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My eyes are so mismatched right now but I don't want to keep dwelling on it because I've had enough depression over it. Hopefully my revisional surgeries coming up will fix it. I might need this fat grafting or whatever but will see what the doctor says.

What is wrong with your nose? (Sorry, can't recall & too lazy to read back again) :supacool:
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Hi keennose,

Your welcome, so far I'm happy with my progress but a full result will only be seen after 3months time. I'll try to update and share my photo of progress with all of you.

After I came back to Singapore, I'm too lazy to used warm compress lah:P

BTW, is your thread inside your nostril? I though those thread inside nostril should be self-desolve?
The gal who did reivisonal rhinoplasty, only removed her alar stitches and the rest is self disolve wan leh.

Can share you before and after photo with me, here's my e-mail : [email protected]

I wish you good luck :heart:

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Prettygirl85, thanx for sharing ur story with us - this kind of feedback is invaluable! When did you get the surgery done, and is there ANY improvement at all?
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Keenose - I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. I think Jang's auntie is right, don't do it yourself whatever you do! Gosh it makes me so mad that these docs are not as careful as they should be! I mean, we are not doctors, so why should we operate on ourselves (dig into hole etc...) That's why we pay so much $$$ to get looked after by a professional!

I think the others are right and the best thing to do now is to get it looked at by another PS - if you don't like that PS or you don't feel comfortable with him/her you don't have to use him/her. It just means it's gonna be more $$$ gone...

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if it's the black nylon thread.. my aunt says it's not that big of a deal.. It's better to wait a year, when your nose is completely healed, then to take it out, then to take it out during the healing processes (i'm guessing u already did your cold/warm compresses) What post-op date are you on right now??

i'm on my 2nd hah... the afternoon after, and my eyes are nose are quite swollen!!!
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i will post pictures when it's completely healed.. The doctor that did my nose is 'dr.fang' he owns his own clinic, but my aunt is good friends with him, so he went to my aunt's clinic to do the surgury for me. My aunt specializes in double eylid and breast, i think the doctor that did my nose was pretty good. His english isn't very well though.. I mean I know chinese so I spoke to him in Chinese.
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im only on my 3rd day post-op, so my nose definately looks very swollen. But about Dr.Fang, I don't really know where his clinic is, or if he has a website, cause my aunt is friends with him, and she just tells him to come to her place whenever she has customers that want rhinoplasty. After I am completely healed though I will take pictures, let u guys see, then get his information for you guys if you guys want.

But if you want your breasts done, I can definately suggest my aunt :smile:
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Does anybody have any information or comments on these two Dr. Changs work from Taipei.

His web site is :

There is another Dr. Chang and his web site is the following.

The first dr. chang seems to very knowledgeable in terms of the asian nose and its achitecture. He web site show a lot of noses he had done and majority of them are quite natural but there is one or two did not make a big difference. He even mentioned 17 years of study done on injected silicon nose (which is what I have) and how disappointed he had seem in cases of revision. He's not very straightforward with the cost of surgery with him thought. He also mentioned of injection of local steriod for silicon nose to prevent infection. Anybody want to comment on this. He did not think rib cartilage is good for me since its hard and unnatural to him. Hmm....now that kind of throw me off an tangent again :-O

The second dr. chang charge quite a hefty price for just nose a lone. His approach to rhinoplasty is quite radical. Man this guy is something else but I find that its interesting he posted his wife's nose on the site and should the progression of her nose after so and so years from her initial rhinopasty. Smart guy but he is so far out. It just gave me the creep when he said he's going to recommend opening up my forhead for forhead lift and insert the implant for my nose :-O
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The 2nd Dr. said he'll open up forehead & insert implant through there? That sounds pretty far out but is that the only thing that is radical about him?

Btw, I haven't really heard about these 2 doctors much but maybe someone else has :smile:
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Well the fact that he thinks I need a "Transconjunctival eyebag removal" when I already had a lower blep. surgery about 2 years ago. And the fact that he suggested inserting an implant through the forehead to give me a nose job. I know what he means and my forehead is slight sinken in but I did not ask him for that nor do I want some implant to move from my head down to my nose. I don't want to mess around my brian area eventhough I know that conventional surgery can offer a lot help to those who badly need a face lift. On top of that he thinks I need a nostril reduction. I have never thought I have a big nostril at all nor do I have a complex about it. He was the first to comment on it.

Anyways, I just though it was interesting to receive his assessment of me and it gave me a good laugh afterwards.
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I just finished watching this. My personal opinion is it very true to today social stigma. Good movie.
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