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Hi Cocoleehan
Actually I want to do mandible reduction and cheekbone reduction but I'm still confused which doctor to go to. I'll gather and tell you some more info about nose surgery while searching for my surgery. I haven't decided the time yet because I want to choose which doctor I should go first. Also I want to hear some more comments about people who already did PS in Korea in order to make a right decision.
But anyway when will you go there? Where are you living now?
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To: A_better_me

Hey, it's so cool to know you're working in Korea, how is it? My advice would be to probably seek some help from your Korean colleagues, and if possible, bring one with you to the consult. They'll be able to help convey what you want to your doctors better and also I hear many PS stories where foreigners are charged higher prices than Koreans. So if you have a native Korean there he/she may be able to haggle it down for you. :smile:

Anyway I think you're incredibly brave to be doing this on your own. Good luck! The swelling for eyes usually goes down within a month? For a nose/face job it might take a little more time. So you probably have some time still if you want to scout out some of the other clinics in Seoul. :smile:
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Hi wannabepretty (hahah similar to my name:smile:

I'm Korean-American (gyopo) but it didn't really matter with the plastic surgeon, most speak English really well. It's their secretaries you can't communicate with :smile:

I want to fix my nose and eyes but I don't have anywhere to stay without inconveniencing anyone. Sigh. how bout you? are u gonna have a procedure done in Korea??:idea:
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Hi everyone, I found this thread on plastic surgery because I'm doing a report for school in my social anthropology class. I'm half Korean and half French, but I grew up in Seoul, Okinawa, Taiwan, Singapore, and Seattle (our family traveled a lot due to my dad's work). Anyways, I just wanted to comment on something that I noticed:

Actually, no offense Jennifer, but there is a lot of truth to the idea that Asian plastic surgery is fueled by a desire to look "more western." I've lived all over Asia and there is a HUGE amount of "western idolizing." My Korean classmates frequently talked about how Caucasian people were so lucky to be born naturally beautiful ("naturally beautiful" to them means having large colorful eyes, tall noses, and big boobs for the women). On multiple occassions, people took pictures of my mother (she is French) because as they jokingly put it, they wanted to "steal" her nose. I've been accused many times of having plastic surgery because I look Asian, but with "ipune (beautiful) white features"... Really unattractive white men have come to teach English at my schools, and everyone thinks they are so hot, even though in American they would be considered totally unattractive. But they are "beautiful foreigners."

I think all of this is ridiculous. But my point is that many Asians definitely have plastic surgery because they covet Caucasian features. And whether or not they consciously ask to look more western, it's undeniable that tall noses, large eyes, and double eyelids are typically affiliated with the west. So many of the template face surgeries performed in Korea, Japan, Singapore, etc. yield men and women who DON'T LOOK ASIAN.

You might have larger than average eyes, but I'm sorry, Asians do on average have smaller eyes. Every single class I've been in, probably about 1 out of 30 kids has large eyes. Why do you think sangapur (eyelid) surgery is the #1 surgery in Asia, but American plastic surgeons don't even offer it? Because having a double eyelid is a dominant feature that easily appears amongst Caucasians... whereas the majority of Asians (I'm not just making this up, you can read about it in plastic surgeon medical journals) don't have double eyelids.

If you actually live all over Asia, you will see that there is a LOT of truth to articles that say Asians have plastic surgery to look more westernized. It's so blatant it's not even funny.
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You're entitled to your opinions, and the thing about asians desiring bigger eyes MIGHT be true, but the double eyelids that asians crave for are usually in MOST cases, NOT the same as caucasians (deep set with an extremely high crease). The typical beautiful asian double eyelid does NOT look anything like the type caucasians have. I'm at work now so i can't dig out the pics for proof but yea. And you must really have been seeing the wrong before and after plastic surgery pics. I think i've explored asian plastic surgery enough to know that alot of top quality plastic surgery work does not make a person's face look westernized. But i guess by YOUR definition, as long as the nose is high/sharp, i guess that makes it western eh?

About the nose, just because you haven't seen asians with naturally high noses doesn't mean there aren't any. In the northen part of China, there are loads of chinese naturally born with extremely high and sharp noses. But to say that desiring a higher/sharper nose just because someone wants to look western can't be further from the truth. Many indians have really high and sharp noses, so going by your logic, i should be able to say asians want to look like indians too?

There are honestly plenty of beautiful asian celebrities who don't look the least bit caucasian even with big eyes and high/sharp nose. By that i mean, people don't go, "Hey that dude looks like he's a caucasian-asian mix". All they see is an attractive asian face. I'll probably update this post with some pics to show what i mean.

Just don't be so stereotypical. I don't deny that there's plenty of people who want to look western-ized, but to say that everyone who wants a high/sharp nose with bigger eyes has intent to look westernized is.. just a flat out fallacy
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Hi there,

Read about you're in teaching contract in Korea. Do you know if it's possible to get a job in Seoul if i didnt have any Bachalor Cert?

By the way, how do you find Dr Park from OZ Clinic? He can speak English quite well. But not every other PS Drs. Mostly their websites are also in korean, even if I wanted to surf. Can't understand them at all. How much does he charged for I-implant with ear cartilage?

Hope you feedback on other PS Drs too... thanks so much....
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Hi A_better_me,

I have had a non-surgical nose job with Radiesse last year.
The injections werent painful and the swelling went down in 1 day.
I went to work the next day.
I like the effect it it.
I had a little dip in my nose and that was filled in and also the doctor was able to raise my bridge btwn my eyebrows slightly.
It wasnt a dramatic change. But my nose is alot straighter now.
Tho its great how it all happened in under 30 mins.
I did it to see how I would look with a nose job before I comitted to a permanent change.
I am now going to wait for it to dissolve over the next 12 - 18 months so I can have proper nose surgery.
Right now I am researching the best nose surgeon to go with.

I recently had a boob job too in Perth, Australia.
I am very happy with the results.

Let us know how it goes with your surgery!

Good luck!
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Hi Hello Kitty!! :biggrin:
hah i love hello kitty! soo cute.and classic (aka did u see M.A.C.'s limited edition hello kitty collection???)

Anyway....Yea!!!, I was up alll last night til like 4am looking at articles about injectable fillers like Radiesse. I think I will do it in the States, since I don't think many of the Korean doctors here have any experience with it. You said you got it done last year? I've read that it lasts 10-12 months? Also, I've heard about the permanent filler, Artifill, but...I am wary of it since the material is harder to remove if a complication should arise. Anyway, I'm think that paying $1000 USdollars or so for this non-permanent fix is worth it. I don't want to end up regretting how weird I look if I do the permanent nasal dorsum implant surgery.

I would like to get it done in NY. I've heard Dr. Cameron Rokshar is highly recommended.

AHHHH!!!!!!:yahoo: I AM SOOOO EXCITED about gettin this makeover. It's about freakin time, feel like it's been holding me back from my true potential. (I'm not ugly at all, but i feel i could be soooo much better :smile::smile:
In 3 mo. I plan on deepening/sharpening my slight eye crease (double eyelid with medial ep)... I've been told with the crease, I look just like my beautiful mom (WHO BY THE WAY, WAS BORN WITH THE NATURAL EYECREASE, JUST LIKE HER MOTHER AND FATHER AND BROTHER--FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO THINK KOREANS DON'T HAVE IT NATURALLY).

then on to NY for the injectable, and ---> CONFIDENCE! wooo-hoo!:woohoo:
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Hey there!

There are education laws in Korea that forbid Hakwons (academies) to hire a teacher without a Bachelor's Degree. ( so you must have at least a B.A.) Also, you must be a NATIVE English speaker, meaning you would have had to have been born in the USA, Canada, U.K, Australia, NZ, Ireland, sometimes South Africa is OK too. OR, you immigrated at a very young age to one of these English-speaking countries. Of course, in a telephone interview, if you can prove that you are competent enough in the English language and have a fluid North American/English accent, you could be OK. I myself was born in America and have no Korean-accent at all, since I can't really speak Korean (shame on me). Nevertheless, I ran into a weird backward-racism when I first tried to find a job here, since all they saw was my Korean face and last name and assumed that I wouldn't be as good as a white/black foreigner. I know...weird.

As for your PS questions, my friend actually told me about Oz.
I'm sorry, but I don't know what Dr. Park charges for I-implant plus ear cartilage. All he said was 1 million Korean Won ($800) for I-implant alone. Adjusting the nasal tip (he recommended that I elevate it a bit), would cost an additional 1.5 million~2 million Won.

At this point, I'm not 100% committed to Dr. Park performing my eye-lid surgery.
I want to check out the Dream Clinic since the doctors there come from the best medical schools in South Korea and of course...speak English.

Best of luck!
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hi again,
yes i love hello kitty... she is so cute! and i saw the post about the new mac range... not sure if they have any in Perth yet.
I think that radiesse is pretty safe. I had a cosmetic surgeon inject me with it in Nov 08. It wasnt very painful as some websites make it out to be. But I do have a high pain threshold (i didnt consider my boob job that painful). The good thing about it, is your awake while the dr is injecting it... so you can tell them where you want more projection ect. Then they keep your tube of Radiesse and inject you again 1 week later... in case after the swelling disappears your still uphappy with it.
There are some good youtube videos on it.
I paid AU$700 for mine. You should be able to get it cheaper in the US. I heard some people only pay US$500. Its all dependent on how much Radiesse you use, but most people rarely use more than one syringe. Just make sure you get a proper doctor to inject you.
Yeah I read that on realself.com, that it can cause complications with the permanent nose job later but I think it will be fine if I wait for it to completely dissolve and get the surgery.
My Dr told me that b/c its injected in my nose its a pretty stable area and probably won't change shape until post 18 months.
I can send u some pics if you like.
I am enquiring about surgery in bangkok with Dr. Amorn Poomee. He is suggesting full cartilage graft surgery. What will you get when you get it permanently? Maybe you and me can go 2getha to Korea in 2011 and get it done permanently. hehehe... be nice to not do it alone.
Good luck with the eye surgery... your gonna b so pretty afterwards.
I hate how every1 says we are trying to look all western blah blah. Lots of asians have natural double eyelids. We just want to enhance them... I'm not going after the total western sunken in eye socket look, just prettier livlier eyes...
I know what you mean tho about wanting to be a "better you". I dont want to look like anyone else... just me but better!
So happy for you tho!!:yahoo:
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Radiesse is a GREAT idea to see what you'd look like before you take the final (and permanent) plunge! I've actually worked with a dermatologist who is a national educator for Radiesse and she does plenty of these nose bridge procedures for Asians. It looks totally natural, and under a skilled hand, these results can last 1-2 years.

No down time!

Then you can truly decide if getting surgery is right for you, after living with a higher nose bridge for one year.

btw, I just found out that I'm going to become a dermatologist!!! I have a great mentor and I plan to follow in her footsteps. :biggrin:
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Thanks for the explanation parts on getting a job in Korea! I'm just curious because felt in love with Korea when I went for a trip last year and hate current lifestyle in my country which is so stressful! But have to admit it's impossible to land a job in Korea since just having a high sch qualification and no knowledge of korean language.

Anyway, wanted to share some of my experience. I have nose filler on my nose bridge in my country, the doctor claimed it will last abt a year. But the effect i get was not really noticable and it lasted like just 3 mths!! Was so disappointed with the money spend on it.

Heard that Dr Park was "popular" because he can speaks English, so it's easier for asians who wanted to do PS to communicate with him. But after some research, i felt he charged the most reasonable price unlike other Doctors in Korea (which i email for enquiries). Dr Jung quoted US$5k for my nose and another doctor charged US$4k. Dr Park was prompt in answering to whatever area of worries we've too!

Personally I have revisional eye surgery by a reknown Dr in Korea, the result was satisfied but I've paid a high price for it! Btw, can you give me the website of DREAM CLINIC?

And with all the korean dramas & stuffs on TV, we can't help not to look and be envious of the korean stars. Now that PS is possible to achieve a more prettier and confidence look, everyone is able to pursue her dream.
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Hi all,

I've been lurking around this forum topic since forever because I'm planning to get rhinoplastry done but I'm in a dilemma because some people say BK Dongyang Clinic is bad and some say it's good too.

I'm Asian and i'll be turning 21 this year. I'm flying to Korea this Spring in May. This is going to be a huge thing for me and I'm pretty nervous about it. From all the reading, I know that Dr Jung is good but it seems that he's better with the guys than girls. Are there any recommended clinics that are better with female noses because I really don't wanna end up with a uglier nose. I've read that Dream Clinic is good too but their site has some problem loading on my safari. The thing about my nose is that I have a bridge (it's not exactly very high too though) but it's just bulbous at the bottom and my tip isn't high enough.

I'm pretty skeptical about inserting various implants because of the side effects or it being too unnatural like too high for my face because I don't really look my age. I get it from almost everyone I meet who thinks I look like I'm still in high school but I'm not. I'm in my 2nd year in University already. I'm also scared that getting rhinoplastry done will make me look way way older but I guess it's not a huge concern because I've pretty much settled upon getting it.

Please advise on which doctors should I consider too. I hope you guys can reply to this too! It will be greatly appreciated :smile:
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Help, please help me decide. For those who are satisfied with their nose job, can you please email me your before and after pictures? I'm planning to go to Philippines to get my nose job on May. I want my nose to look like this japanese dude.
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I think facial attractiveness has to do alot with facial proportions/symmetry. So whether a person has big eyes or a thin tall nose does not determine whether that person is attractive. We have to see how that nose or eyes looks in relation to everything else on that person's face. Perhaps globally, there is a westernized standard of beauty. After all, most of the world lives in a Westernized lifestyle...clothes, entertainment (music, tv, arts), economy, justice system, etc... Maybe we are just all accustomed to Western beauty so that when we see an asian person that has a face that is similarly proportioned, we find it attractive? Also within each society, the people that are considered beautiful usually possess a trait that is unique, a physical trait that most of the population does not possess. (i.e. in Caucasian men: a square jaw (Brad Pitt), Caucasian women: full lips (Angelina Jolie), in Asian Women: high narrow nose and 'V' shape face). So it may or not be the case that these people are attractive because they look more Western. It can be the case that they are attractive because they have some physical trait that is unique to that population.

Here's a video I found about facial proportions and symmetry in Koreans.
Secret of Korean Beauty: Beauty is Science
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