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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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lol that's exactly what i thought too. it's your decision so you can do whatever you want. just to let you know, the more you change, the more negative side effects there will be. with your eyes, you might not be able to close them or even blink. also, with the V-line thing, i hope you know that someone in korea died during that surgery.
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lol i dont care. just to let you know, the bigger you try to make your eyes, the more negative side effects you will face. you might not be able to close/blink your eyes completely etc.
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I know more than one case and I also know where they died and why... Because I do my research :smile:

People have died during wisdom teeth removals etc... unnecessary fear! If you don't want v-line, that's fine, I do!

You assume everyone feels the same, if you were happy with how you were why get surgery at all? If you want surgery why would you want to go back... more surgery if corrections necessary! why go back? I don't understand...side effects are risks anyone going in for a surgery (especially multiple surgeries!) willingly takes... :smile:
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Thanks for the heads up! Good to know. I just emailed them about scheduling a consultation. Maybe I will reconsider...
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Please do ^^

Hey, I have a question... I've never actually used eyelid tape *.* is it difficult to use? I thought I could get some since it's so cheap... I'm planning on eyesurgery, I have triple fold in one eye (I think the other one too but you can't really see it = I have double fold but too much skin... BUT my skin is not thick, it's thin (yay! that's good, right?)) plus too much skin which makes my eyes look tired even though I'm not tired... do you think til I get the surgery I could use the eyelid tape to correct the ptosis/tiredness? I don't know if it's real ptosis since it's not severe but it bothers me :sad:
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Thanks for this info too shinyglittery! That's too bad. Jewelry was also on my list of clinics to visit. Now I don't know if I trust any of the clinics in Seoul. I guess it's down to Regen. Do you have any positive/negative thoughts about Regen. I would appreciate you sharing. Thanks! :smile:
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I've never used eyelid tape before, but I know one girl who used it and it messed her eyelids up pretty bad. I would suggest you just wait until you have your surgery.
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oh no... don't tell me those 3 clinics were the only clinics on your list? I hate to do this but...

*Regen lacking in aftercare and aftercare supplies (according to many) max 1 overnight stay? Expensive
Hearsay: An amazing eyelid + rhino result from Regen
Regen is NOT good for v-line/chin/jaw, their results are barely noticeable except with one face shape and even then it's only a minor improvement. V-line type operations at Regen will make your skin sag which is the most noticeable part! Check page 109 post #1628 of "Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea" thread for examples/proof. Pics from Regen's own website.
egg_tartlet had mini-v, ost+tipp+impl, nose ok. dr Lee for mini-v @Regen ? for nose (but cert. otolaryng. Specialist) -looks great :smile:

But hey, one forumer posted that someone she knows said her friend got an amazing eyelid + rhino result from Regen! And I haven't heard of too many botched rp's from them... :smile:

However those are NOT The only clinics for eyesurgery (by the way, Teuim gets recommended for eyes sometimes but unfortunately the clinic is closed, possibly permanently...)

Do you want me to suggest more clinics for you to check out? ^^
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Really??!? but it's so cheap... I was going to buy loads :sad: can you tell me how it messed up her eyelids :O and was it permanent? if I understand correctly it's just some kind of glue/tape... how can it mess up your eyelids...? :o I was really hoping for a temporary solution til my surgery since I might not get my surgeries for another few months... :sad:

edit: i read if you use it every day your eyes will start to sag... but what's the difference if they're already a bit droopy and you're getting surgery anyway? :o
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That's exactly what happened to her eyes. She used it everyday and the skin on her eyelids began to sag. If you are going to have surgery anyway, I guess it doesn't matter. But I would refrain from doing anything that might make your surgery more complicated.
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Thanks a bunch for all the info shinyglittery! I had many clinics on my list when I began my research. But after reading many reviews, they slowly got knocked off the list. I was looking for a clinic/doctor that specializes in eyelid revision with a more dramatic but not fake look. I started with IOU, Regen, ITEM, Wonjin, Banobagi, Grand, Teium, Migo, Jewelry, and Cinderella. Now my list is down to Regen, Cinderella, Wonjin, and I may look into View as well.

I would love to have you feedback on any of these clinics. Or if you could recommend some that aren't on my list, I would very much appreciate that as well!
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I would knock Regen (I have no info that they're capable of giving you what you want and no info to the contrary, but with a clinic that "famous" I wouldn't take that as a good sign) and Wonjin (in top 10 of most sued clinics in Korea for malpractice suits) right off... Jewelry is blacklisted on Chinese sites, so knock that off too. Cinderella is good, keep it on but not necessarily as your first choice. View and Girin can give you amazing results, and I believe both are capable of giving natural results, View for sure. You just have to tell them EXACTLY what you want. View has an English in-house translator (but don't expect her English to be too impressive...) Other clinics to check out are Bandoeyes (only heard recommendations, nothing bad), Life PS (really obscure, check it out if you want but i only mention it because i know of it... I don't think they even have a website! Not sure if they're still open but I have the email address...). Teium is closed so no use in mentioning... Forget OZ and Banobagi before you even consider them! I know someone who went to dream and the doctor gave her exactly what she wanted! I think that doctor could give you exactly what you want too (natural but dramatic) i'll let you know his name after I make sure I know it... ^^

I just updated clinics' contact info and notes!! http://postimg.org/image/jiltcsyjl/full/ ^^
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I'll agree that Regen probably isn't the best for revision. I think Bandoeye would be a strong option for eye revision as I've read they've performed near miracles fixing cases that other doctors said weren't going to be possible. But shinyglittery, why do you keep recommending against Regen? :/ Isn't Cinderella just as "famous" if not moreso than Regen? I wouldn't write off clinics just because they're really famous or popular but I'd take more caution. I think you should research more about the doctors if you can. I've read good things about their aftercare but I think what matters the most is if a doctor is competent. Especially if you're just doing eyes, after care isn't really necessary. If you had to do jaw/cheekbones, that's a different story. You need a good doctor that will listen to you.
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I think if you're big and you don't even offer proper aftercare... it speaks about an attitude problem that might manifest itself in other things too... i would be careful but I never said don't go there ^^; just that i can't recommend them to Yogi... ^^
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Yay baby. Look forward. I have deleted all my old pics.
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