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hey want2change!

when you got your nose job done. did you visit a plastic surgeon back at home? [to make sure everything is fine??] do you have any pics of before and after? Is Andrew Chuang the same doctor from Wish Clinic?

Please & Thank You! (:
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Hi everyone,

It took me weeks to finish all 300 pages but I finally did it~! woo hoo~!! :yahoo:. After cramming all that info my mind is all confused with who did what and where :shrugs:.
I am new to this forum and I wanted to get a nose job (and maybe eyelid surgery) in Korea and I'm hoping to get one soon before I leave for the states. Reading through the forum it seems like Dr. Jung is the best for nose in Korea. If there is anyone who got a nose job from Dr. Jung can you please tell me your overall experience? Also, anyone who got alarplasty can you please tell me your experiences as well?? Do the nostrils look natural after?? is there any asymmetry??
Doobao- how was your experience with Dr. Jung?? If you don't mind, would you happen to have any pix plz??
I really appreciate all your input btw...was very inciteful and helpful :smile::tup:
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hiiiii any babes here have this Dr Gao's contact info?

What's Dr Jung's contact info/ website?

I don't think I can PM any one
Thanks a bunch!:heart:
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Glad that you find my posts useful! The girls on this forum got me through many doubts and fear and therefore, I offer my sincere appreciation to their valuable feedback. :smile:

Below is my personal opinion and I respect that others may think differently. I chose Dr. Jung for the reasons below (from highest to lowest priority):

(1) He has a sense of beauty that can create a natural nose that really fit the face. Since he uses gortex he can adjust the bridge height to a wide range (from very subtle to very high). He uses goretex for the bridge, ear/nose cartilage for the tip so the nose comes out very natural. Side effects are minimal if one uses body cartilage for tip. As for Goretex, there is not enough long term data to tell. I personally find my own result very, very natural.
(2) He really takes the time to understand the client's needs and wants. Everybody's preference is different, and he takes the time to understand the detailed specifics of these preferences. He may have different sense on facial aesthetics but he respects the client's end wish. He is patient and caring in understanding the client's specific aesthetic concerns. His expert craftmanship enables him to tailor the nose shape to client's VERY specific preferences (take me as an example). He is not conceited and stubborn to the point where he will argue with you in terms of taste of beauty.
(3) His main focus is nose and in some rare occasions he does chin or bletharplasty. If you look at his bio he's done over 1000 nose jobs over the years so I am sold on his specialised expertise. He's # 1 in Korea for revision and is known for taking challenging cases. Revision is extremely hard to complete but he's mastered it. In a nutshell, I trust his skills as a top notch nose surgeon.
(4) He's got a whole data bank of before/after pics on his website( http://korea.nose.co.kr/english/main/main.asp) with hundreds of cases so there is enough visual data for the client to determine if they like the results or not. Notice that some cases are very subtle whereas some are very dramatic. I think it depends on preference of the client. He's also got a large data bank on his personal computer during consultation and those are much better pictures.
(5) Excellent customer service. I emailed him many many times before surgery and he each time answered them promptly. His answers are not thorough, but it brings the point across. Even post op, he is very quick in replying my questions. His services include sending a driver to pick me up from airport and making hotel booking for me. His team is rather big, at least 5-6 apprentice docs from overseas.

I am in my 4 weeks post op and I like the result so far. I must tell you that the changes are VERY SUBTLE. This is exactly what I want because I almost didn't want a height increase (this is opposite to most girls want in a nose job). The only thing I wanted is a narrower bridge, reduction of alar and smaller tip. At this stage, I can see that my alar has narrowed (but not too much), my bridge is slightly higher and much more narrow, yet my tip still bulbous. I was told that the tip takes the longest to deswell and the final results show in 4-6 months (see want2change's post above). I am not too concerned with that because even with a bulbous nose, I look natural with improvements from the old look. I rather have the changes gradually so people won't notice. So far, I notice reduction in my tip on a daily basis at a small degree. The nose fits my face very well. For me, I don't want a nose too small so it doesn't match the size of my face (I have a big head :P), it's about symmetry.

The price is $4000 for primary so not cheap for Korean doctor, but really, price is not an issue when you make a life long, important change such as a nose job. It's your face so you want to find a prominent doc with proven results who won't mess you up!!!

I think it depends on what you want. From this forum, I find that girls are also very pleased with Dr. Chaung from Taiwan and Dr. Kim from Korea. I was told that Dr. Jung is good for guys nose and Dr. Kim creates more feminine, movie star nose. I chose Dr. Jung anyways and I don't find myself looking like a guy at all. I didn't need to be a movie star, I just wanted SLIGHT improvements and I think he's done the job right. :smile:
Btw, none of my friends notice any changes in my different look. I mean, when I went out with them I don't even see the shock, doubtful look in their eye. Maybe coincidentially they are great actors? Maybe the changes are very subtle? For me, it's a GREAT thing...

Hope this helps and feel free to ask me more questions. I will continue to post my progress. This is a relatively early stage of my recovery.
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Ok I'm about 17 days post op & I love my new nose so much. It has mostly deswelled & I am in love! When I had the silicon, I loved the way it looked kinda defined & sharp & was willing to let that go for a more natural nose since it was too straight looking at times but right now my nose looks similar to the silicon except a little more natural which is exactly what I was wanting this whole time.

I love the height of my nose but will still love it as it goes down. I'd be happy either way actually but I know it'll go down a bit. From the side it looks so natural with the tiniest bit of a curve, not too much since I don't like the nose too curvy. From the front it looks so nice & defined but not too stick straight, it looks so nice!!

My mom cannot stop complimenting me on my new nose. My bf even said good things about my nose even when it was swollen which is opposite of what happened when I had the silicon. My silicon nose took 4-5 months for it to deswell & look good but the Goretex is healing very quickly.

Oh & this may sound weird lol but I love the way my nose looks from the bottom. Before my nose was cute & small so my nostrils were small & roundish. Now that my tip is elevated nicely, it makes my nostrils from below just the tiniest bit ovalish which looks so nice. Haha, it makes it look more prettier & mature if that makes sense.

I only wish I went to Dr. Jung the first time. Oh well you live & learn. :yes:

Oh & about the tip, please wait a 4-6 months. It really does take a very long time to heal.

Also about the smile, trust me when I say this, it took me like 4-6 months to smile normally. I hate it when someone makes me laugh uncontrollably because it feels like my nose is going to open up & my upper lip area feels funny. It will definitely go away. I was worried for the longest time before but by 6 months you will forget you even had your nose done. :smile:
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thanks doobao & kimosa for your detailed posts~! ;)
I'm actually going to see Dr. Jung today for my consult and I'm pretty nervous/excited. Reading your posts makes me lean more towards Dr. Jung already even though I havent met him yet~! The only 2 things that worry me is 1. I kinda want to get eyelid surgery at the same time and I dont know if he's good at that. 2. I hope he doesn't say that I have to heighten my bridge bc I dont want to put anything foreign in my body ( had bad experience w/botox). I just want to have a slimmer nose :T. It's weird tho bc when I read some Korean internet forums about plastic surgery (altho my korean isnt great) they never really mention his name. Maybe bc there's already so many other korean doctors out there? Anyway, reading from your experiences though he does seem like a great doctor
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Hi - I am planning to go to Taiwan to have both nose and breast surgery, and I ave decided on Dr. Tseng for the nose job, but I am not sure about the breast surgery. Since my staying in Taiwan will only be 9 days, I am thinking of having both done by him. But I noticed that no one in this forum have mentioned about his specialty in breast augumentation, so I am a little concern. I have read that Dr. Chuang specialized in the breast augumention. But I since my staying in Taiwan will be short, I don't know how I can get these surgery by two different doctors. Please tell me what I should.
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I think they are slightly better but no one else seems to notice. Under certain lighting, it's more obvious. Maybe it's just my upper lip that makes my face look weird to me. I have to ask my friend who is a dentist to take another look. He was the one who noticed that my upper lip area looked stiff a few weeks ago. Other than what I see, others have really been responding well to my new look. People I don't even know have been telling me how handsome I am. :tup:

Over the weekend, I had 1 beer. I figured it was ok since it has been 5 weeks since the surgery. The next morning, I found some bruising and soreness under my eyes. It went away later in the afternoon. So I guess, I shouldn't drink any alcohol for a while.

Doobao, any progress with your smile?
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Here are some stuffs that I learned from my consultation with Dr Toriumi yesterday. I hope you guys find them helpful.

1. It's not true that our nose continues to grow as we get older. However, the tip of our nose may droop as we get older.

2. With rib graft, absorption will not happen unless there's infection. Also, once you've past 3 months post-op, you're almost safe from warping. As per Dr T, he hasn't had warping in the past several years.

3. Nose is around 30% healed at first year, 40% at second and 60% for third. For asian, the nose pretty much stabilizes (no change) at third year.

4. Since mine will be primary, he won't need to break any bones. He'll just build on top of the existing structure. No breaking means less swelling. I should be presentable immediately after the cast is off, which is around 7 to 10 days postop.

5. for gym rats like me, you can exercise 6 weeks postop.

I think Dr T is very nice. He spent a almost 15 minutes with me. I guess it's because I asked a lot of questions. I didn't feel he's rushing me because he tried to answer all my questions extensively. He also did two imaging since I mentioned I'm curious how I will look like with an even higher bridge. I also asked whether higher bridge will result in a weaker structure. He said no, it will be just as good as the lower one.

My quote is 16K + surgical facility, which will be around 6K. I'm scheduling my surgery for Sept. They actually have available spots as soon as two weeks from now. Unfortunately, I'm currently tied down to work. =(

Good luck to everyone and myself :smile:
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Guys, i am panicking here.
I always knew i was ugly,but as my consultation looms closer ( 3 weeks from now )
the possibility of my worst fear manifesting into reality is preventing me from being as excited as i should be, that fear is the fear that i am so ugly that not even plastic surgery will be able to help me I know, it sounds like an old one liner, but im beginning to think it could be true in my case. my nose is so horrendous and ugly plus i have a big wide face that i feel that augmenting it to make it looks smaller will make me look like a snowball woman freak!!!

I need your opinion,do you think the doctors could help me ?From our experience, girls, does my nose have a chance? [​IMG]
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