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TravelChica, may I suggest going to an otorhinolaryngolist to get a diagnosis on your breathing problem? I had a deviated septum and nasal valve collapse, and turbinate hypertrophy that went undiagnosed for years so I suffered from breathing problems on one side of my nose needlessly, and it was VERY uncomfortable!!!! I recently had my breathing problems fixed-and I feel so much better, more relieved when I breathe.
1)Focus on fixing your breathing problem
2)Only if you ABSOLUTELY have to, then do something esthetically.
Good luck to you.
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mkryu, did your doc prescribe prednisone for you to take after you left the surgery? I didn't get that filled because I thought corticosteroids would delay your healing, although it would decrease inflammation. Maybe I should start taking them? I don't know.
I didn't take the pain meds either.
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Hi Titimo. I think you should talk to your parents and people you trust about the whole thing, and discuss it with them. They will give you good advice.
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am cake, did you check out the surgeons available in Toronto or Montreal? It's easier to stay close to home.
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Jez, I checked out your blog and before your surgery you already looked good. You look good now too.
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silastic implants for both bridge and chin
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I thought Prednisone was for diarrhea.
I don't know about the effects of steroids for healing. You should ask your doctor to make sure it's ok to take and if it will interfere with healing. It's probably best that you didn't take the pain meds since they aren't good for your liver. I only took them for the first 2 days but at half the dosage prescribed.
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Mkryu, actually the doc prescribed prednisone for me to take. I got a prescription paper after surgery for prednisone, oxycodone, and polysporin.
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Cartilage grafts are the safest. Some people still get silicone but there is a high rate of extrusion. Injectable fillers like Radiesse and Restylane also are used but may cause permanent deformation.
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hI Im from Indonesia and had nose surgery with Dr. Levi of ShimmianManila around 6 months ago. The height is just right and I love the nose tip, it blends well with my asian features.

I think he was trained by Dr. Jung himself coz I saw their pictures together hanging in one of the walls of his clinic in downtown Ortigas. As I said from the previous discussions if you would backthread Dr. Levi is very accomodating and kinda cute too!:tup:I mean if you are really looking value for your money he is the right doctor, young, energetic and full of experience. During my short stay there, I saw 7 post-op ladies waiting at his clinic all with nose plastic bandages on.

I really didnt plan to go to him until one of my friend doctors who is praticing in Singapore told me that he is one of the very promising doctors with many articles already published in International plastic and aesthetic journals. My friend doctor told me he uses gore-tex for nasal bridge augmentation and cartilages harvested inside the nose for nasal tip definition. He can also use rib cartilage, if the nasal condition needs it. I kinda skeptical at first time but Im a very adventurous girl and went ahead with the plan. I booked all of my trips via the internet and wants to avail of their anniversary promo by that time.

It was really worth it, I just spent $1,000USD for a nose surgery using gore-tex and cartilage (I think they call it septal) for the nasal tip. For the meantime , my cousin who had surgery in Australia using ear cartilage for the tip spent more that $10,000USD. She also looks good at first time but now I think her nose is drooping a little bit. I think the cartilage used from inside the nose is better and has less absorption.

You see JET, how much value you can get for your money. I mean these guys are all plastic and aesthetic surgeons trained from the best with plenty of experience. Why spend so much for a surgery you can get for less. As they say, LESS IS MORE nowadays, AS I had plenty more money to spare for shopping and other sight seeing.

you can email me directly at [email protected] and I would be more than willing to send my before and after photos. Im really proud of the transformation, on what this face of mine can dream and on what science can help it achieve. I dont believe girl on the saying "not to fix what is broken" since after the surgery,my confidence level really went ballistic and I had a promotion offer and other companies are trying to get my services as a consultant.

Take my advice, go for it. :P
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Ok, the splint was taken off today. My nose does look narrower, but still swollen. My nostrils were never flared, and I never did alar base reduction (didn't even know what that was) but it looks like the nostril shape changed because my tip is brought out a bit. I'm not sure how I feel about the change in shape, and the symmetry is kind of off a bit.
Regarding tip projection and refinment procedures: it sucks that grafts have to be used. I personally do not have the mental stability to handle putting a foreign material inside my body and not knowing what will happen to it later on throughout my life. For those of you who can handle that fear of the unknown-bravo! Even the thought of having my own cartilage implanted, and knowing that later on it can be resorbed after all that nip and tuck at the nose, what will happen to the nose's appearance after that cartilage has been resorbed? Will it look bad afterwards?

P.S. Do most people have even nostrils???
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uneven swelling is normal.
even without surgery, our nose changes shape as we get older. Cartilage in the ear and nose grows. Notice, elderly people usually have big ears and big nose tips.
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No, I mean, do most people without plastic surgery have even nostrils?
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