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A question, do they have liposuccion for the face? I just read something in Internet that Dr Lee offers liposuccion for the face, the goal is to reduce the fat of the face. We all know that asians have really big fat in the face and is really hard to take out the fat because the face is the last part of the body to loose fat. I don't talk about the buccal fat but all the fat of the face.
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I don't decide yet but going to OZ clinic is temptative. If yes, do they have other people that wants to go to Korea together this summer? I think having other people with you can be a little more reassuring.
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Hey ladies. I'm a guy.

Don't see to many guys on here.

I've been thinking about getting it done since I was a kid. I use to envy every Asian with a crease on their eyelid.
Now Im 21 and ready. Also straight as an arrow. ---->

Can I get some opinion. How do you feel about a guy getting double eyelid surgery?

I have pretty chinky eyes with some puffy fat. I tried my sisters tape/glue thing once. I don't really like how it turned out. Please shed some light, I don't think it's a good idea talking to my family about this. I don't want them to think I want to look feminine.

I think I might go with Dr. Andrew Choi in Los Angeles.

One of my friend told me I look like a pervert if I stare or look side ways with my small eyes... .
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Blueheavens1011, to answer your question, I asked many specific questions about the surgery and relevant details. The photos can only tell so much. Besides, surgeons don't post fotos of botched surgery they've done anyway. Dr Park answered all my questions and was also being much more patient and responsive than other doctors. He also wasn't pushy in terms of other procedures.

The costs of the surgery, flights, and hotel for two weeks are actually still cheaper than a popular surgeon quoted (only surgery) in L.A. (and probably most popular surgeons). Besides, I think the quotes from surgeons in U.S. do not include many things, but someone needs to clarify that since I didn't follow up further with the surgeon in L.A.

In addition, I'm more of a risk taker than most people, but I felt I had pretty good odds.
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Nissy -

Did exchange rate changed so much recently? The costs from OZ clinic seem to be a bit cheaper than I remembered? I remember that rhinoplasty will cost from 3mil won to 4mil won, which roughly equivalent to $2300 to $3000 USD at the time. Also depends on complexity and procedures, I think it can go higher, but not as high as what the surgeons in U.S. might charge.

The flights to Seoul and hotel for two weeks will probably add about $1800 upward. So if price is an issue and the quote of an U.S. surgeon exceeds $2000 of what a surgeon in Korea would charge, then I think it's worth it to consider take a vacation in Korea.
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wow, it is almost 10 months since I got my revision NJ done in Taipei from Dr. Tseng. I thought I could retire from this forum, but I was wrong. My cartilage graft shunk inward after 6 months so now I am due to come back to Dr. Tseng for another surgery. I contacted Dr. Tseng then and told him my problems. He'd kindly emailed back and told me that he will perform the revision when I could come to TW. This sucks because I was so happy with my nose, and surely couldn't take off to go there again.

I think the problem was that I got a 3 mm Gortex built up and 3 mm outward on the tip instead of MORE. now the piece of Gortex is showing through my shinny skin as the tip is growing inward. Making it look likes a hump nose.

Not so happy.

I remember reading somewhere in this forum that someone has to go back to Dr. Tseng for the same problem. Couldn't find that thread.
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wow, sorry to hear about that. did you have ear cartilage to the tip, and the cartilage warped so that it started growing inward?
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Do you know that BK clinic and OZ clinic are in the same block? OZ clinic is near BK and they have another clinic (Dream clinic). Probably, they have other clinics near these two clinics. That's really strange that the prices of the procedures of OZ clinic are cheaper that BK. They can have a rivalty between these two clinics?
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Can you talk about your full experience to OZ Clinic? How do you like OZ? Why choose him and not BK or another korean clinic? Is Dr Park is the same as he describes himself as a plastic surgeon who only wants the sastifaction of the patient? Many people at his clinic? Don't say me that you take him just for cheap prices? Thanks.
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I'm thinking about getting eyelid surgery as well. I'm a guy too and just had my nose and chin done. I've been too chicken to get the eyes because like you, I look weird when I make the crease myself. It makes me look freaky and makes my eyes look further apart...kinda looks like I have down syndrome. Since I have puffy eyelids, Dr. Charles Lee recommended that I get a brow lift and then the Double Suture Method (DST). I really feel that I'm more of a candidate for the Incisional method so that they can remove some fat and some skin if needed. Luckily I don't have the epicanthal fold (mongolian fold - can make eyes look cross-eyed) so I won't need the medial epi procedure. I'm thinking about going to Dr. Eric Choe of NYC for just a consult to get a second opinion. I really think that for eyelids, Korea would be the place to go to get it done since the doctors and clinics there have the most experience and the best up-to-date techniques.

You shouldn't feel ashamed because you want to get work done. Alot of guys get cosmetic surgery. They just don't admit to it. Hwanhee from the music duo "Fly to the Sky" got some work done, very successfully too. He went from dud to stud. He had Double Eyelid surgery with the Incisional method, L-shape silicone implant for nasal bridge and tip augmentation, and chin implant...oh and a hair cut. I'm not sure if he had anything else done. His cheeks look different, maybe it's just having the new nose and chin that makes it look that way.


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I used to have a very round and fat face but it went away with exercise and diet. The chin implant and botox to the jaw also helped to contour the lower part of my face to make it look slimmer and more shapely.
Many doctors urge their patients to avoid getting buccal fat removed since we lose it with age. If you get it removed now, when you get older, your cheeks will have the sunken-in look. You can try facial exercises to tone the muscles but I think the best thing to do is try to lose the fat on your own before resorting to surgery.
You can also try using a diuretic which removes subcutaneous water from beneath the dermis. Also, Asian food tends to be high in sodium which can also be the cause of water retention. So limit your sodium intake.

I looked on youtube and found numerous videos on facial exercises. Check this one out. I can't tell if this is a scam but some of the stuff he says is true.
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Just my 2 cents: I don't get why people here are trying to bargain shop for plastic surgery???:shrugs:
I would rather choose a doctor based on merit, experience, safety and convenience than on price.
I also think that there are many clinics in Korea that are better than OZ and BK. It is just that OZ and BK advertise internationally and therefore seem famous. I'm pretty sure that Korean movie stars don't get their work done at the OZ and BK Clinics.
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I totally agree. Price is the absolute last of my concerns when choosing a surgeon. W

I believe that you went to Dr Lee (or am I thinking of someone else?). How do you like your nose? What other surgeons did you check out?

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Hi Mkryu, couldn't agree more, do you have the name of other korean clinics/docs that you know of famous for nose jobs and revisional eyelid surgery?
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Hi there Spritee,
I hope that ur condition is getting better. I actually had email consultation with Dr.Park and he replied me quite fast (just the next day) and also he gave me the simulation I asked. I told him that I want to enhance my look with rhinoplasty. So he analyzed that my nose looks deviated and have hump, also nasal tip looks too wide. He said that he will do correction of deviation, hump removal and tip-plasty. He said that by open approach, hump will be removed, deviation of nasal bone will be corrected and nasal tip cartilage will be reshaped. The pics after on the simulation pleased me, but I'm not quite sure about the procedure. And we all know that the result is not always the same with the simulation. Do you mind to pm me your pre and post surgery pic (even if it's still look scary ;)) so I can have clearer picture what to expect if I do those procedures in OzClinic (pls email to: [email protected]). Your information are really appreciated.

btw, does anyone know which condition should use open approach or incission? And what are the name of the procedures Dr.Park said?
Thank you guys....
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