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Hi Nicole

Don't worry about your epi scars yet. Just give it time. For a short while, I was a bit concerned about mine. Now, I'm giving it more than 6 months to see what happens. Dr Jong did not do the Magic Epi method for me. It was the Z method that Dr Wong uses, too, I believe. To be honest, I was more attracted to Dr Chuang's website pictures for his medial epi work. I was also very attracted by the before and after pictures of one particularly patient who did medial epicanthoplasty (kai yan tou), lateral epicanthoplasty (kai yan wei) and double eyelid surgery. In my opinion, it significantly enlarged her eyes and it suited her as well.

I went to Dr Jong because I knew he did eyelash implants and it is one of his specialties. I wasn't too thrilled by some of the pictures of his epi work. I was confident in his double eyelid surgery skills, based on a few conjectures plus my correspondence with him. Because I wanted to do the revision double eyelid, medial epi and especially the eyelash implants, I decided on Dr Jong.

My first double eyelid surgery was done in Singapore 9 years ago. It was the incisional method with laser. And no, I did not do epi back then. People whom I know who have gone to Dr Wong have done double eyelids, not epi. So I can say, based on what I have seen of his ex-patients, that he is very good at producing symmetrial eyelid folds that tend to be thick rather than thin (unless the patient requests otherwise). That seems to be his style.

This may sound terrible, but I'm already wondering whether I should go for a lateral epicanthoplasty (kai yan wei)/ procedure - i.e. cutting of the outer eyelid corners! Initially, I wanted to do the revision upper bleph/double eyelids, medial epi and lateral epi. And then, I decided I would rather the eyelash implants, cuz it is a rare procedure that to date (based on my limited research), I don't think any Singaporean surgeon performs. At one stage, I was crazy enough to consider all 4 procedures at once! :wtf: (What a nutcase I was!!!) And a couple of surgeons warned that my eyes would be VERY VERY SWOLLEN. I'm so glad I didn't opt for a 4th! 3 procedures on the eyes at once is crazy enough!

Good luck hearing back from Dr Jong! :smile: He is a lovely surgeon and good at answering emails. I'm sure you'll get a reply pretty soon.

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Hi Nicole

Did you find that the medial epi procedure noticeably lengthened or enlarged your eyes?

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If after months pass and scars are still noticable u should try eye scar reduction creams... i heard they work ,at least a little. Until then u should do pressure exercises where u press the scar to minimize it.. good luck!

Who was ur surgeon by the way?
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Thank u for always answering my questions in such detail! U're a real sweetheart *smiles*. I think if push comes to shove I'm just going to have to show him pictures and really repeat myself over adn over again and put emphasis on the words "No pinched nose, no overly large eyelids" etc etc and ask if he undestood. Now it would be funny if he'd say "yes sure, pinched nose and nice big eyelids", wouldn't that be some ****?? hahahahah, oh boy.. ok I just made myself nervous for no d*MN reason..

I was gonna have surgery with dr floewrs for a total of 10 000 usd which includes hotel, flight, food, surgery etc, and that's way to much. Upper/lower/epi alone was $8300 and i calculated how much chuang woulda charged and that's only around $2-3k's, and honestly speakin i don't shop for prices but why would u go to an expensive one just because he's in the states when u could go to a qualified/talented doctor and spent half?

Anyway, I really wish u coulda had ur surgeries done with me cuz i woulda loved to travel with u (No homo I promise ;),
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U ate before surgery? Correct me if im wrong but aren't u supposed to have a empty stomach at least 12 hrs prior to anesthesia?
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I wanna know more about lateral epi so anyone whos had it or heard about it any info would be great!

U know whats so funny about plastic surgery? I started off with only wanting to do my upper eyelids, then I thought about it and decided to go with a rhino as well, then the more time i spent in front of the mirror and the more i read about other procedures. I mean I never knew there was such thing as lateral and medial epi, i was like "WOW U COULD DO THAT??!" lol,, mad excited. So.. i ended up with wanting more:

*Eyes done
*Buccal fat
*Forehead implants
*Chin implants
*Jaw and cheek shaving
*Jaw/chin/face lipo

Then a few months later down the road I asked myself..do I really need it? Matter of fact the important question i asked myself was.. was i really lookin for an improvement or was i getting addicted, greedy and vain?

Im glad i came to my senses and chose to just do eyes and nose.. i woulda looked so diff with all those procedures done and the most ironic thing above all is I used to be the one against plastic surgery and used to talk people out of it.. boy how things change.. but as long as u dont go overboard with it, and stay true to urself thats all that matters...
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Mm... I would say it did enlarge my eyes but in the sense that its not so oriental looking. Thats it.. not in a way that is considerably bigger than without.

How is your healing of the epi? Remember try not to take shellfish to speed up recovery of the epi, as it could get itchy.

Now that beauty02 have mentioned lateral epi, it really aroused my interest! Does anyone have any information on that?

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Hi beauty07, dr. wong from gleneagles in singapore
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Nicole, lateral epi is for the outter corners and it's ''supposed'' to make your eyes longer instead of round and short.. in a way if dr's can truly succesfully perform this surgery that would be a benefit because with asians doing the double eyelids u often get the rounded look because anytime u alter something vertically while the horizontal size is not big enough it will just give u an awkward look... so what I am hoping is that the lateral epi can help me maintain that exotic look by creating an illusion of having longer/bigger slanted exotic eyes, as opposed to rounded eyes like caucasians.. u know what i mean?

so anyone that has info please help me, nicolegrey and everyone interested in this!!!!!!
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Hey Nicole,

Around when will you be leaving in March? I'm planning on going around March 12th for eyes and nose surgery... I want to stay for 7-8 days. Maybe we can go together? :smile:
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Hi Girls,

I thought i might mention that I actually contacted. Dr. Jennifer Martinick last year.

She and her office were not very helpful at all!! I don't know what kind of a Doctor she is, but the experience i had with dealing with her would turn me off being her patient...

Let me elaborate... I explained to them that i wanted to get eyelash implants for cosmetic reasons. I inquired whether they did this (as her website seems more geared towards restoring hair on old men!), how much it would cost and what the process involved. NB. None of this information appears on her website, so I thought it was a genuine inquiry.

It took almost two weeks, but one of her secretaries finally responded to my initial email. It was a very short response, and most of my questions hadn't been answered. So I wrote back and asked a few more questions. I waited almost a month for her to get back to me.

Dr. Martinick herself wrote back. She said that the lashes would be a life-long committment etc etc and asked me if i was prepared to live with having to have them curled etc.

I responded back 'yes' and asked a few more questions about the actual operation.

That was in about September last year. I'm still waiting for her answer.

I understand that she is a Doctor and must be really busy. To be honest, I probably would not expect that she herself would respond to clients emails. However, if that is the case, you'd think she might get one of her assistants to respond for her?!

Overall, she/her clinic did not seem at all interested in having me as a patient, and did not seem all that keen on carrying out the eyelash implant operation for purely cosmetic reasons.

My gut tells me that Dr. Jong is going to be a hell of a lot cheaper than her (i think they charge about $6000), and a little more interested in 'us' as the patients....

Obviously I have never met the woman, so I can't comment on her skill as a surgeon...Who knows, she might be the best in the world, but customer service is almost as important to me, especially when i have never had any kind of surgery before...I would liek to know that they are going to be interested enough to help me out if anything goes wrong in the future. ....

Just my 2 cents!
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Aww! I wish we could've gone together.

I'm getting a rhinoplasty at Dr. Chuang's next month. :biggrin: Yup, I'm also gonna be staying at Deja Vu, since it seems to be the most convenient hotel in close proximity to the clinic.

P.S. Does anyone know if having a rhinoplasty in any way changes your voice? Because I love singing, and I wouldn't want it to alter or run my voice in any way, shape, or form, 'cause that would suck.
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Hi miu_miu,

I wish we can go together, but I'm rather fixed on the 1st week of March and most probably be leaving on the day you arrive.

Are you heading for Dr. Chuang by the way? If yes, how was your communication with him (as in, was he prompt in replying emails? - coz I emailed him on monday and have yet to receive anything - my friend says to give it a week grace though, so I'm just wondering, I'm just anxious I guess! haha:smile:)

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Hi Ataraxy,

May I know how long are you planning to stay there? I was thinking if 12 days is a comfortable sufficience so that I will look at least presentable on the flight back.

And may I also ask how long approximately did Dr.Chuang replies? Sorry to be rather naggy here.. anxious me just wana have some sort of grounding for my planning!!

Thanks a mil!!:smile:
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