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asian nose job 2

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hmm that makes sense. well prolly not " blue" blue. just "pale" especially on thin skin .. we got that even on natural noses didnt we. i had my RIB during winter in korea -14degs. i had thick skin and i didnt have "blue" nose.

anyway not important. just a thought after reading that review sounds a little "scary" to believe if that clinic is VIP, or it could be just another onde sided story or may even be made up- idk.

apguyeong station exit 3- as far as i know all over that area are PS clinics. not only VIP. anyway, its hard to believe the angels i had met there will ever become as "demonic" as what review had described as.
lets hope its not so. X finga.

btw, those "10 bad reviews" were from?

anyhow, someone here had gone back to VIp for a shaven bump wasnt it so?; and im pretty sure theyll welcome any ex patients who faced issues and will need to revise if really necessary.I am KIV-ing my own nose with them and joan has been very responsive on my feedbacks too. doesnt sound like they gonna kick u out or call the police if i go back for a revision.lol

well, im still hoping someone here will "try" out another clinic for full RIB noses and gets gd results.. cuz i TOO am worrying IF dr lee is not around in future to IF we need revision..

RIb is mostly difficult and requires really good skills.. i hope more surgeons wil be trained and more and better ones appear and people who had done please share here with everyone.. one good doctor is not enough.

im at 6mth post op. everythings fine. no bumps no nothing just still swollen on tip.

GL all- awaiting patiently.
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Calm down, people. I think the Rib method will become to be more popular later. Technology goes very fast everyday. When it's time for us to revision, I guess or I hope there could be another better method too on nose :amuse:

BTW, 5 weeks and a half here. My nose still swollen. I can't have my regular smile, and the stitches under my mouth still in there. I guess those stitches will be gone for a couple weeks :love:
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That really makes sense. I think your original nose might turn color when it is cold weather too. The best thing is that we should stay away from stubborn weather or chemical. :smile:
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i dont hold the fact that they advertise against them. and if i had a goretex or silicone nose, i'd have to be worried about bumping my nose too. cos then the implant might shift.
the staff at vip treated me very well btw.
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o, i remember another patient that i met at vip who was not happy with her results (i mentioned her once before). idk what her relationship with the staff was like, but they didnt treat her as poorly as in the review
they were very civil about it. joann comforted her and tried to convince her that she had to wait for the final results to show (i was there in the main lobby as well) and they gave her a surgical report before she left (she was already sure that she wanted a revision, i think)
she told me that she did get a chance to talk to dr lee after the surgery, even though she wasnt satisfied with his assurance that it would turn out fine if she waited. but afaik, even though she wasnt happy with the result, she was treated okay by the staff
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For those that had alarplasty, how did your nose feel like when you yawn?
I kept yawning when I came back to the USA.. like seriously yawning every 20 minutes when I'm awake (this was 2 weeks post-op).. and I really felt like that made my nostrils stretched .___.
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Yes! You have found the correct site for cowell. They are named Cowell because of the 코 and well for doing it well. haha..

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Also Thanks for sharing the information from your book! That 10% removal statistic is a big sigh of relief. I will not be getting silicon injection is at least that won't be a problem. In regards to the length of the implant, it will only be a small piece to cover the shaved part of the bridge to make it look more natural and straight...I am a bit worried about the silicon being too thick and causing the skin of my nose to look shiny. A lot of people who have the silicon implant and it's very obvious they do because the light shines on that part differently..I'm hoping that because mine will be a small piece (not for augmentation purposes) it will be less visible.

I do have a 주민등록번호 but not for long since I am leaving Korea soon after the procedure. Instead of pming XXXX

So no one else is doing surgery on Aug 12 or around that time? I need a shopping buddy / or just any company to hang out with since none of my friends know that I will be getting something done (and I want it to stay that way...lol). As I said before, I've lived in Seoul for almost 2 years so I know the area very well. I can be your unofficial tour guide! haha~ email me!

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Hi Catcafe,

Yes! email me at xxxx and I will give you more information. They do not speak English at Cowell though...so you must hire a translator or go with a Korean friend if you do not speak the language...^^

BTW, sorry for the late replies. I just got back from a trip so I did not have internet access until now~

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So how do you feel about your alarplasty so far? Was your nose very wide before, and do you think it looks better now?
I'm debating whether I should risk alarplasty or not...
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@ExpatInKorea Hey can I have the direct link to the naver review? My dad has korean SSN so i can use his :smile:
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I actually only wanted to get alarplasty even though my bridge wasn't high, but it wasn't flat. However, since my sister did her bridge, I might as well do it too. Haha, anyway, yeah I'm glad I got them. My alarbase looks quite similar to Kain's before.
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Well since i lived in the US im sure i could find a rib specialist. i hope all of us never needs a revision. heck i don't mine if i had a slight bump or shift to the nose. i don't understand why some people would still considered a revision with a slight but knowing the risk involved . To me if it looks okay with a slight bump i can live with it. The only way i'll do a revision is if my nose was infected or deformed looking. Also can anybody care to elaborate why some patients who went to the same doctors for rhinoplasty needs a revision because of warping and some never need one or maybe some patients warp faster than others ? MY guessing is that lifestye does play a role in how fast your nose starts to warp cause of physical activities sports, outdoor sun exposure to the nose or just picking your nose all the time and allergy etc. However i think it is crucial to take steps to heal your nose properly once after surgery / sometimes i just wish there was a guide for properly taking care of your nose after surgery .
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Let's cross our fingers that none of us need a revision later on . But i suspect that rib rhinoplasty will later become popular in the future and most of us won't probably won't need a revision for another 10 to 20 years /
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