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hi, Hiromi.does Dr. Tseng lengthen the nose too? my nose is pretty short in length, and I wonder if he can help me with that.I do want pointed tip.bit not too pointed.lol kimosa, congrates!! you are going to Korea!! good luck and have fun there. don't forget to update your news here!!
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Hey Kimosa!
Meowgirl and I are planning to go to Korea around that time too! U never know....we mite bump iinto each other if we decide to go to the same clinics....so have u booked ur consulations yet? I wana know how long in advance we need to book them.. Also, does any one know what we should do....book our consultation, then book the surgery AFTER the we've had the consultation or is that too late? What I dont want to do is book the sugery (we have to pay a deposit if we book the surgery in advance right??) even before I've met the surgeon, incase I decide I dont like the surgeon. PPl who have had surgery, really appreciate it if you guys could just briefly tell us how u guys arranged everything! thanks!
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Hey heromi,

I'm planning on going next month..lol so nervous. I was set on going to Dr Chaung, but in the last few days ive heard so much about Dr tseng... the girl im going with really wants to go to him too. I just want a doctor that is able to give me the nose i want (ofcourse being realistic) I'm just afraid that dr tseng only does round-ish noses, also with Dr Chaung i find his noses to look similar. Hope whoever i go to will listen to my tastes and give me something similar to that.

But im glad ur happy with ur decision, and the nurse with the soft nose sounds so nice.. haha. I was worried about having a hard, numb nose tip afterwards.
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I didn't have to pay any deposit. I scheduled my consultation & if I want to get it done, I do it right after my consultation. That would be scary if you had to pay a deposit because what if you don't like the doctor or changed your mind?? :confused1:
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I went out together with my friends. they all lavishly gave me compliment about the way I look. they said I looked sexy that I changed a lot, but they couldn't tell why they thought I changed so much.lol. yeah, I did look good tonight. my eyes look good after the surgery.I'm considering bone shaving now,since the pictures I took tonight show I have a big round face.but it doesn't look that round when staring at myself in the mirror.how do you eat after bone shaving?who is famous for it?
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Hi all,

So I was thinking about double eyelid surgery, and was discussing it with my friends. They were telling me that it was really obvious and easy to tell when someone had double eyelid surgery done. How is this possible? They said that some double eyelids just look completely fake, and its really easy to tell that they are.
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it takes a whole year for the eyes to look nature after after the surgery. your friends probably saw the ones who are not completely healed. mine look pretty nature even now. and my friends couldn't tell. well, they are not Asians, and that's probably why they couldn't tell the difference of my eyes. lol anyways, howdid, don't worry. I'm sure your eyes will look nature. coz I think my eyes are pretty nature-looking.
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Hey Summer!

WOW congrats!

WOW.. how did you manage to save up so much for his operations? 22k?? WOOooo for a student, that is amazing!:nuts:

Hope you are healing well, remember to rest more :tup:
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Hey Berry,

WOW congrats to you too! I am so excited for you! :yes:

Did you use silicon or goretex?
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OH so is it because of the rib that you have to watch your food intake?
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Hey no problem at all nini... we are here for you.
If you ever need a listening ear :P

Dont worry, its really way early for your eyes to set in the final look.... I'm sure they will look much better in time to come.
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Really admire your courage to go for the rib thing.
Especially when for a women to have a scar at the rib area.. means giving up bikini wear? :confused1:
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Hi Hiromi,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us and welcome to the thread :smile:

On the 1st doctor you went to (the one that gave you problems), how did you find him? What made you choose him initially?

On goretex, it seems that it definately can give a more natural look to the nose. The only setback is that if it needs to be removed, it would need a very good doctor in order not to deform the nose.

How was your impression of Dr Chuang? (because I am going to him)... you feel he doesnt understand what you want?
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OH ! You only did the tip? Tip plasty... no bridge work done? No alar too?
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Hi faces,

welcome to the forum. Are you from the SG forum too?
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