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Hey Jas3n,
lol, guess wat! I did write to them (KSAPS) like about a month ago regarding this, but they never got back to me! :hrmm: So thats y its really important to find out whether he does have actual proof like certificates for example. Also, u know u said that only 16 korean PS are members of ISAPS, well on his website, he stated that he was an affiliated member of them too! But I checked, and his name was DEF NOT on it! So I'm begining to doubt whether this guy is a member of any of the societies he stated he is an active member of. I know for sure he is a member of the something like Korean board certify plastic and reconstructive surgeons, but I dont think thats enough being just a member of that, cause most of us are planning to have surgery for cosmetic reasons and not for health reasons, so u wana be confident that if the surgeon can put an implant in ur nose, he can also MAKe it look nice at the same time! Look forward to wen u get back to us on OZclinic and others!
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I'm not interested in buying 1000 dollar purses. I'm trying to fund my education right now and a new nose is a bit more permanent than a purse that looks like it'll go out of season in a second.

Forum spamming is the posting of useless, unwanted, and abusive messages. I think most of people here have not done any of the aforementioned.

The power to make them pay taxes.:sweatdrop: One Emperor in the Ming Dynasty killed whoever mocked his consort because they thought she was ugly.

LOL. Why do non-Asian people love describing our eyes as "almond shaped"? SeeLight: Almond Eyes

For the sake of fashion and being a rebel. How about that?
The Japanese are so wild and interesting. Whats wrong with experimenting. America is a very conservative society. But I hate how presumptuous we are.
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I just saw this! Wow I thought everyone has skimmed over that b/c it was too long and time consuming to read. xD Glad it was a good lunch time read. Haha xD

And no kidding, I already have an earful coming from my mother about having a big nose thats lucky. I sure dont need another from anyone else.

I cant believe theres 16 pages of this! That dream clinic looks kinda cool. But there are no examples! They should post some up if they want to get any patients. And a message board to communicate with the doctor...
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thanks meowgirl! and yeh i guess you being hesitant is pretty understandable..unless you were interested in pursuing a friendship with her also then i guess it could be a bit rude/sudden..
anyway! i'll most likely get my nose done around the end of the yr, as im only in korea during June/July for 3 weeks (or less). thats how long uni hols are for me. getting it done during the end of the yr will give me enough time for the swelling/scarring to subside in time for 2008! quite a few of you will be doing yours then if im not mistaken?!

btw how are you intending to let your parents and friends know about your nose job intentions? i was just thinking about that myself..everyone close to you will no doubt know after you've done the surgery..but before? how soon before are you planning to tell everyone?
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YAY Jas3n! does that mean keropi and I might have you joining us then? :biggrin::biggrin: Maybe we can persuade numberlinh too (cheeky heehee)

ANYWAY! My borther knows I'm having it done (not by choice, he caught me looking at the surgery sites and I had to explain :sad: he was shocked at first but now I think hes thinking of having it done :P )

As for my mum - she'd KILL me!! So i'm just going to have it done and await the consequences after :biggrin: So I'll just say I'm off on holiday for like 2 weeks and come back all bruised and bandaged - ill just say I slipped running for my plane of something :P
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maskd2003 maybe you should join us near the end of the year too? The reason why i dont want to go june/july is because i think its like peak season for travelling.. also would the weather in asia be super super hot?? maybe thats a question jas3n can answer? Nothing worse then being bandaged in hot sticky weather!!

Mind you I went Hong kong july and also september ... both STILL hot!! lets hope our recovery is quick and easy so dont feel yucky!
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Well as for me..... I havent told ANY1 and I dont intend to tell my parents until after I come back fm korea. I'd rather have them seeing the good (fingers crossed) results and seeing how much happier I will feel and that its no big deal, than let them worry for about half a yr or so, worrying if this might happen or that might happen etc etc. Meowgirl.....heehee, I kinda on the same boat...not only will my parents wana stop me, my best mates and ALL my relatives will be like :cursing: .....I've joked to them before about PS and they were like: U'd b the last person who wd need PS!!!!! Infact, I only started really thinking about getting a nose job last DEC when I found this forum!.....It's strange, but it was just a sudden thought in my head. And after some thoughtful thinking & weighing out the pros and cons, I feel it'll be worth it... FOR ME. I mean.... I cd potentially not do it, after all I'm doing PS not cause I hate my nose, but simply cause I wana enhance it, so its not a must thing .....but I have decided to pursue it cause I know a little enhancement will make me feel a hell lot better about myself. I mean, IF I was short (not that I am), I wdnt go thru the pain of breaking the bones of my legs and then refixing it to make them longer! oh no!!! But nose jobs are so common in korea (it seems, fm doing all the research/reading this month) its like getting ur ears pierced that i feel it is a risk I am willing to take. I know ppl reading this may think I'm a bad influence thinking like this but if it gives me my self esteem back ( I kinda lost it a couple yrs back wen I put on like 2 stones!! and losing weight itsnt gona give my self esteem back!!!) then y not? Ppl shd live to be happy...and if u can make urself happier, y not? of course it the risks are too high, then u gota think V V carefully whether its really worth it....in this case..... since the risk is so so.....id say its worth it for me! :P
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i would LOVE to join you gals... almost everyone... except the one who accuses asian people wanting to be white seems so NICE! :smile:
you really think it would be better to do it when it's COLD? There will be less blood flow on your face... and the blood flow REALLY helps in recovery... it kinda worries me... but maybe I'm silly and completely wrong...
anyway, I know I'm going to Korea to do this for sure now... I might just have to change my plans to the end of the year.. it could actually be FUN to go with a bunch of gals.. even if it is to work on our faces! lol
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Hey Maskd2003,
U do need blood flowing thru ur capillaries, but u dont need to much flowing at a fast rate. Cause PS have said that one of the reasons y u cant do any sports or anything that increases ur heart rate above the normal level for the first fw wks is to prevent too miuch blood flow going thru ur nose, as this can leave red dots appear on the surface. Yes, having it done wen the weather's cold is not so good cause there's a possiblity that u might get colds etc, but then getting it done during the summer it prob worse! (in my opinion) cause ul sweat more, which means more blood flow thru ur nose, and also, can u really stand not washing ur hair for a wk in the hot sticky weather? The cold doesnt make ur recovery slower, i mean, ur not gona stand in the rain and snow for hrs, as long as u keep urself warm, its not gona b a prob. And plus...if u do decide to go end of this yr..u'll have both meowgirl and me to keep u company! :supacool:
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Hmm I told everyone in my immediate family (brothers, mom, dad). But I didn't tell my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. They would probably just gossip about it. I've also told my close friends. And I kind of let it slip to this other girl I know. So I don't really care too much who knows. What can they do? Try and say I shouldn't? Ha!

When I told my mom she was like, why? Noses like yours are lucky. :rolleyes: And then she got all paranoid about the surgeons not being good enough. I just told her if I'm trying to look better, why would I go and not do research and chose a horrible surgeon? So yea, no big problems with anyone.

Ah! I wish I could get the nose job now!!! >.< xD Oh my trip got delayed until the summer of 2008! This is what you get when your friends are unreliable and lazy (he/she took so ****ing long to DO something (buying the ticket) so the prices shot up like crazy). Aargh!! If I could I would rather do it at the end of 2007 in the winter. But I'm also afraid of the cold in Korea. I mean just look at it. Its all the way up there with Russia. I dont do very well in cold weather. I get sick really fast...But I wanna get it done ASAP!!! >.< Aiiiiiii
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Hmmm :yes::yes:. Agree agree! But I think I would like to make a Korean friend nonetheless. We can learn a lot from each other and we can go shopping. That is the cornerstone of a good friendship with another girl in another country. Shopping! xDDD When I'm there I'm gonna do A LOT. Or at least I want to do a lot of shopping. So much to buy! But I heard shopping in Seoul can be quite expensive. Like buying jeans/skirts/shirts/shoes. Or maybe I just need a local who knows the best places to shop and not just places where they lure in unsuspecting tourists xD.
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