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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hi Worries,

i was hoping we can talk on skype about maybe going on this trip together because we're going to need someone there for help plus if we can share a place we can save alot of money. I had my operation done in December of 2010 so it's been over a year already..and its still really swollen thats how horrible that surgeon did..and he did not even match the eyelid properly with the eyes.so it looks like i have multiple creases..on one eye and both eyes really close together like i'm 10 years younger again..i'm 31 and i look like i'm 23 22...

So please if you don't have skype already please download it so maybe we can discuss our trip together?

I still need your guidance..since i am not korean, i'm chinese..
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1.5 mill krw for epi reversal? how much is that in u.s dollars? or canadian dollars because i live in canada toronto actually..
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I don't know when yet but hopefully within this year, so would you please wait for me since we are going to do the same surgery and it be alot cheaper if we can go together and possibly share a place together and everything..plus i would need your help around town too..since you are korean and you know korea well?
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Sure! Why don't you email me first then I can give u my info.xxx
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Hi Worries,

I see you online, but don't see you on skype..
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I did mine with dr irawan w,sahid hospital,jakarta...3 months ago...I'm very disappointed :sad:,ruined my life ...I'm very regret choosen him...im want redo my eyes to tapered,Does anyone know any recommended clinic or plastic surgeon for having double eyelid's revision in korea or singapore? Does anyone ever had experience on double eyelid revision's surgery? Pls kindly share..
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hi missliang, why dont you consider dr kim of bk clinic for eyelid revision? he's good at it. or you can consider dr chung of eve plastic? i will be going there with some friends in April. we are leaving singapore on 26th april.
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Can you please give me the site and email address of eve plastic? I am interested in eyelid revision; thanks!!
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Hi all,

I am writing in because I chanced upon this forum. I believe the information below can help some of you. I did epi restoration (not just revision) and eyelid lowering after an unnatural result that doesn't suit my face. My first surgery (the unnatural looking one) was with a surgeon in Korea who is quite popular on forums (but no other surgeons in Korea heard of him). It's been 2 years and a bit more since my first disastrous surgery and I'm glad I now have natural looking eyes again.

I did epi restoration with Dr. Ahn from [email protected] . I also did a little revision to expand the overdone epi restoration on the left side (my mistake, not his). In my first restoration, I asked him to restore more on the left side thinking that my left eye was naturally smaller. But it wasn't. It was my craniofacial structure that caused my eyes to look uneven in photos when they are not uneven at all. So I went back to him and did a 0.5mm epi on the left side to balance things out. I am ecstatic about the result!

Epi reversal: I paid 2 million KRW. My revision was free even though it was ME who wanted him to make the restoration uneven in the first place. He does the surgery with magnifying glasses and uses dermal stitches that are finer than hair to reduce scarring. Believe me, after 6 months, my scarring are minimal that even dermatologists said they can't see unless they scrutinise. I will say I scar normally (no keloid scarring for me ever except for BCG jabs which causes keloidal like scarring in most people anyway... but my BCG is very small and cute keloid, not the nasty looking ones.) His method is different from Dr Chung from Eveplastics. Chung's method is not too bad and allows for patient to dictate exactly how much they want to restore in surgery. But in my opinion, the contours of the epicanthic region is more natural with Ahn's method. The smallest restoration Ahn can do is 0.5mm. Ahn did over 400+ cases of reversal and it's all there on his computer for you to scrutinise. Most pics are fantastic. I do have an epi scar that is not caused by him but by the first surgeon who gave me hypertrophic scar with the "magic epi" method. I must say since I have considerable minimal scarring from restoration which is notorious for bad scarring, I am thinking that the skill of the first surgeon must have a lot to do with why I scarred from my first epi.

For eyelid lowering, I went to Dr. Kang from IOU [email protected] . He is pricey. I paid 4.7million KRW for eyelid lowering and ptosis correction in one eye. The price include a half-price discount on fat grafting to the eyelids to prevent readhesion. He uses a non-skin excision (there is incision.. he still cuts your eyelids but he doesn't remove skin) to lower eyelids. My surgery is VERY successful. By 2 weeks my eyes look so normal (still red incision line but swelling is minimal..noticeable only to me). In fact, I now have hidden double eyelids from eyelids that showed about 3mm when I open my eyes. He also made them more tapered which suited my face better. But I might go back to him for a tiny skin excision or a non-incisional technique to open up the platform show... that revision will be free again. I paid more for good results. I'm not saying he will be 100% successful all the time but for my case, i love what he did.

I consulted a lot of surgeons in Korea before about these revisions and I know how stressful it can be. But in good hands, you have nothing to fear.

Feel free to ask me questions. Happy to send photos too but only over emails. Private message me if you want to email me. I might not respond immediately but I'll try.

Take care!
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Read a few more posts.
In my opinion, most clinics mentioned here are quite famous in Korea. But famous clinics do not always guarantee results. But that's probably better than clinics that are not known at all? In my consultations, some popular clinics mentioned here are unheard of in Korea, especially Ozclinic.
With the surgeons I picked, especially Dr. Ahn, when I mention him to other surgeons they recognise HIS NAME. His clinic is ALWAYS busy. IOU is always BUSY too.. with lots of Koreans..I actually hardly saw any international clients in Dr. Ahn's clinic.
Don't trust what the internet say completely. I also avoid clinics which websites had caucasians or weird looking "Korean turned Caucasians" as their models. It clearly shows you what they think about oriental beauty or preserving the orientalness of your face which is very important. If not, like me, you'll suffer such a huge identity crisis.

With epi, I think if you really need it, like if your epicanthic folds are so big that we cannot see even the medial sclera of your eye, maybe a fix is needed. But if it's not, after epi, you can end up looking like a different race. For Koreans, Japs and Chinese, I realise epi makes people look Phillipino, Thai, Malay and Indonesians. I am now in Seoul and I see a lot of Thai looking Koreans around.. seriously. Each race is beautiful but if we turn into another race because of PS... we will just look unnatural and weird.
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Hi Jennylynn

I dont know y i camt PM u... I'm actually book my Air ticket to Seoul I. April for Epi Reversal with Dr Chung eve plastic surgery. I would like to see your result with Dr Ann, can I see your photo for reference ? Will definitely keep your privacy confidential . Here's my email : [email protected]. Thank u
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