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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I just went to consultations at wonjin and iwell...

Let me just say that iWell is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's forget about Wonjin... they made me laugh with the price they wanted to pay and let's not mention how much they didn't give a sh**t about what I wanted.

I feel as though bigger, more famous clinics are good for doing things that are simple and not so detailed... You are perhaps guaranteed a good result by the reputation but they don't seem to care for if a patient wants to discuss more complicated details and wants during a consultation... they just want to discuss as simple as possible, get it over with and have you pay.

iWell is very detailed and I got a free 3d scan... They knew exactly what I wanted and were very precise and helpful. I was so blown away by the doctor's approach and what he would do for my nose.

I have 2 more consultations at Item and Opera and let's see if they can match up to how satisfied I was by iWell's consultation.

Happy searching everyone :smile:
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Hi Sodium,

May i ask how you got in contact with Opera? I've been trying to reach them via Kakao and WeChat, but no responses! :sad:
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What language are you using? I contacted them via Kakaotalk using Korean
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I'm using English since I can't speak Korean or Chinese =\ Do they not have a translator? I read somewhere that they have English consultants.
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I wrote that they have an English speaking doctor, so I've been told via kakao.

Their doctor probably just has enough English ability to talk about medical terms but I'm not quite sure if he can go in depth. I know English and Korean so there won't be much problem for me when I go tomorrow.

I think communication with a doctor is very important and I love feeling comfortable and leaving with a good impression when I meet a doctor.

For some reason every female consultant makes me uncomfortable especially when they try to talk in place of the doctor or when they bump up the price that was given to me on kakao (btw don't ever believe the price they call if it's higher than the price called on Kakao, because every consultant that books a surgery receives commission, the higher they can make you pay the more commission they make) and also I hate the atmosphere they give off with the fake smiles and friendliness they give me... especially when they try to rip me off and I can see through it.

I say just book an appointment yourself, speak with the doctor and see if you guys are on the same page. If it doesn't work out because of too much of a language barrier, come back with a translator if you wish


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Sorry, i should have made my post more clear. I meant that I thought they have an in-house English translator/consultant. I want to book an appointment, but I'm having trouble doing that since no one is responding to me =( I agree that communication with doctor is very important! I mind if they are not fluent in English as long as they are honest and friendly. I'll probably ask my mom to contact them via WeChat few more times since she speaks Chinese. Thanks for your help though! :smile:
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Sorry, i should have made my post more clear. I meant that I thought they have an in-house English translator/consultant. I want to book an appointment, but I'm having trouble doing that since no one is responding to me =( I agree that communication with doctor is very important! I don't mind if they are not fluent in English as long as they are honest and friendly. I'll probably ask my mom to contact them via WeChat few more times since she speaks Chinese. Thanks for your help though! :smile:
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I don't think they have an in-house translator. I think they can hire one for you but I'm sure it costs more since she needs to get paid aswell. I believe that's what I've been told from what I remember. But I told them it would not be necessary and I'll go without one.

Yes, contacting them with chinese would be a good option.

No problem
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You would think that Korea being so much more international now and being famous for plastic surgery, that all the PS clinics would take the effort to have some of the staff speak fluent English. Lol I mean English is a business language right. haha
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I'm at opera right now as I write this. The consultation was great and so was the price. I can't say enough good things about the doctor and his english is perfectly fine enough to communicate with.

Hes a bit conservative with his approach because he said I was really pretty enough, but I beg to differ.

I really think this hospital is amazing and I really reccomend it for anyone, the patients look great too.

I'm torn betwewn iwell and opera... i feel great with both doctors. opera is much cheaper than iwell.

i think korean beauty standards are a little different from what i'm aiming for since opera thinks my nose is thin enough and my nostrils are small enough but iwell somewhat agreed to make a slight change.

i got a price quote of ₩2,000,000 for a nose revision at opera and ₩3,500,000 for a nose revision at iwell.

I will make my decision soon!

I highly recommend all of you to check out Topclass (very pricey but very famous and worth it, though atmosphere with the consultant was uncomfortable),

iWell (skill is probably up to par with topclass, with a free 3d scan and a very comfortable atmosphere and doctor)

and Opera (the location is near topclass and most plastic surgery clinics in the gangnam area are guaranteed quality, patients look great, friendly atmosphere and a really sweet and kind doctor)

All the other big hospitals I've visited(wonjin, jewelry, the line) give off a very uncomfortable, uncaring and we're-too-rich-and-famous-to-care-about-your-opinion vibe.
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doesn't necessarily applies to all businesses. Some wants to target the overseas market, but others prefer to stay local. I know Opera is well known among the locals so I'm not surprised that there could be possibly a language barrier with them.
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Glad to hear that you're having a good experience with Opera so far! still trying to reach them via WeChat and Kakao, but no responses...sigh* i really don't want to give up on them yet so hopefully I'll hear something by next week :sad:
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