated and do you feel its natural at all? Does it CHANGE your face shape by certain degree? When you smile, does it looks weird, for example, does your chin sticks out like one of those puppet? Any happy ending or regrets? Any of your stories are greatly appreciated. We are all here to share our experience right :biggrin:

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Anne, I skimmed through a bit about your profile and you're turning 25 years old right? I am 11 years of your senior and so I want to ADVICE to go slowwwwwwly in attempting to change your face/body. As for the calves reduction, here are the facts: IT WILL HURT in the operation and healing process itself but Dr. Jong is good doctor. You will not be put to sleep. You will get a deep freeze on your spine just a like a getting the needle for delivering a new born. Your upper part will be awake.

First 3 days - bed ridden
1 week - mobility will start
1 month of inconvenient in terms of walking

Choose your time frame wisely as there will be a lot of inconvenient.

I like my results :smile:

Hope this help.

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I would like to know why you had to go in for 2 revisions....I had my initial surgery in Sept 08, and got a revision 5 days later because I thought it looked off-center. Now I think it looks slightly crooked. I wonder if you had the same experience as me.

I also had ME and the scar willl eventually look better but has not completely gone away. I can also see a scar inside my nostril -it's not an indent, it actually pops out.

I'd like to talk more about Dr Lee with you....if you want, you can email me. Hopefully, we can share our experience and get some reassurance about our results. [email protected] (also, anyone else who wants to talk about Dr Lee)

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