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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hello eyelid-revision, so appreciated that you share your story!!! I really need information about your Dr. in Korea. I plan to go in Korea in July for my revision. Here my email: [email protected]
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Just a suggestion, but instead of asking people one-by-one to share their stories with you, it might help to ask specific questions ... and maybe share a little about your own situation. That way, other people may be able to help as well. :smile:
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Thank you Snowcup! I have the same problem to ''Eyelid-Revision'' and I have the same doctor!!! This doctor is no good (LA)... :sad:(( Very bad, doesn't know Asian face. Be aware of him. Many complaint!!!

I plan to go in Korea in July. I would want someone to help me with information and before/after surgery. Here my email: [email protected]

And btw, I don't speak korean...

Thank you!!
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I had non-incisional surgery done about 5 years ago and recently the fold in my left eye has started to morph into a triple fold. This has only lasted for a max of five minutes and usually happens in the mornings when I've slept too much or if my eye is swollen. I know that people who have natural double eyelids can experience these types of changes in the shape of their eyes but I'm wondering if this is normal with someone who has had surgery. Does this mean my fold is coming undone and that revision is necessary?

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks! :smile:
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Thank you TwiNnie! Very appreciated. :smile:

I think you should go with Dr. Cho from Bando Eye clinic!

Have a great day!
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Yes, but I would suggest reading through this thread carefully, as a few posters have indicated both good and bad points.

I am a little concerned about advertisers on the forum. Try not to get too excited about any one doctor before you consult with them in-person. Also, it sounds like MDs are quoting high estimates via email (that you may be able to negotiate later with them, but not always).

Also, the Asian eye is different anatomically than the non-Asian eye. If an eye specialist is telling you he doesn't operate on non-Asians, I wouldn't try to persuade him. Also, the surgeons on this thread are mostly eye specialists who specialize in revisions and complications. Revisions are more expensive in general than primary surgeries, just to let you know.
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Thanks for the advice.
I have ptosis, and the line of the eye is very marked (I would reduce it), plus I'd like to know if it is possible to lengthen the eye with lateral canthoplasty or if can be done only on asian eyes.
Until now I have contacted various clinics but they all say that they can do surgery on my eyes.
The only clinic that describes the surgery on western eyes is Banobagi. This makes me think...
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Hello girls ~!
I am international students in USA from Korea

i would like to help for plastic surgery or trip whatever , I mean , I will be translator for you guys , it will be fun to me :smile:

I will visit Seoul during summer vacation 5/9-8/26
If you need help ,just let me know ,,, Kakaotalk on smart phone app for free massages all over world ID 214lovelyhannah
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Hi Snowcup, is Bando Eye clinic is good? Thank you!
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Hello TwiNnie, I think you have to search for an Oculoplastic Surgeon. Hope it help you!:smile:
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Hi ladies... I'm planning to get an eyelid surgery done but don't know which doctor is good. Anybody have any recommendation? I was planning on going to Dr Charles lee but with all the review I read I changed my mind! Thanks
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Hi Vuitton80, you better not going to Dr. Lee in Los Angeles! He ruined my eyes and my friend too. My before eyes was pretty and just want a subtle eyelid. I was in totally shock!!! It was my biggest mistake to trust him!!! Hopefully I will get my life back and smile again with my revision in Korea. Maybe you should go to Korea, they have the best technology and know pretty well the Asian face. Is important! Good luck and carefully searching for a Plastic surgeon for your Asian eyelid. Take the time when you go to appointment. Hope it help!
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