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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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actually mrsking, for older patients it is rather common for a mid face lift to be performed together with the cheekbone reduction at the same time. Some surgeons will even recommend a mild lift for younger patients who are concerned about sagging.
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Hi Mrs King, I know about Sculptra but ever since I started looking into Korean PS I 'forgot' about everything else. I tried Radiesse before (also supposed to stimulate collagen to bind to its calcium particles), did not make any noticeable difference. Maybe will look into Sculptra again. I tend to not trust the Western world's beauty industry, everything is made to be short-lived to keep you coming back in order to keep feeding them.

My previous post was mainly about young people doing v-line and mandibles etc, because of their young age they don't think about aging/sagging. In your case it's all ok because you'll get a facelift after. I know about sagging because in 2005 I had orthodontic treatment, they pulled out 4 teeth. The result was my teeth was pulled in (retruded) and my mid face lost the support and the sagging started. My aging was in freefall from then on and what started this whole facelift scenario.

Thanks for your kind thoughts.
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I've not had this procedure yet but considering having it next year. Two friends have had the non absorbable method both with very good results and no complications. It's less drastic than a facelift and can pull everything up as far as you are able to push your own skin up but I don't suggest you have it as tight as that. I'm still learning about this procedure myself so I'm limited to how much advice I can give without asking my friends. Let me know what you decide.
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I am planning to consult at least 8 clinics, JW is not my first choice, but if have time, i will go to consult:smile:
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Holy crap! Eight clinics? How long are you planning to stay in Korea? How many consultations can you fit in one day? I remember I was running a round like a headless chickens, just trying to do the three! And I missed two of the consultations I booked...

Are you trying to get everything done at the same place? Originally I thought a out splitting my procedures up amongst different doctors but not anymore..

Almost all of the clinics are telling me that I should make a decision and put down a deposit before I arrive to secure my surgery appointment because I'm going in December, when it's the busiest. Is anyone else having this problem?
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Does sagging occur only because of excess skin? I thought that after being separated from the bone, the skin never fully reattached itself to the bone, which is why people start sagging early.. I'm not sure if I read this somewhere or made my own assumptions... Either way, you all who are planning or have done bone contouring are very brave!

I'm scared just to go under general anesthesia. Never mind the recovery!
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no need to be scared of general anesthesia. Your main concern should be if you are allergic to it and that in itself is extremely rare. And no sagging doesn't only occur due to excess skin. Its due to the lack of structural support after the procedure. So not just skin, but also a combination of soft tissue and fat will sag downwards. There will 100% be sagging guarantee. Gravity's a ***** after all. But the degree to which sagging occurs depends on whether the patient is a suitable candidate for bone manipulation surgery. There are lots of young people who undergo it trying to achive the V shape look only to regret it later on as they get older and sagging becomes more evident. I had a jaw reduction back when i was 20 and a year or so later i soon realized i was having premature sagging
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Wow. Then did you get a facelift too? I feel like a lot of people who get facelifts, LOOk like they've had face lifts. At least the before/after you see on American websites--if you go on any American ps site, they normally have facelifts and boob jobs as their main area of expertise.

Hey, general question for you or anyone else who've had work done...
Are the guys you date post plastic surgery better looking than guys you dated before plastic surgery?
I went on a date with this guy last night who looked… no bueno. And it made me wonder, after surgery, will I get to date guys that I actually find attractive? Even my past boyfriends… They weren’t ugly by any means, but they certainly weren’t drop dead gorgeous. I guess the real question here is, will I get to date drop dead gorgeous guys?!?!!

Apologies for the slightly off topic, shallow and inane question. But hey, if I’m going to pay thousands of dollars to get work done, I want to know that there will be real tangible benefits! Hahaha
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i had a concentric malar lift to reverse the sagging. Its different to a face lift. Umm lol at your question. Well first of all i don't think anyone should have surgery if their intention is to date better looking guys. I personally never noticed a difference as i think most people won't. Being able to date more attractive people would only be applicable to those who were pretty unattractive to begin with pre op.

Anyways to be blunt, assuming your surgery went well, you may be able to more frequent sexual relations with attractive guys but dating....welll u will find most "drop dead gorgeous" guys are not looking for a relationship.
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Ahahha. No. I’m not doing plastic surgery for a man. But I have to admit that there's a part of me that's hoping really hot guys would ask me out after surgery. Not average or below average guys like I get nowadays… sigh. Like someone from a Korean drama.

What is this wistful melancholy… Must be that time of the month D:

Speaking of time of the month, those ladies who are irregular… How do you plan for a PS trip MONTHS in advance? They say you shouldn’t do surgery while you’re on your period. Right?
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I had loads more guys chat me up before I had any surgery, now I get very few but way more stares. Why? My friends tell me I now look intimidating and guys don't think they stand a chance so they don't bother to try. Bear this in mind beauty seekers!
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What sadness. Well, then do you have the confidence to chat up the hot guys? Or did you always have that confidence? I know I don't now.
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This is off topic - you need to go somewhere else for how to chat up the hot guys..
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Then what I am I supposed to do ? :sad:
I just want a smaller face :sad:(
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But could it be that you are too pretty hence the guys back off? But i guess you can do revision if you dont like what was done. I am going for double eyelid revision and also chin inplant revision. So many commented that my current looks are way worst than before.
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