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  1. Hello! I would like to get full face fat grat/alarplasty and V line surgery for less than 10,000 USD. Do you think it's realistic? I feel interested by Item/TopFace and Cincerella but i'll kindly listen to your recommendations
  2. Hi guys i'm Tracy! I've been anorexic for some years... Now i have gained about 20kg (idk about pounds sorry) and eating normaly BUT i couldn't go out for a year because of how horrible anorexia made my face look... Before people was telling me i was pretty... Now i am 26y.o but looking like a 30+ person and my face lost all its fat, my lips are down which makes me look like an sick ugly man :/ I'm suffering a lot about this so i have decided to make fat graf. Since this procedure is really expensive and not effectived because of lack of new methods in my country, i've decided to go to Korea! I've been looking for informations and clinics for about a week and feel interested by a medical tour agency for convenience. 3 clinics really caught my attention→Cinderella/Item/Topface. To be more precice with you i would like to get 4 procedures: Stem fat graft on upper eyelid/temples/cheeks/face contour/under eye to get a baby face soft look V line surgery because my chin looks a way to long Alarplasty because my nose alars are large Upper lip ligting and reshaped to get a round heart like shape So far i'm discussing with the 3 clinics i have mentioned + a medical tour agency and a medical tour agency. Thanks for reading
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