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Posts posted by caliroll

  1. Well I'm male, so I would never even consider vline. I think that procedure is totally unnecessary for a lot of people. If your issues are mainly due to enlarged masseter muscles, it will work very well. If your face is wide because of the bone structure, then it won't narrow as much. For me, most of the bulk was due to enlarged masseter muscles from excessive clenching.

    You can't get too obsessive about narrowing your jaw muscles though because at some point it will look crazy / bizarre. I consider it a blessing that it is not permanent, because you can fine tune. Maintaining it twice a year is not that much of an inconvenience versus a potential disaster from an aggressive procedure like vline.
  2. I agree. You really should try a nonsurgical route first to see if you actually like the look. My natural face shape is very bloated / rounded because I have TMJ issues and am a terrible teeth grindr. Over the years, my masseter (jaw) muscles grew huge from excessive grinding and clenching. Botox made a DRASTIC difference. You'd be surprised how dramatic it can look.

    If you want that narrow, chiseled look the best nonsurgical course of action is to get botox to slim the jaw line. Then get fillers injected along the jawline and angle of the mandible to sharpen that edge. If you end up hating it, it will wear off and self-correct. If you really like it, it's not that bad to maintain it once a year. This is a way to test drive the look before committing.
  3. You're doing the right thing. I know a girl who went to @docyappy and she is completely botched. What he did to her is unfixable and her life was completely turned upside down because of it. He is the king of botched noses if you actually dig around online and speak to real people. All his photos are suspect with like 20 filters on them. Notice how they also only show certain angles, because they're trying to hide the terrible scarring.
  4. Patent for what? Using your own cartilage for the bridge area is a standard procedure done everywhere around the world. How can they patent this? More than likely they took a regular procedure and branded it, making it seem like it's new and innovative. Clinics pull this $hit all the time to confuse uninformed patients.
  5. I've followed Dr. Charles Lee's work for a while and have read many reviews of his. Obviously any long time reader of these forums will know that Kcouture had a negative experience with him. I have read that his office is extremely aggressive in terms of threatening legal action against those who speak up about their bad experiences. Most have said how he is cold and aloof towards patients. Some of his most recent work looks okay, but the bad reviews should give you pause.

    Dr. Kimberly Lee has next to nothing in terms of B&A. She's one of those people who talks herself up and is active on Realself, but her actual results are nonexistent to unimpressive.
  6. I'd say more than 50% of the reviews on Realself for Yoo are FAKE. Zero pictures, and just one or two very short paragraphs about their "amazing" rhinoplasties. Realself has become completely unreliable and profit driven. They have allowed non-plastic surgeons to post on there for some time. Now you have gynecologists who perform cosmetic procedures and are allowed to promote themselves on there. Before it was strictly just licensed plastic surgeons and dermatologists. Now it's a free for all. Do not trust everything you read on there and trust your instincts.
  7. Wow, this was a success. Your new nose looks great and appropriate for your face. I agree with you, DO NOT do alarplasty. You don't need it and it's too risky. I had an overly aggressive alarplasty, which is a nightmare because it can't really be revised without more scarring or deformity. I think most guys should totally avoid alarplasty because it can really feminize the nose too much.

    I didn't see a mention of price. Can you reveal how much for the revision? Thanks!!
  8. You are most definitely not alone. I literally could have written that exact same post. I had a disastrous rhino that has completely changed my face into someone else. The butcher who operated on me hacked away at my nose and overdid everything. I was left with scarring, asymmetry, and look unnatural at certain angles. It's been several years that I have dealt with the aftermath. Let me tell you that first year was absolute hell, and I was pushed to the brink as well. I'm in a position where I have limited options to correct my issues and I feel stuck in that place where I hate the way my nose looks, but I'm also too scared to risk it again and potentially look worse. At least your family is understanding.

    Stay strong, and keep researching but don't let yourself fall into that dark place. I know it's easier said than done.

    As far as the fat graft goes, you can try to reduce it with Kenalog / cortisone injections but it has to be done meticulously to not cause depressions in the skin. I've also read of facial liposuction used in these cases, but there are risks with evenness and asymmetry with that. I think depending on how severe your case is, this seems fixable.
  9. Yeah, I agree. His noses look ridiculous half the time. I don't know what happened because when he first started out his noses looked tasteful and realistic.

    I'm curious, which clinics bashed your results from Dr. Yoo? Do you have your eyes set on any clinics in particular?
  10. Are you East Asian or South Asian / Indian / Pakistani? I ask this because Grigoryants has stated before that he prefers not to work on East Asian noses because that's not his specialty. Also, if you dig deep into Realself, there are TONS of horrible reviews of Grigoryants. Anyone interested with him should proceed with caution, especially if you are East Asian

    I'm glad yours worked out though.
  11. My advice...

    1. Do not use pictures of other people / models to show what you want. Photoshop your YOUR OWN FACE. What you think looks good on other people may not work at all on your face. In fact, when you play around with your own face, you will see how a few minor tweaks could radically change your face in ways you can not predict and may not like.

    2.Don't let price be the biggest factor.

    3. If they are vague in the consult or dismissive, walk out. Always be prepared to walk away.

    4. Listen to your instincts
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