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Posts posted by caliroll

  1. With alarplasty you have to be extremely careful because there really is no going back once tissue is removed. Most surgeons tend to tell patients to wait after getting rhino. Think of it like pitching a tent. When you have a higher bridge and tip, the alars will be narrower. If you do an alarplasty at the same time, the doctor may overshoot and now you have alars that are far too small for your face.
  2. Why does the alarplasty make complete removal of the implant impossible? What issues does this cause? I'm kind of in a similar situation.
  3. Did you remove the implant? Or is the implant still there? If the implant is still there then fillers would be very risky because of infection if the needle touches the implant and seeds it with bacteria. And if the implant has already been removed, like you said, the blood supply has already been compromised due to scarring after rhino.
  4. @kkp1994 How much was your revision rhino at JW?
  5. Wait.... so Dr. Suh has fallen off? Has his skill level really deteriorated or is it because the result is not dramatic enough for his newer patients? From what I've read, the disappointed patients wanted a more dramatic result and he tends to do more natural looking rhinoplasties. I haven't read of an outright botch with Dr. Suh, other than that girl who was supposedly botched with the jaw surgery (which was really questionable).

    I'm strongly considering him for revision, so can any of his recent patients give their opinions?
  6. This is probably a dumb question, but you ultimately went with JW right? I looked at your blog and it is really helpful. The fact that Dr. Suh speaks good english and supports a natural looking aesthetic gives me more confidence in him.
  7. I agree with the other comments. Do not go through with a revision if you are happy with your nose and currently do not have any complications. Each time you go through rhinoplasty the nose becomes more scarred and the blood supply becomes more compromised. If you have a complication, you should cross that bridge when you get there. if you get a revision now, you could end up with a result you hate or worse.
  8. Please, please folks don't gamble with your face, especially with rhino. Price is an important consideration, but if its your main driver, then don't do it. There's too much at risk, and you could potentially set yourself up for a downwards spiral of revisions. Look at how many people here are searching for revisions. That should tell you how risky this procedure is. Do your research.

    As far as US surgeons go, I agree that many US surgeons do not have an eye for asian beauty. Even though Dr. Yoo is a great and meticulous doctor he tends to do really nigh nose bridges and overprojected, long tips. I guess that's the aesthetic here in the US for Asians, but it's not a look I like. Always make sure that your own personal tastes line up with your doctor's aesthetic.
  9. I agree 110% with this. Be smart about pricing, but never ever base your surgery on price alone. If you are swayed purely by pricing, you are almost certainly going to get into trouble. I know it's easy to fantasize about getting a fantastic deal and walking out of the clinic looking beautiful, but that's not how it ends up being a lot of the time. If your surgery goes wrong, you'll most likely end up paying a lot more for revision. Not to mention some aspects of surgery are irreversible, so even if you have the money the damage cannot be fixed. Think very hard about getting into this plastic surgery business because it can quickly spiral out of control.

    This was a lesson I had to learn the really hard way. Trust your instincts, always! If you get a bad feeling about the clinic or doctor, don't do it! Look at the other patients in the clinic. How do their surgeries look? If you feel uncomfortable, get the hell out and don't look back. To this day, I wished I had followed my instincts and canceled my surgery, even though I had flown all that way. Even if you lose a few $1000s from flights and hotels, it means nothing in comparison to living with a horrible result.

    And one last point, stay the hell away from Southeast Asia for surgery. Just don't do it.
  10. It's right beneath the picures. $3600 USD.
    Ugh, I totally wished I would have considered this doctor for my surgeries. He seems to be one of the best in Vietnam. I've watched his video with Dr. Suh. Supposedly, Dr. Suh was very concerned at first in regards to allowing this clinic to use the JW branding. He wasn't sure that this doctor was a real plastic surgeon at all, but I guess everything checked out. In the end, they must have trusted this clinic enough to license the brand. I also think this doctor has trained with Dr. Suh on his techniques. Being vietnamese myself, when he speaks in his interviews, you can tell he knows what he's talking about.
    This clinic also does pretty extensive surgeries like maxillo-facial surgery. The thing I am concerned with though is the lack of multiple views of their before and afters.

    @callmejay , was there no general anesthesia option at all? We're you not given a choice? Considering the fact that they do more extensive surgeries, I'm surprised it wasn't given to you as an option.
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