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How can I make my calves smaller?

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It took me a while to read through this whole thread. Whenever one of the girls describe their calves after surgery, I feel light headed and have to stop. Do anyone of you girls feel that way too? lol
What's funny is that I've decided to do this surgery in two months. I really hope I have the courage to get through this, but somehow I still cannot find any girls who's doing this surgery in August. Is it a bad time or something?
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Oh I wish I could just get it done and over with! So you're lucky! I do get lightheaded reading it too! I feel like I have 10 months to memorize Korean phrases like "that hurts!" , "I'm still awake!", and "how long is it going to look that way?" :smile: . I'm just kidding! All the posts an people with the partial gastrocnectomy have been really good!i haven't really heard of any regrets.
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hi ffxlulu,

i thought about going in august, but one of my best friends is getting married during that month. i didn't want to take the chance that i might be still recovering if i get it done then. when are you going in august? how exciting!

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omg!! I'm planning to book my flight tomorrow from July 26-Aug 14 to Seoul and plan to stay at the Young Dong Hotel. After my flight is confirmed, I will be booking my surgery date on July 29th. Are you going to do your surgery at Dr. Park? If so, lets plan to do this together! :biggrin: When is your exact date?
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oh damn! I will be going around end of July.
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I have been considering calf reduction surgery for what feels like forever now, and it definitely makes me nervous. My calves are around 37cm, and for some reason I think this surgery would make a huge difference in my confidence and how I carry myself. Reading the updates on this site has provided a lot of insight, and I'm planning a trip within the next year or so :S. I wish the best of luck to everyone who is going through with it in the near future! I'll keep checking in on this forum to see how you're all doing :smile:.
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Hi girls,

I've booked surgery with Dr. Park on July 29th. I will be going through spinal anesthesia which I'm really worried about too. But since I've decided to let Dr. Park cut part of my calf muscles out, I might as well accept this method. I seriously CANNOT wait to do this surgery. Everyone around me are super against it . They seriously do NOT understand what it is like to be a female who has huge calves. I went to cottage yesterday and decided to show off my calves one last time (since i usually hide them)
and someone criticized my calves right in my face saying "your calves are fking huge". This usually bugs me soo much, but I just smiled and said thanks. Knowing that they will be fixed soon.. one more month..
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Hi ffxlulu,

I can completely realize what you feel about your calves now. I am also planning to do this surgery in this January hopefully. I can realize your fear about the op and the thing that makes it worse is that the people around make us more scared! But do not pay attention to them cause they don't know anything about this surgery except its scaring name! I wish I could have it done in August cz for wearing those special socks after the op, I wouldn't have any problem in the cold weather:biggrin:
I also found the same article which you posted the link of when I was researching about calf reduction...And I got scared if it is related to Dr.park or not...and then the only thing that made me feel better was his website in which he has claimed he had done this op for many years with no serious complain. But anyway, let's see the other guys' comments on it. It is so good that you are reading about this op in the internet and I made sure that I am not the only interested person who is seriously researching about it:P
Please share any important thing that you find. Thanks a lot:smile:
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I just got that you are from Canada like me:smile: I was recently thinking that the people who have done this op are all from the states or Australia or Europe as I saw in the posts...and probably I would be the only one from Canada goes for it! So I believe that you have chosen the best time for the op cause it gets cold enough in September to cover your post-op socks inside your pants. BC doesn't get that cold though!
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I'm from Canada, too! Good luck with the surgery. I hope you can share your recovery with us! :smile:
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