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It's going to cost the same whether he does the defatting or not... what he's doing is part of the Korean open... so the cost doesn't break down.

Let me put it this way:
60000= silicone, tip refinement
60000= silicone, tip refinement, lengthening, tip defatting, alar reduction

add 8000 if goretex
add 10000 if revision and goretex.

He will give you discount, if you are doing other things other than nose.
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Hhaha its funny when you say it like that. :P

Well then, the mentality is to let him do as many as possible to make it pretty yeah? lol

Did he do tip defatting for you? I wonder if I should do it...

Yeah, he did ask me what other stuff I will want to do so that he can give me a "package" price. lol

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I got tip refinement and implant.
So he sewed the two sides of my nose tip together, and took some cartilage from my tip and placed it overtop the implant at the tip, and inserted an L silicone implant.
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The before and after photos looks maginally different. The middle part of the nose where it blend into the bottom is the only slight difference. The fat around the face is marginally slimmer. My personal opinon the face lipo isn't worth the effort and for this reason it probably the structure of her face which doesn't reveal to much of the changes. On the overall work I think I give it 3% to 4% improvement.
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Your probably right. I've been researching on the net till my heads hurt lately. I'm going to make a few appointments see what they say. At the moment I'm not quite impressed with London surgeons. If I have to, I'll go to America and I might see Dr Lam.

I'm also considering gortex but anything can change my mind.
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Thanks for your help again, maskd. well, I'm glad Dr. Chuang emailed me back so fast. now I'm planning to go to Taibei next summer to meet him if I can find someone to go with me. I'm Chinese, and I already know some friends from Taiwan, they are friends, just not that close yet. anyways, if I can go to see a Chinese doctor, communication will be easier, I will be able to explain what I want more clearly and I will defintely get more things done, such as breast implant or some other things. all I need to do now is to save.
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Tip refinement? Is that tip defatting? Or is that tip plasty?

Sewed two sides of your nose tip?? Is that Alar plasty?
Two sides of your nose TIP? Hmmm its unimaginable on how that was done..:confused1:
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I agree! I also feel that its not worth the $$$ to see such little difference. Might as well go and do the bone shaving thing if thats the case! lol :P
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no alarplasty. width of nose, and nostrils are naturally very small.

Sewing the two sides of cartilage at the tip together is tiplasty. It makes the tip more narrow.

I had my tip made slightly more narrow, and nose implant.
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eyes are swollen and bruised... I think I will update in a month. Doctor says the crease will reach its approximate height at 4 months...

My nose has stabilized for the most part. It feels not at all tight or anything. It looks slightly smaller at the tip... other than that, it looks the same... If the tip did shrink further, it still has a long ways to go before it would look unnatural.

I just want to clarify something. On the Singapore forum they describe silicone as hard. There are soft silicone implants. Any place that remotely knows what they are doing NEVER use hard silicone. Most places DO NOT use hard silicone.

Some people don't do their research thoroughly. They read one thing, and just believe it.
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Its still bruised and swollen? Are you taking sinnech?
How long exactly has it been already?

Can your make up cover the bruising?

Your nose sounds great! :tup:

Thanks for the helpful information about the silicon.

I also got to know that there are custom made silicons too. The doctor will shave/ cut off some silicon to make it specially for you.

Dr chuang is taking soooooooo long to reply me. Or maybe I'm too anxious.
Its been 3 days.:sad:

By the way... Dr Jong replied that if tip defatting is done, it might affect blood circulation there. IF there is this complication, the skin will die there.
In exact words : 皮膚會壞死 :nuts:

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