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what_to_do and mkryu,
I also went to Dr Lee for nose surgery and chin implant in Sept 08. The chin implant looks lopsided and wondering if it could still be swollen?? And my nose seems a little diagonal. I had a silicone implant with ear cartilage too (no alar reduction). Would love to exchange pics with you guys if you'd be willing. I'm getting worried about the result and almost wishing I hadn't done it :sad:

My email: [email protected]
Thanks for any input!
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wow, i never knew that. i've never really noticed anything weird about her forehead. i mean she obviously has other implants (ahem, breasts). this singaporean blogger is known for having tons of implants including a forehead implant. you can see the bulge of the implant in some of her pictures and scars along her hairline.

forehead implants just sound a little extreme... because they are big. i wonder what its like to have a huge silicone plate spread across your forehead.
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Asin, mkyru, seattlegirl, and anyone else who has seen dr lee

I've recently booked my appointment with dr lee and I'd really appreciate it if you could share your experience with me (pictures if you're comfortable)

My email: [email protected]

I'm getting an alar reduction with a cartilage graft at the tip. I'm nervous, and I'd love to hear from you!

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Can anyone who has has alarplasty done tell me if they can smile normally after surgery? I had alarplasty done about a month and a half ago along with revision rhino 3 weeks ago and I can't smile properly. I don't know if it's because of the rhino as a whole or because of alarplasty. My nostrils also won't flare normally when I try to smile. When I try to smile, both my smile and nose looks fake and stiff. Is this normal? Will they loosen up or did my doctor just simply make my alar too small? I am so confused!!! :huh:
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It could be that the chin is still swollen. Dr. Lee told me that it can take up to 1 year for the swelling to go down. He thought that a large implant would suit my face, but opted to give me a medium since he knows alot of patients don't want to carry around a Jay Leno chin for a whole year until the swelling subsides.

My nose seemed diagonal for the first few weeks but now I don't notice it so I think it was probably swelling. Sometimes we aren't aware that our original noses were never perfectly straight to begin with. It is only until we get a perfectly straight piece of plastic placed on top of our noses that we notice that we all have imperfect noses. Only we will see this imperfection. The good thing is that no one else will notice...even if we point it out to them.

How do you like your tip? If you decide you don't like the chin implant or the bridge implant, you can always have it removed or replaced. Dr. Lee will do a revision if you aren't satisfied.
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you will eventually be able to smile. it may take a few months, maybe less, maybe more depending on how fast you heal.
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my results came out very nicely. people compliment me on how good I look but I don't think they suspect surgery. I was always nervous around Asian people after the surgery because I thought they would be able to spot a fake, but last weekend, I made some new friends, who are Asian, and one commented that I have a very nice face and that I had a really nice profile. My best friend thinks Dr. Lee did a great job because it doesn't look like I had any surgery, meaning my results are very natural looking. Another friend thought that I had lost weight in my face...well I did lose a huge nose which took up alot of real estate on my face. In before and after photos, you can see a dramatic difference.
I'm very happy with my results and I feel that it has given me better self-confidence. Now I'm just paranoid that I will slam into a wall or fall on my face if I'm not careful.
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You will be fine. I'm sure you will have a great result. Dr. Lee does really good tip work and alar reduction. The scariest part for me was wondering if I was going to die from an unexpected rare allergic reaction to the anesthesia but I woke up fine after the surgery. The 2nd thing that worried me was the flight back home. I was worried about any complications from high altitude and whether the plane would crash. I was never reallly worried about the procedures because I felt really confident that Dr. Lee was going to do a good job.
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actually my friend had a chin implant before, but since it was placed on the right side(don't know how that happened :S) she had it taken out 3 months later... anyway, just to let u know if u decide to take it out, there's a little bit of sagginess there.. but it's not too bad. maybe some creams or something might help. she also has some numbness there now... anyway, hope the swelling goes down for u.

on another note, i was googling and found a website for a clinic in gangnam. the addy is femme-homme.net. it looks like it might have some good credentials, but you never know. if anyone could give any info about this clinic, it'd be much appreciated. :smile:
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I had my rhino done with Dr. Jung recently. I think he is a really skilled doctor, but because his clinic is really busy he is very rushed. I felt like he did not give a lot of time to his patients and all our meetings were extremely brief and felt a little rushed. Besides that he is a very nice and friendly person.

As for the rhino itself, the main problem that I had with him was that our sense of beauty was totally different. I had originally wanted a subtle change, just a slightly higher bridge for a straighter profile and a more narrowed tip. He pushed me to also do alarplasty, claiming that if I didn't my nose would look too wide after the tip plasty. I am not really crazy about the results of the tip plasty and I had a revision only 3 weeks after my primary surgury because my nose looked totally different and did not match the proportions of my face!! My friend and I couldn't even recognize my face.

That's just my experience, I am not thrilled with my new nose, but to be fair I do think his skills in terms of performing the surgery is quite good. I healed very fast both times, and the swelling went down very fast too.
I hope this helps!
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Was wondering if you'd like to exchange pics with me: [email protected].... I'm curious to see what a completely satisfied customer looks like.

I was obviously confident enough with Dr Lee to decide to spend a lot of money for him. However, I believe that my results could've come out better (or maybe I'm disillusioned). That's why I'd like to see how you came out since you are very satisfied. I'd appreciate it very much!!
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i think it looks okay without the implant. my bridge wasn't completely flat to begin with, and a higher bridge didn't really suit me anyway. i'm happy with the alar reduction. my nose used to be very wide and my nostrils flared.

right now, the tip looks slightly overprojected. my bridge is also a little higher and wider than before due to scar tissue. i'm hoping that the tip will go down, and the bridge will get thinner over time.
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Hi there! I was considering Dr Kim at BK until I saw your posting - Would you mind sharing with me more details about your dissatisfaction? Are you still unhappy with your results despite all the lack of post-op? Can you pls PM me ?
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