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Found 6 results

  1. I looking for korea plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty. Safe, no case dropped, no blacklist. I want to reduce the size of my nose. Help me please. Everyone's advice is very important to me. Ask for real information.
  2. Opera Plastic Surgery Ruined My Face Opera messed up my face! Do not go here. Trust me. Don’t make the same mistake I did because they’re cheap. Here’s how my experience at Opera went. I got surgery in 2020. (If you don’t believe me I have a document below proving I got surgery there) I did have to quarantine for 2 weeks beforehand because it was COVID but I’m just going to start at the first meeting with Opera. TLDR; Rushed me into surgery without even listening to me, kicked me out of the clinic when I was still extremely drugged up and couldn’t even find the door, nose is crooked, eye won’t fully open and is asymmetrical, didn’t do the alarplasty I paid for and refuses to refund me, doctor denies all issues and refuses to take responsibility for any of it and refuses to refund me. I feel like it’s been sufficient time for everything to settle and make a judgment. I got double eyelid surgery with incision, epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, medial canthoplasty, ptosis correction, rhinoplasty with silicone implant and ear cartilage tip, alarplasty, liposuction, fat grafting, Zygoma and jaw reduction, buccal fat removal, and love band filler 1. My Consultation I met with the English translator and she ushered me into the office to meet with the eye surgeon. He poked and prodded my eye and left. Then, the nose surgeon came in and looked at my nose. I tried asking him a few questions but he just nodded and left. He was in such a hurry and didn’t take the time to listen to me. Then I met with the jaw surgeon and he actually did talk to me and understood what I wanted. Then I met with a few other people for the other procedures (My memory’s a little fuzzy here). They rushed me so much and were just trying to get me in and out. I signed a bunch of papers. Then, a tailor came to take my measurements for the compression garment for liposuction. I went to an outside clinic to get my vitals checked to make sure I was okay for surgery. After that, I left and would come back the next day for the first half of my surgeries. I would complete the second half at a later date (because I was getting so many). 2. Surgery Day I fasted for several hours and arrived at the clinic in the morning the next day. I changed into a surgery gown and washed my face and everything. I kept my possessions in a locker. Then, I went to the operating room and laid down for them to prep me. They couldn’t find my vein and punctured me in weird places and it hurt a lot. They put me under anesthesia and I was knocked out. I was awake for the eye surgery because they had me do things with my eye and respond to them. After that, I knocked out again. I woke up briefly because I was awake again and I told them I was aware so they drugged me up some more. I don’t know how long I was out. 3. Immediately Post-Surgery I woke up in a bed next to some other people and realized my surgery was complete. I believe some of them were the eyes and rhinoplasty but it’s hard to remember. I was still really disoriented. I fell asleep. I woke to the English translator shaking me and telling me I had to leave. I was still super drugged up but I had to get up because they were kicking me out. I was still so drugged up I literally couldn’t see where I was going and couldn’t even find the door. The translator had to hold my arm to get me down to the lobby. There, I was left to fend for myself. It was so hard to get home. My sight was extremely blurry. I couldn’t breathe. I don’t even remember how I got back. 4. Second Surgery I went through the same prep. It’s hard to remember which surgeries I got this time but I know one of them was the jaw surgery. The second surgery was fine but my face blew up like a pufferfish but I think that’s normal. 5. Post-surgery Over the course of 2 weeks I went in for some treatments to de-swell. They removed the bandages from my nose and I remember thinking it looked kind of crooked. I expressed these concerns to them but they said to let it settle because it can change. Then, I noticed there were no incisions anywhere at my alar. Not inside, not outside. I realized they didn’t do the alarplasty even though I paid for it! I told them and at first they denied it, but finally admitted they didn’t do it. They gave me an IOU to come back and get it but wouldn’t give me back my money. I didn’t have time for that because I had to go back to America soon. So I sucked it up and figured I would have to waste more money coming back to Korea to get it sometime in the future. 6. Back in America I let a year pass and my nose was still crooked. It leans to the left side. Furthermore, my right eye wouldn’t fully open and was asymmetrical. Another thing, they left a thread in my left nostril. You can’t see it, but you can feel it with your finger. I tried pulling it out and it wouldn’t budge. This is just sloppy. I contacted them through Kakaotalk multiple times but they never responded to me. I still had hopes that the nose was still settling so I waited some more. After another year passed, I realized nothing was going to change and it was just crooked and my eye was going to stay asymmetrical. I posted a scathing review of how they ruined my nose and eyes in the comments section of one of their instagram posts and then I finally got a message from a representative from Opera. 7. Talking to the Opera Representative She acted shocked that this happened to me. She asked for more details about my concerns and relayed them to the doctor. I sent them pictures of my face and pointed out the issues. I told them about the alarplasty situation. Then the doctor responded by saying that he didn’t see any crookedness in my nose. He said my face just looks like that. He also said that my eyes were slightly asymmetrical before surgery and that surgery can’t fix that. I was able to open both my eyes fully before the surgery. Look below to see what happened. He fails to address the fact that my right eye won’t fully open. He also said that I didn’t need alarplasty. He admits to not doing it. He says he just removed fat in my nostril instead. That isn’t what alarplasty is. If he felt like I didn’t need alarplasty, why didn’t he say anything at the consultation? He took my money even though I didn’t need to do it? I asked for my money back because they didn’t do what I paid for. They refused to refund me for anything and denied everything. It made me furious because my eye is clearly asymmetrical and they said the problem was not worse after surgery. Anybody with eyes could see the difference. TLDR; Rushed me into surgery without even listening to me, kicked me out of the clinic when I was still extremely drugged up and couldn’t even find the door, nose is crooked, eye won’t fully open and is asymmetrical, didn’t do the alarplasty I paid for and refuses to refund me, doctor denies all issues and refuses to take responsibility for any of it and refuses to refund me. I’ve planned my revision surgery at different clinics and am going back to Korea in March 2023. This time, I have to shell out $14,000 to get everything fixed. I learned my lesson and will not get something just because it’s cheap. You get what you pay for. Save yourself the heartache and go somewhere else that’s not Opera. Crying right now because my face is messed up. :’(
  3. Im looking to get DES and rhino in Korea sometime this May, but I am worried about the language barrier. I've seen a lot of advertising from different medical tourism companies (like Seoul Guide Medical and Eunogo) and wanted to see if anyone on here has had any experience with it and maybe suggest some more companies that I could look into? Thanks so much in advance:)
  4. Hello! I have been thinking about surgery in Korea for a long time. However, because of my budget I am looking for a clinic that has a low price for treatments. Specifically, I mean v-line surgery (with a zygoma), eyebrow / forehead lift, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasty for 500,000 KRW - 1million KRW (for each treatment). Please help :)
  5. Planning my trip and not sure if anyone has suggestions as far as stay at Airbnb or other other lodging other than hotels near Gangnam?
  6. Hi all! I only discovered beautyhacker.com tonight from the purseforum! I am booked in for my surgery with Item Clinic for January 2020. I believe I have a bulbous nose that I would like a natural enhancement for, to look more defined and feminine. I've been quoted about 3.5 million krw and I will be doing my surgery with Dr. Kim. If anyone has any advice or experiences they would like to share, please let me know! I would like to mention that the reason why I am satisfied with Item or feel confident about it is because I have read through other people's experience with Dr. Kim. He appears to be someone who is compatible with my vision to have a natural result instead of a dolly or drastic change over. Initially I was set on Marble because they also had a very natural based results. But their consultant was unreliable and after almost being trapped to put down a deposit for a sudden 7 mil krw procedure, I decided to drop them.
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