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6 to 12 months is a long time! but i think compared to the probability of having to undergo another rhinoplasty when i'm say 40, is enough to make me want to get my primary with dr t. but the money now is the main thing. gotta save and get it done.
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Not yet. I'll be seeing him next week Tuesday for my initial appt. And if everything goes well, I'll schedule my surgery for August or September. I want it sooner but my workload won't let me. =(

Actually, I've seen a couple of pictures of Dr T's asian primaries. They don't look bad at all for few days post-op. I noticed that Dr T's nose are especially bigger for revision.

If you want to see the pics, drop me a pm with your email address. I'll send you the links.
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Mask: thanks for the advise.

Congrats on getting an appointment with Dr T. I've been trying to get in touch with the office on and off for a month now with no luck.

I don't have the PM function yet since I haven't posted enough. Can you email the photos to this address: [email protected]

And WOW... 30K. That's more than the cost of my total undergrad tuition! --- but it seems like the results and services are worth it.
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Sorry for the late reply as I was off site training for the past week.

My cheeks are fine actually, the swelling has subsided and I am completely back to normal. I am sure the swelling will subside for you in the near future. Maybe you had chin implant done as well so it takes a bit longer for you?

The only problem I have now at 25 days post off is my still large tip my VERY UNNATURAL smile. I can show my upper teeth now but my smile is very stiff and robotic that people would see that I have something done if I break a smile, my upperlip hurts a lot. I wonder when I will completely go back to normal? I am just a bit self concious now because it's almost a month and the upperlip is healing the slowest.

I met two friends during this week and none could tell I had a nose job until I told them. Both of them were non Asians and I wonder if they are less sensitive to Asian aesthetic because of that. Both could not even tell what I did to my nose and said that I looked the same as before.-This is perfect and exactly what I wanted. I want to be the only one being able to notice any changes.

My nose height has come down substantially, so Dr Jung is correct in saying that my nose height will be first to come down, then the tip...he also suggested that after 4 weeks if the tip is still large, injection can be done to make it much smaller, so I am going to explore this option with my dermatologist.

Mkryu, do you find that your full smile is as natural as before your surgery?
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My smile seems to looks about what it used to look like before I had the nose job, I think, unless I just got used to my new and different smile. For me, the upper lip healed pretty quickly. The first of my friends that saw me about 11 days post-op told me that my upper lip area was the only thing that looked "off." I remember being able to smile almost fully at day 11. Do you massage the upper lip area regularly? That should help the blood flow and possibly make it heal a bit quicker.

I think each of us heals differently. My cheeks still look abit swollen but it's much better than before. My bridge height has gone down to look more natural and I'm pretty happy with it. I think that there is still some swelling left though so I'm expecting the height to decrease slightly in the next week or so.

I just saw another one of my friends earlier this week. I decided not to tell him anything to see if he noticed. He asked me the next day if I had done something. He couldn't exactly figure out what was different about me. So I told him. He said he really likes my new nose and now wants to get his done too. He liked the fact that the change is very nice and subtle. He also thought that it makes me look a little caucasian and liked how it looked more refined and "greek" and how it has really improved my profile. I have yet to get an Asian person's opinion on my nose. Maybe to non-Asians my new look appears natural. I have been getting alot of looks from Asians but I can't tell if it's because I look good or because I look weird to them. It does seem like I'm getting checked out but you can never know for sure.

Doobao, maybe you should wait a little more until you put injections in your tip since people haven't been noticing anything different about your nose. I heard the tip can take up to 6 months or more to deswell and take final shape. My doctor told me 6 months. What exactly will they inject into your nose tip to make it smaller?
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I like to add to the point above about swelling aspect of you nose. I am at 5.5 months of my rhinoplasty and can attest that your nose bridge and tip will drop ALOT. Please dont act in haze about getting anything done yet until you have waited past the 6 months mark. Trust me, my doc told me that I de-swell really well even after 5 days but I really did not see the totality of the healing progression of my nose until now. Its really odd but I got to say I truly hated the healing of my nose from the 2nd months to 4.5 months time frame. It is the toughest but you got to wait it. The hardest part was seeing my bridge dropped and then on top of that both side of my nose deswelled so slowly so my entire nose was sort off balance if you know what i mean by it. I had alar done and thus the side of my nose bruised and looked bigger for some reason. The swelling of the side of my nose had subside a lot and I am pleased now.

For these past 2 weeks, my smile and confident came back again :smile: The side of my nose, bridge and tip seems to come together and balanced.

Hope this help.
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According to one of the Docs at Dr. Jung's clinic, if the swelling persists after 4 weeks, the recommendation is to use Kenacort (Triamcinolone). The dosage is to dilute one cc Kenacort (10 mg/cc) into 3 ~ 5 cc, and then inject the drug over nasal tip area (2 spots, 0.5 cc/each spot).

He said the injection is very common in North America for shrinkage after comestic surgery and would be available at most dermatologists. The injection substantially reduces swelling according to him.

You have a point there, if none of my friends notice yet, I should wait a big longer for the tip to deswell. It is a bit strange that the tip and sides are still big and the bridge has come down already. The visual effect is that my nose was way too short and seemed large. I can accept this as this is what I was before Surgery, it would be good to have the gradual change so none of my friends would notice.

I look completely like a normal person WHEN I DON'T SMILE with wide grin. It's hard to detect that I have surgery unless I try to smile fully. It's tough to hold back my range of motions. I will try the warm compresses and massaging and hope that helps me heal a bit faster. Good luck to us all in recovery!
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Hi Want2Change, thanks for the feedback. So, the sides of your nose shrink after a few months? When did you start seeing a change in the tip? I am 3.5 weeks post op and still find my tip bulbous. I was told to be patient.

One thing I am impatient about is my smile range of motions. It seems that I can't recover the same wide-grin smile as before as my upper lip remains stiff and not moving. It's VERY VERY strange when I try to crack a smile, that's when I give myself away for having PS. Apparently, mkryu is healing better in this area. Can you tell me about your experience?

I am paranoid for not having my old smile back....
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Do not be so paranoid about your smile. It will come back in time, really it will. My smile was an asset before my surgery and so I questioned that too with my doc and he said that no surgery will change it unless it was a deliberate attempt. Honestly I feel like I just got my smile back and that is I am in my fifth months of recovery. It was very hard to smile at the even in the 2nd months of healing because when I do, my tip would lower a bit and it makes you look like a perrot. Now its very nice and since the tip healed also, its a beautiful combination.

Try not to stretch your smile even though you can't help it :smile: I remember in my first month, I had sr. mgnt at work who knew I had something done and so they cornered me and try to made me laugh, it seriously was a dead give away. So to help you how to overcome that bit, when you smile, clinch your upper and lower teeth together and open only half way of your mouth half way (sideway) and just smile!

Dont worry about the hardness of the upper lip. I went through that too. If I recall I think I was able to move my upper lip freely after about a month to 2 month.

My tip started to drop starting 2nd month. It was an obviously drop to me becuase I liked the height of the tip about 2 weeks after surgery. It made me so depress because not only was I sad about the tip being drop, the side of my bise was swelling and thus it was BIG, so the shape of my nose was not that nice during the healing. It was really weird looking. I even wonder why did I had the surgery for if it was going to be like that. At the 3.5 to 4th months, another significant drop of my tip occur again. My bridge dropped a lot by the 4th month.

My ear where it was cut for cartiliages is healing fine now. It use to hurt when I touch it but now its fine eventhough when I press it hard or bend it a little, it still hurt a bit.
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Thanks Want2Change for sharing your experience...this is great reassurance for me. I am just nervous about the smile but I guess no sane person would undergo nose job if they don't get their smile back.

So, at 5th month, do you find you are any different than your original look, since your tip and bridge both dropped a lot at 4th month?
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The projection of my nose was weak before the surgery and so in my 5.5 months now, the projection is good especially the side profile. I do like a touch up eventually to get the tip HIGHER.

I would say I look better after my surgery :smile: and in the fifth my nose is define (more feminine looking) than the original nose. But because I have this twisted ideal about nose, I just prefer it HIGHER than the average Asian. That is just my comfort zone and its not that I don't like my nose now but I prefer it higher.
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Hello Girls,
Thank you all for posting those informative stories.

I have a question about which doctor you think dose the nose job most westen looking?
I think we should set up a link of all those before n after photos and their experiences.
I got a big headache trying to read the 308 pages.
what do you guys think. Im willing to help.
email me [email protected]
I love you all ; )
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