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I have not personally spoke to him yet but i have researched his fees on local message boards. His patients on average paid 5000 to 7000 but i only want an alar base reduction and maybe alittle tip projection, and bridge even-ing, which now that i think about it will probably amount to the same.He's really popular so i have to wait for a while for my cosultation.
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I currently plan on going with Dr. Lee in Beverly Hills because one of my close friends have actually gone to him and he did an excellent job. I've also thought about going to korea to get it done since my friend says that nose jobs are a pretty common thing over but i had trouble deciding on where over there since my options were endless (there were so so many to choose from). plus, even though my friend does have a place over there i can't fly back and forth for post op and stuff. Even though i would probably save quite a bit from doing it over there I feel better getting it done by someone who has done a great job on someone i know. Although his price has changed dramatically (i'll be paying 4,000 more than my friend did 2 summers ago). I'll be graduating this year and i think of it as a reward for finishing my 4 year degree. =)
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Hey, thank you for the great information. That was very educational.

I am a huge fan of Dr. Tseng's work, partially because of the down turned look of his nose jobs. I think the elegance of his nose has a lot to do withe way the tips droop a little. :biggrin:

I guess I'm lucky that I appreciate that particular flaw the open technique produces on the final product. haha..

For the girls that have gone to Dr. Tseng- I noticed that even though his noses all look the same, the width of the bridge seem to vary a lot. Does he let you determine the width of your bridge?
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Hi all,

Although I've been following this thread for a while now, I finally have the courage to post something today. Thank you all for the wonderful contributions and sharing, as it has indeed help me greatly.

Can anyone share with me if they have had PS done by Dr Chuang? Is he good? Are you satisfied with the result?

I am planning to have my PS done in Taiwan around early December of this year. Is anyone going during this time too? I would love to have someone to go together with. Please let me know.

Thanks. :flowers:
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Hi Guys,

I am back from Taipei. My nose is still 'very swollen' due to a bad cold. Did everyone ever experience this before? I kept on sneezing and my nose is running from time to time. Dr. Tseng took good care of my during post-op. He said that the running nose is my body's natural reaction since he had harvested septal cartillage. I hope it will go away soon because I have to go back to work today and I needn't it to be so noticable. My scar on the colummella is 90% healed- Thank God-
On the post-op, he has also given me an extra 100CC dose of Botox on my jaws. The result will be subdue in a month, he said. He has also show me operation's picture- boy- Am I Glad I did this? the previous silicone implant is so horrible and it was protrudung, thus thinning the nose's tip skin. It was also clear and in bad shape.

Guys, please think twice before chosing a doctor in the States for these cosmetic procedures. It is not that I don't trust them, (believe me, my bf is training to become a cardiologist too, and I know what kinds of training must doctors go through)- it just that if one isn't familiar and understand Asian's facial needs, they will just slab a piece of silicone into your nose--- and hoping that it will be bring the bridge higher---
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Hi Houstong!

Good to know you're back home safe! Yeah, after my op I also had a runny nose for quite a few days. Don't worry too much about it, just keep the nostrils clean. I'm waiting EAGERLY for your pics!!
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Hi Beauty07,

I'm thinking of going to Dr Chuang for PS too this winter, is it ok if I tag along with you? I'm really scared of going alone and hope to have someone to go with....could you PM me for your contact, I don't seem to be able to PM you....thanks much much....:smile:
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Sorry kittykiwi but I am going alone.. I think there are a few members here though who are going around the same time so you should try and check with them, good luck!
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Hey houstong! Good luck with your healing! its okay to have a runny nose, i had it too, but try not to sneeze so much (i know u cant help it though) because that will put pressure on your nose and makes it swollenlonger.

KIttykiwi-im thinking of going again this winter, lol, i might want to make my bridge slightly higher but im not sure yet oh and it all depends on if i have enuff money saved up or not...
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I am back at home for 3 days now. My nose is less swollen and the sinus is slowly going away. Sudaped (for nasal congestion) works well, a co-worker gave me 2 pills and my nose was completely dried out for the day. I think he said to go to the pharmacist counter and ask for a higher dosage pill, instead of buying the liquid sudaped on the shelf.
Anyhow, I think taping the nose also works wonder. Dr. Tseng and nurse Mia have explained that the tape will fixiate the implant (goretex in my case), spead up healing of the dermis (meaty layer underneath the skin that was cut during surgery), and also make it less swollen. The medicine (provided in individual portions) are switch to a smaller dosage and the Chinese herb must be taken once day, usually 30 after the medicine in-take.
Anyway, I have a presentation at my company today and did very well. Overall, I believe the surgery has given me more confident. Seeing the pictures taken during operation, I was a bit upset with my previous local doctor. The silicone implant is totally misshaped, and thining the tip of my nose. Guys, when you see the implant (silicone) starting to show on the outside, reality is that the inside has deteriate even worst.
Dr. Tseng said he will email me my pics in the next few days, if anyone want to see it, email me...
My Jaw Botox is also starting to show--- my face seem leaner than before, although I've gain 7 lbs since the operation. Taipei is such a fun place for food, and having the dosage of IV sedation made me put on the weight.
Such a long day from work+school, and just want to keep you guys posted with my healing process. Please ignore spelling and gramatical errors...hehe
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Hi, everyone! I've also been following this thread for some time (read through the zillion pages, whew!) but finally decided to take the plunge and post. It's so refreshing to hear from other people who are so candid and non-judgmental (and experts!) about their plastic surgery experiences ... I know if I brought up with most of my friends that I wanted to get something done, they would be judgmental and just ask "Why??", so it's definitely great to see that there are others here that also believe it's a personal choice and share their experiences. :smile: Everyone here looks so great in their pics!

I was wondering...
I know there are 3 "well-known" PS doctors in Taiwan:
Dr. Chang, Dr. Jong, and Dr. Chuang.
(also Dr Tseng for nose)
I was wondering which of these is best for double eyelid surgery, however?

I'm hoping to get surgery in Taiwan sometime this year with hopefully a doc that is hopefully famous or skilled at double eyelid surgery and was wondering whom everyone recommend or has heard good / bad things about? Would Chang, Tseng, or Chuang be best for eyelid surgery (or someone else altogether?) Or does anyone know any good Bay Area (San Francisco , California) surgeons?

(I read through the threads and there was a lot of discussion on these doctors and their rhinoplasty skills, but I couldn't find a whole lot on a comparison or recommendations of their double eyelid surgery skills).

Also, I already have double eyelids, but it's a mostly "inner" double in my left eye, and larger in my right eye (could sometimes qualify as a triple or 2.5 since it has an extra line somewhat O_o)

Any info you have would be great, and thanks a bunch! :smile:
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Actually i was planning on going to taipei for my bridge, although i am getting an alarplasty done with a local doctor.I was planning on going around the winter time as well, we'll see i guess what happens when december rolls in..

I wouldnt mind sharing the experience with someone else who is also in their pursuit of beauty in an exotic land... ( not that exactly exotic cus my grandma was born there.. but exotic to me as i dont speak the language or ever been there)
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