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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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:O I hope she stills check this forum, cause I'm quite interested in her ptosis correction at JW.
Also, hope you're recovering well :biggrin: Please upload/send pictures of your rhino after recovering, if thats ok, thank you!!

Wow you're result turned out super well! It's making me nervous and excited for mine even though its still a while away
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Hi Tracylimmm,
There is a surgery called Follicular Unit Transplantation that allows surgeons to recreate the natural hairline.
I am considering myself as I have uneven hairline and I seem to have a big forehead because my hairline is quite high. This hair clinic is in Australia and u can have a look at their website :http://www.newhairclinic.com.au/what_we_can_do/follicular_unit_transplantation.phtml
Good luck
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Hey, u should ask for more opinion before goi to bk.. All the best with ur research!
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Babe, glad that ur back home safely. Which clinic u went for the lazer treatment and what u think of them? Was it from any referral or its from ur own research?
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Hi kkim, fir the gross note, i experience the same and i have alrd done the that :sad:
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Hey guys, I've been keeping up with all the good, the bad and the unbelievable stuff on this thread (if you know what I mean). I felt so bad! But anyway, onto the good ones, I wanted to drop by and congratulate everyone who's had their surgery/ies done, and my very best wishes for your recovery!


and everyone else, sorry if I missed someone! :smile:

AND best of luck to everyone else who's about to have their surgery! :smile: God Bless.
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I have rhino withsilicon and saptal cartilage. Initial price as 9 mil KRW and i managed to get some discount for multi surgeries done with them. Tpday is my 9th daypost op and im happy with my eyes. As for nose and chin,still quite swollen so I cant really comment yet.
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If u r someone who is looking for good post care service,im afraid Grand may not be ur ideal. But if u r looking for good result and do not mind a simple post care service then u may consider them. I chose Grand is because Of their Doctor, and because im quite comfortable with his consultation and suggestion. Overall, im think they are worth to be on ur list :smile: hope this helps!
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I just realised my list of questions keeps growing but I hope someone addresses this one.

Has anyone had septoplasty for a deviated septum? Or correction for a crooked/deviated nose? OR a droopy/ptosis nose tip correction? I asked this before but I'm worried that if my droopy tip is corrected, the nostrils will become very prominent from a frontal view!
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Hey kathk, Im scheluded for surgery on 22nov at 365mc! Would be so great if we could buddy up etc. let me know :smile:! vivieeny @ gmail.com
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Thank you neutronia!!
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You look great Emisa! Thanks so much for sharing your pics. By looking at your results, I'm seriously considering going to ID. I wasn't even thinking about fat graft but now you have me wanting to get it too lol How long does it last? I would love to get fat graft for my face with v-line but if it's really temporary.. probably not for me
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Hi ya all,
Anyone still in seoul? Wud love to meet up.
Anyway... Still anxious abt my surgery. I've narrow it down between grand and wonjin. Time is very critical for since I want to be here in seoul on my 7th day when they remove the stitches.

My appointment with wonjin is on 2nd oct and they also book for me on the same day surgery if Im ready.

But at the same time I want to hear what suggestion the doc @grand has to say. But they do not open until 4th oct. So the earliest surgery can only be done on 5th oct.
The consultant told me that i can hv my stitch removed back in my country. I'm trully worried for having diff doc to remove my stitch.

Oh well.. Anyone still in seoul from now til 10 oct and free to meet up please kakao me 100873.

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Hi, I found this clinic as my Korean friend suggest me :smile:. He said there heapppps of surgery clinic in Korea, but in his mind, this clinic is really great

Here's my 2 months picture. I just take it today

and still thinking about cheek reduction. ummmmm can't decide now ae:biggrin:
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