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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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i am depressed from DS
1 .month post.
1 eye crease is loose like monolid
other is really deep
please tell me doctor and clinic for revision
i am begging u
i want to die
please.kakao me l122614

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I am 3 week post of from Dream Medical Group with Dr. Park Yang Soo for double eyelid revision suture method . I am very happy with the result .
How can I help?

Did you get yours incisional or suture ? The reason I asked because suture method 's post residual deswell much faster compared to incisional one and asymmetric is common until the sweling is all gone . Where did you get yours done?
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When you say deep, do you mean high eye crease? I am talking about the eye that is not monolid.
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Deepeyes - your stitches look fine

Betterlook15 - you might feel like all hope is lost now but dont worry. Stressing is only going to slow down your healing time. Remember the things you enjoy doing and go do them. In 3-6 months once all swelling subsides you can get revisional work done. All of us here have some sort of mishap with our first DES so you are not alone. I had my first DES done in 2010 and it's not only till this year that I am getting my asymmetry fix. I've also managed to find a great loving partner now of 2 + years regardless of my botch eye job hahaha... so anyway, I am just trying to encourage you. Don't get so down - everything in life can be made better some way or another.

For everyone else who is getting their DES done this May/June/July - you're welcome to add me on KakaoTalk. PM your KakaoID to me and I'll add you to this MAY-JUNE-JULY group. I will be travelling to Korea in June and I am there for 3 weeks :biggrin:

Currently my top 3 are: JW, DREAM, CHEONGDAMU

I am super excited and just counting the days down.

Do as much research as you can so you can make the best decision possible and your chances of success are higher. If it turns out bad well it was the best you could do!! Keep your chin up and spirits high!
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@ Smitten ... Please update us here in this forum on which clinic you will finally decide to do your DES. I did mine at Dream Medical Group . What type of DES procedure are you thinking ? Incisional or suture ?

Good luck on your preparation to Seoul ! 🏻
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Horror Story

I had 3 eye surgeries in Korea

1. IOU with Dr. Kang, did eye revision, promised scar free, epicanthal lifting, and lid lowering. He only did lid lowering and cut out too much skin resulted in eyes not closing, permanent damage. Blamed me for eyes not closing and falsified medical records. He says he told me he would make my eyes not shut “before” surgery which was under anesthesia, after they put shots in my eyes, and I thought they were already operating on me. That was his notifying me of the problem. Paid 4.9 million won

2. Teuim with Dr. Kwon, encouraged me to do epicanthal surgery immediately afterwards. Looked worse afterwards, and people said I should not have got it done. He was angry because I chose IOU over him and told me I looked terrible. He was nice afterwards but just like the rest said I begged him to work on me which I did not. He encouraged me by criticizing the work IOU did and said he could make it a lot better, when nothing really changed. It looked better before, but only a little worse after. Paid 3 million won.

3. Bando Eye or BIO with Dr. Cho, I wanted to undo Teium surgery and Dr. Cho said I should do scar revision, and he would help eyes close better. I was afraid I did not have enough skin. He did the WRONG surgeries. He sewed my epicanthal too small. They are different sizes! and my eyes are half the width of normal eyes. He cut out more skin, lowered my eyeline, and changed the shape!! NOTHING was what I wanted. Paid 8 million won!! He gave me 4 million refund 6 months later because he did not want to revise it. This is after I went to his office for several weeks, called him, and emailed him everyday. His staff pretended not to know english. They were all unprofessional and came in and out of the office just to watch and gossip. They just stood and stared at me. Some of them went through my photos. He only saw me once after surgery and refused to see me again. He blamed doing the wrong surgeries on me!! I have several photos, emails, and tape recordings, but I would have to sue them which I do not want to do. I did not ask for this surgery at all. I don't know how anyone could mess up so badly. I have uneven scars on my entire eye now. Before my eyes looked 100% better than they do now. He and his practice are the most unethical I have ever seen. When they make mistakes they just cover it up and only offer to fix some of it, and not even as good as the original. I could have fixed some of it right after surgery, but the chinese english secretary Yang Rahn was not helpful and told me he was too busy. They made me wait too long at it was harder to fix. The same secretary gives wrong information and does not know anything. She lies to me constantly and does not want to answer phone calls, and emails, and says Dr. Cho has vacation when he does not. They told me to come after business hours one time because they thought it was funny. She told me to wait, while they helped other patients, and threated to call the cops when I came back for my revision that they did not want to do. No one can fix what Dr. Cho did to my eyes!! He is the most nasty and arrogant doctor of them all. Also he is a cheat! They stole money from me and did the wrong surgeries.
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Wonder why no one ever mentioned cindrella clinic before? Anyone had eyes done there?

@unhappy, Yea teuim is overated, just had revision des and epi there n so far I m not impressed, Don't know what the rave about his invention of epicanthoplasty is all about, most people have obvious epi scar from it sigh but I ll live with it for now, I guess I just don't have much luck with plastic surgery...
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that's really bad luck. I assume you had to wait 3 months inbetween all revisional work at minimum for the swelling to go down prior to having another operation? wait till your eyes are fully healed and all swelling is gone then consider getting revisional work done again from a surgeon who specialises on revisional work.

a couple of us are in a may/june/july group and anyone is welcome to join us for moral support if you're getting surgery done during this time or recovering during this time. my kakaoID is beccahoo
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Due to increasing number of PM asking for B/A photos i decided to post them all here... 2 months review from teuim, revisional DES & epi. Reason: to increase height of eyelid fold and to change shape of eyelid from tapered to parallel to achieve a softer look

Level of satisfaction 75% Reason: left eye corner is too tapered, left eye looks shorter in length (perhaps epicanthoplasty was not done adequately on that eye). I rather like that the left eye fold is slightly higher than the right, retaining my originality somewhat (P.S. I was born with a fold in my left eye but single in the right.)

Top = before
1st pic = Day 1 post-op
2nd pic = 2 weeks
3rd pic = 5 weeks
last pic compilation = currrent at 2 months (the arrow points to my concern, swelling is minimal at this point, scar is red but will fade over time from previous experience)

Am I please with dr kwon's job?
- i am happy that the eyelid fold looks more natural when i am looking downwards. A bad eyejob shows up really well in this position, screaming "I had double eyelid surgery"
- I am not happy that the left eye is still tapered, perhaps if he had chosen to make it an out-fold like i'd asked instead of a in-out fold (his aesthetic), the results would have been more satisfying.

Do i feel like getting another revision from Kwon?
- yes but only on the left eye corner, but having to spend thousands of dollars flying all the way back to Seoul for an unguarantee result is making me think twice about my decision. SHould i or should i not??????
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Your eyes look absolutely fine. I would leave well enough alone if I were you ...
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I'll be honest, I think your eyes look fine. Even people with natural double eyelids don't have complete symmetry. Just like yhe above post, I think your eyes look great, are far from a botched eye job!

On that happy note, between Teuim (Dr Kwon) and Dream (Dr Hong Lim Choi), is there one anyone would recommend? I'm pretty set on Dr Kwon from Teuim only because the results I've seen look pretty good, I've yet to see a "botched" job.. Perhaps unhappy with the results in that a higher crease was preferred.. Any thoughts? I just want to enhance my existing eyelids and want to keep it natural.
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beefnodo, both Teuim and Dream are in my list too. But seem Dr. Kwon good at tapered, but I need parallel. I can't find Dr. Hong in Dream's medical team page. Which other doctor is best for eyelid revision there?
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