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I noticed that too but mine is on the right side. It's barely noticeable but if you looked very critically and closely, you can see it. I actually kind of like it and wished that my left side had it too. It just makes my one side of my nose more defined. I think it has to do with how the graft was sutured. I think since we got closed rhino, it's may be virtually impossible to get it 100% perfectly even. Maybe I'm wrong?
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i just got my rhinoplasty with dr. lee today and when i got to the apt today i was surprised to see that the apt was much nicer than i imagined it to be. The pillowcases all seem clean along with the towels, though i brought my own towels anyway. the apt is pretty big for beverly hills and im quite comfortable. i'm currently on the couch which is so comfy that i think i'm going to just sleep on it so I won't roll over too much. also, the kitchen is eqipped with utensils and straws which i need to help me drink my liquids. just fyi for those in the future.
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Thanks mkryu. I don't have folds (yet). I have little lines. I've heard of cheek muscle exercises which help to hold up the skin so that folds don't form. Yet when I do them, they make the little lines look more pronounced (like after you cry or sleep on your side you see more lines).
I'm using Cellex C serum. Does anyone have experience with that? Apparently doctors don't believe that Retin A should be used on Asian skin for lines/wrinkles, and many recommend a vitamin C product to apply topically.

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seattlegirl, what happened? why do you want a revision? you may have already posted it up but I haven't come across that post yet. let me know. my friend came with me and she was the one that referred me to him bc she got hers done with him 3 years ago and she's really happy with hers besides one thing. while i was in yday she asked him about it and he said he would fix it no prob. (she had a little scar on the side that was kind of obvious due to how the stitches were placed) other than that she loves it. hopefully he'll be able to fix her scar so that she'll be 110% happy with her nose. anyways i'm flying back home friday so i'm hoping that's enough time for him to take the cast and everything off. i'm also a bit worried bc i read somewhere that you shouldn't being flying after a nose job for another 2 weeks. that worries me =/ has anyone heard this as well?
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Why do doctors recommend against Retin-A? I've been using it since 18 on and off for acne. I'm in my mid 30's and my skin is wrinkle free and my complexion is clear. I know from using Retin-A that it doesn't do anything for nasalobial folds. I am also currently using it with the Obagi Nuderm system w/ 20% Vitamin C serum.
There is an isometric facial exercise where you place each index finger by the sides of your nose above the nasalobials to hold the skin while using your facial muscles to pull up your nose/upper lip (hard to explain). It prevents you from making any creases while you do the exercise. I don't know if this exercise helps decrease the folds since I'm too lazy to do this everyday.
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The dermatologist told me that Retin A should not be used on Asian skin for wrinkles. I think it makes you more sensitive to the sunlight and hyperpigmentation.
I'm almost 30. I am going to try to use sunscreen everyday. My skin isn't bad. I'm just a perfectionist.
I find that wearing wrap-around sunglasses everytime you go outside really helps to protect the delicate skin around your eyes, and therefore protect against wrinkles.
I'm using Vitamin C cellex C serum regularly.
Do you find that the topical vitamin c serum helps? Apparently you can see a difference in 3 or 4 months.

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I've been reading this thread for a long time now. And it's really helped me get the nerve to call for a consultation...which I just did today! I've been wanting this for 6 years. I've just gotten sick of being unhappy with my nose and doing nothing about it. I'm still a little bit worried about people judging me for this. But I know that if I'm happy with my decision and everything turns out okay, then they have no reason to say anything bad about my choice. I can't wait to go!
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i did get a silicone implant, but i removed it. i regret getting the implant in the first place. maybe it was the wrong size, but it just didn't seem to fit my face. now that the implant is out, i still have scar tissue/swelling so i guess my bridge is permanently changed for the worse.

i think i would've benefited greatly from just alarplasty alone. i grew up disliking my nose only because it was too wide at the base and the nostrils flared. i never had a problem with having a low bridge. however, when i got consultations, the surgeons told me that my dorsum was low, and i should augment it. i wish i had only gotten alarplasty because i don't regret that.

my main advice is to make sure you know what you really want, and take your time in choosing your doctor and what procedure to get, what material to use (if you decide to augment the bridge), etc. i feel like my rhinoplasty has been one of the biggest mistake of my life, sadly.
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can you elaborate a little on your experience with obagi? i recently started using retin A .025% cream with obagi clear. i'm not using the whole obagi system, only the clear, because i read on makeupalley that that's all you really need. it made my face really red, peely, scaly, and gross, so i'm taking some time off it. i'm still waiting for the rough leathery patches to peel... if you konw what i mean.
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There's a limited amount of doctors who specialize in asian cosmetic surgery in Toronto :sad: Dr Wong is the only one i'm aware of, and i'm not too impressed with him.

If anyone in Toronto or North America is interested in forming a PS group going to Korea please PM me. There's already a few people interested.
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Hi everyone,

I just found this forum a few days ago and am in the process of reading every page from start to finish (a lot of work!).

I'm going to Korea this summer and I'm pretty set on seeing Dr. Park at OZ Clinic for a rhinoplasty (bridge implant + cartilage and nasal reduction). I was wondering if anyone knew what his anesthesia/operating fees and consultation fees are? I emailed him but I still haven't got a response.

I was also wondering if anyone knew what the average cost of eyelash implants are? The prices and procedure itself are a bit more difficult to look up on the internet.

TIA! And in turn I'll promise to keep everyone updated with my experience at OZ Clinic.
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it's fine to fly. i flew back home after 5 days.
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retin-a makes any person regardless of race/skin type sensitive to sunlight.
I use the Obagi Vitamin C 20% serum. I use it with the other Obagi steps so I don't know exactly what's responsible for my glowing skin.
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