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Posts posted by blasian

  1. Hey there, it has been a while since your surgery and curious to know how are you healing? I am planning to visit Girin in a few months and your information would be very helpful.
  2. I just looked at your blog and it is a really organized site! Thank you so much for this information! For what I spent on my eyes in the United States, I should have gone to Korea and may have had a better experience.

    Your eyes look great. Opera did a good job.
  3. I am curious to know if the idea of implants bother you? I have little experience with breast augmentation with fat, but I would imagine there is a chance some of the fat may be absorbed. For where I used to be (A cup) before that idea would have stressed me out if an ounce of fat disappeared. I went in for breast implants in 2005 and it has worked out fine for me.
  4. I have heard good things about Dream clinic in Korea, but I definitely do not recommend the clinic in Koreatown, in Los Angeles. They were also very expensive. I will agree that I am having a hard time finding information about the Line.
  5. I actually looked for hotels in the area where the clinic is, and spent hours reading reviews lol. People seem to be fairly honest about their hotel experiences on tripadvisor.com or agoda.com
    I just want a place to lay my head because I am hoping when some of the swelling goes down I can walk around and see a little of Seoul, instead of being stuck in a room all day. I was shocked about how expensive hotels in Seoul are! They charge nearly as much as any hotel here in the United States.
  6. Thank you for looking out for me. I did do my research and it does seem that these would be intense procedures! I am ready for the challenge! I am actually not new to plastic surgery, but this would by far be the most invasive surgeries I will have.
  7. I am new to this forum, and I am glad I discovered it because I am planning to go to Seoul in May 2015 for various procedures. I am looking for a dramatic change from where I am currently. My face appears a little long, and I have a really prominent, square chin and jaw. I have had ptosis surgery with Dr. Kim in Los Angeles and the stitch has loosened and now my eyes look like they did before surgery. I have grown tired of disliking what I see and now I am just going to do this. My hotel is booked!

    This is what I plan to do:

    V-line for jaw
    fat graft to forehead and cheeks
    Zygoma reduction
    Acculift for under chin
    and eye revision

    I am considering Girin or View Clinic. Whatever feedback about these clinics you can give me would be very helpful.
  8. Where did you go for surgery? I am sorry to hear about your results.
  9. When I go to Korea I think I will do a consultation with DA.
  10. Is sagging common with zygoma reduction? I am planning to do this with vline and I dont want my face to sag too soon. That will mean another surgery.
  11. This list is amazing. Thank you so much for this information and the before and after photos!
  12. Before I started reading more often on this thread, I was seriously considering Wonjin! I am so glad that I did not give them any money. Also, they were significantly more expensive and wanted me to pay about $19,000 USD, this is why I started looking around more. For that kind of money I can just stay in the United States.
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