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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Hi @Christy2, are you thinking of having surgery with Dr Jong?
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not yet but I've been in contact with him. i am thinking towards the end of the year how about you? I have sent you a private message
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Hi there

I am in the process of organising to go to Dr Jong. I am wondering how your recovery is going?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi everyone, Happy Lunar New Year!

Im currently in the Youngdong Hotel, going to be here for the next two weeks. My surgery starts this Monday.

Im wondering if anyone is sharing the same fate as me?

Just had a consultation with Dr. Park, he was knowledgable and answered my many questions. He measured my calves to be around 37cm. My left calve is a little smaller. Which is normal. Our goal is 32cm.
He could have pushed other surgeries on me but didnt. I appreciated that. He didnt comment on my nose, weight, or anything unnecessary I need to change to my body.
He greeted me, asked about my flight to Seoul, then went to tell me more what to expect during and post surgery. I will be staying at his clinic overnight so his nurse can keep me company. He's offering that, most places doesnt. In LA, Cali; I would have to head back to my hotel. Dr. Park said once I followed all instructions and precautions, I should be able to go back to normal activities and see results in two months. Ive seen post op pictures of many calves, the scars are not very visible and results looks good. So thats comforting for me.
His surgery room looks amazing, very high tech, and it looks out to Gangnam St, the biggest street in Seoul. Its not what I imagined a four walled room, claustrophobic.
I asked Dr.Park how many calves muscle resection he have done, he answered over 700 and over 15 years. He also quaranties his work, his surgeries; if anything goes wrong.
I wasnt charged any $ for consultation, which took 15 min or so. However I was supposed to put 10% down deposit on my 7.500.000 won. I will pay all this Monday instead.
All in all, I feel positive about this decision of mine, and will check in on this forum as often as I can.
Take care everyone and again, Have an amazing Lunar New Year!
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Good luck ChenL! I haven't been to this forum for a while. 5 months post operation everything is good with me. Scars are still visible but they should fade out as time goes by. Other than that, everything is good. My measurement was 38.5cm and 37.5cm before operation, now they are stable at 34cm both. I don't have much to complain...
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Hi girls,
Thank you for the well wishes! I need them:smile:

kiki12345- Its really comforting hearing of your experience. Im two hours away from my surgery, feels nervous, so your words are very helpful. 34cm right now... is that the final cm?

Dianna22- I will definitely post as often as I can of my post op.

Thanks again girls... will keep in touch. :smile:
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Hi every one, I had my calf resection surgery with Dr. Park @ Oz on Monday, I'd like to share my post operation for those who are interested.
Day 1 post op:

my calves surgery took around 2 hours, Dr. Park and 3 nurses sanitized themselves and worked together to put me under. My main RN Ami (Mi) even held my hand and braced my body to ensure my comfort. Coming to a foreign country alone for such a major surgery that many people wouldn't be able to comprehend why I even chose to do this surgery in the first place. I felt really at ease.

After surgery, they rolled a pink bed in to slide me over, and brought me into the overnight room for patients. I was able to eat 5 hours later. Ami ordered me Korean fried chicken and a coke. I paid her back. The two nurses kept checkingup on me. it's 11pm now, and Ami had changed into her pajamas and is also staying at the clinic to check on me. She just took me to the bathroom and then helped me stretch. It was not horribly painful, but a discomfort one rather not have. This surgery, costs nearly $7000, hotel costs $1200, airplane $800, food costs atleast $25/day ($400 total) for me since theres no microwave at Youngdong hotel. All in all... at this hour, I'm doing fine so far. Being alone and taking care of this procedure by myself is challenging, but its better than having someone here watching you. I'm able to go slowly to the bathroom and grab items from the fridge. Ask for atleast four extra pills to help your back and elevate your legs:smile:.

I feel Yong Dong hotel is not the best option, but I've already paid them for 13 days @ 90,000 won no breakfast included and only 1 bottle of water a day. So not much I can do. Their customer service is not good and after 5 days here, housekeeping is horrible. I found pubic hair in my clean new sheets, they didn't replace my toilet paper, didn't refill my tea, didn't wash my cups, nor empty my garbage can. Its one thing after another everyday. I would not recommend this hotel.

Back to the surgery, I was told if I did my stretches every 30 min, I will be able to walk normal sooner. Stretching is quite uncomfortable but not too painful. So that is my goal.

At the moment, my calves are all wrapped up, I can't see anything. My feet is puffy, so I'm glad I brought a size 8 1/2 pair of wedges, rather than my usual size 5.5 wedge. So be sure to bring a bigger pair of wedge. Walking on flats is only recommended during stretches. Possibly a week or so later, I can switch back to my flats if I want to.

Day 2:
I watched movies throughout the night and woke u a few times. I tried to drink less water, so Iwont need to use the restroom much.
I took some Arnica for swelling. Nurses checked in on me and left me to sleep some more.My right leg bled through the wrap, so Dr. Park and nurses took me into the treatment room to unwrap and wrap it again.
I did more stretches against the wall, with my stomach touching the wall, each time is painful and hard. Ami taught me another kind of stretch, to sit down as if I'm eating in the street and theres no chair. Ahh thats a hard one. I could only do half way, after third try I asked her if we can move on.
I went back to my hotel at 1pm. Ami sent me off with antibiotics and pain killers. She instructed the hotel's driver to help me walk up the stairs and to the elevator, he mainly just walked my backpack up the stairs and to the elevator for me. While watching me taking baby steps from afar. Yong Dong hotel have a menu for plastic surgery's patients. I requested it and they gave it to me. Everything is between $6-12. So you need to ask for the menu. If ordered the outside menu, you need to pay cash only. If at hotel, you can pay later or on credit card.
I tried to rest and sleep alot today, watch movies online. I ate a cup noodle, because I dont want to deal with calling front desk for room service. Sleeping; I tried to switch position, sleeping on back with elevated legs and stomach stretching the legs, both helps.
Day 3:
I woke up off and on, tried to watch more movies to keep my mind off the discomfort. Bed rest is the best remedy, and probably the only thing you can do right now.
I tried to challenge myself by walking on flats, however walking on my wedges is more comfortable. I tried to do more stretches, but its still hard and painful. I ate once today, i called front desk for room service, the "outside" menu, because it's cheaper and better meal options. It arrived in 20 minutes, a man delivered it and I paid him cash.
I've stocked up on cup noodles and bread, and drinks; however I'm running out of drinks already. So heads up, buy more variety of drinks you like to drink and lots of fruits. It helps you stay hydrated in the hotel room. My first post-op appointment with Dr. Park is tomorrow.
My legs are still wrapped, I have not seen results so cannot comment as of yet.
*For those wanting to share hotels, I'm not sure this hotel has two beds. Best to check first, their rooms are quite small. And do request a room next to the elevator. I got mine the second day.

As days goes by, more updates to follow... thanks for everyones' time. Have a good day.
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Hi @ChenL,
How is your recovery going?
Hope your ok! Please post an update when you have a chance
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I went in for my first Check Up with Dr. Park. They re-bandaged my calves again. Everything looks good except I haven't stretched correctly so one of the RN helped me stretched correctly again. I felt sweaty, nauseous, and dizzy. She said it was normal. My right leg is still more swollen than my left. My muscles were so stiff. After my 1 hour appointment with Dr. Park and RN, I went back to the hotel and did more stretches. Stayed in all day, I ordered outside room service again. Took lots of meds, hard time sleeping still.

Day 5:
It's getting hard to sleep, my right leg is constantly numb and swelling. The stretches are getting easier but still unpleasant, I really need and want to the stretches. IF you stretched correctly, you are able to walk better. Do you stretches correctly ladies: lower stomach touching the wall, with you legs together and 5-7 inches from the wall. I stayed in all day again, I just wanted to concentrate on rests and stretches.

Day 6: Dr. Visit Post Op #2
I got 4 hours of sleep, my right leg is giving me much discomfort: swollen, numbness. I haven't felt any skin itching yet, just numbness. I had a hard time getting out of bed, doing stretches this morning. I told RN Ami and Dr. Park, they gave me a shot to help with the swelling, Ami even use oil and massage my right calves for 15 min or so. It was so kind of her. She said it will help with the swelling. Ami also helped me with stretching again and again. Dr. Park recommend elevating the legs and warm towel on right calves. As I'm typing this, I've soaked my right leg into cold water for over 15 min. It did helped a bit. Took more meds, supposed to be 3 times a day, provided by Dr. Park.
Tomorrow is Sunday, the Clinic is closed. Monday will be my 3rd post op visit with Dr. Park. Dr. Park and his staff has shown me kindness and has helped me with every requests or concerns I had.
As for results, I am not able to comment on it until all the swollen and numbness subside. I'm optimistic Dr. Park will take care of any issues for me.
Again, I stayed in all day and caught up on some tv shows. Bed rests, leg elevated, and stretches are my life for now.
Take care everyone. Thanks for your time.
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Post- op Day 6,

I finally sleep at 4am again, my right leg is still swollen and numb. I did what Dr. Park and Ami taught me, soak in cold water, massage leg, hot towels, elevated the legs with 4 pillows. Took ibuprofen 600 mg every 4 hours and the prescribe pack of medicine from Dr, Park 3 times a day.
I stayed in today too, got lots of bed rests and did lots of stretching. Its getting easier but I must say my muscles are so stiff and hard. Its very uncomfortable to do the stretches. It helps me the most when Ami assist me, and pressed on my lower back, so it touches the wall. Being alone in the hotel, I had to push my own back to the wall, its a little more challenging. That is my struggle right now, not the pain and discomfort, or isolation (lol), but the stretching correctly to the wall.
Young Dong Hotel has no Air conditioning, their button for Air-con means HEATER. I learned that after a week of staying here. Thought I warned others whos going to stay here. I can't stress enough, buy refreshing juice, yogurt, and fruits. Bananas and avocados are best to assist with swelling. Be prepared, bring Arnica tablets for bruises or muscle soreness. You will dissolve 4 tablets umder tongue 4 times a day.
My right leg is getting better today. So I'm going to keep boiling hot water, pour it on the towels and wrap up my right leg to help the swelling. Another day has passed, I'm just concentrating on bed rests and stretches. Hope everyones doing well!
Hi, thanks for reaching out. I'm here if you need anything. #914.
Remember to bring easy to slip on wedges, Arnica tablets, and pain killers. Strong ones lol.
Have a safe trip here and see you real soon. Take cares.
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Hi! thanks for your message.I'm doing alright. As best a girl, alone in a hotel in Korea can do:smile:
I'm constantly either resting, watching a show, or stretching.
I really like Korea, even though I only saw a tiny part of it. I visited COEX mall before surgery and spent 5 hours there. Shopping duty free, mall shopping, ate at restaurants, and then the aquarium.
All in all, the stretching correctly is the most challenging for me. You can stretch wrongly, so best to do it correctly. First few days I did it wrong, so my healing process was compromised.
Again, thank you for your message :smile: Have a good day...
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