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Hi, i am new to this forum and also saving up money to get a nose job and double eyelid + epicanthy.
My original plan was to go to an asian doctor in California, but after reading this thread, i've decided that i want to go to Korea, because they are number one in nose/eye surgery.
This thread is very helpful and i have learn more info here versus searching the internet. So thank you all!:yes:
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welcome to the forum.do you speak Korean?are you bringing a translator with you to Korea if you don't?
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guys,I can't sleep, it's almost 5:00 in the morning.I drank too much tea today.let me ask you guys something completely irrelavent to the topic here.what's "infected mushroom"?I dumped my boyfriend two weeks ago,he is really sick.he has been holding grudge on me for the past two weeks.I just received an email from him.he sent me a picture of "infected mushroom".I didn't scroll down my screen to see the picture since I knew it was something ugly and scary looking.he sent that picture to harrass me.he said that picture reminded him of me.man,he is really sick.just curious,isn't "infected mushroom" a music band?I'm a bit scare to check out the image of it,I know it must be really scary and horrible-looking.I'm really really glad I dumped him.he was trying to hit me last time when we were fighting.
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Hmmmm I'm not sure about that. I think its best to check with your country to see if you need to apply a visa?
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Welcome to the forum!

Are you Asian? You are in California then?
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Infected mushroom? I've never heard of that.. haha but its really kiddish what he is doing. Your ex that is...
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That is super scary...

I'm glad that you got rid of him now than later.
I have no idea what that really means.. but better tell someone close to you about it if you haven't already.

I once had this guy leave blood packets in my yard when I was in High school because I wouldn't go to homecoming with him... never dated him or anything... really creepy... best to ignore guys like that.

And, you never know how freaking weird they are at first...

I'm sure you know this.. BUT DO NOT get back with this guy!

feel free to pm me anytime if you need someone anonymous to speak with.
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(sigh) I'm really having an identity crisis. I don't know if it's just swelling... hopefully it is...

But, you know the nose made me look slightly more "Western," but now, with the eyes, I really don't look Oriental anymore... It's bothering me a LOT. I really hope that when the crease settles down that it will be tapered, and not so deep...I like the slight soft crease on a typical Asian double eyelid... arg... generally, these procedures don't do this to people... so I'm really just super frustrated.
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I wish I knew how you look.. but I'm sure its not as bad as you think. usually we will be more observant of those little details on our face rather than others..

How long have you did your eyelids? I'm sure they will still deswell more..
Since it seems it really does take a long time for the creases to finally set in.

Dont worry there...

Now you probably see its way too high.. but when it really does settle in, it will be JUST nice!!! So hang in there... :tup:
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Thanks for the reassurance.

But, it's not that I look bad. It's that I look much more western after the eyes. the nose made me look a little more western, and now with the eyes.. it's A LOT...at it's current state anyway... really hope they are just not done healing. I know some people want that, but I DON'T AT ALL.

The crease isn't even high... it's deep, too deep for an Oriental Asian. arg. I'm so frustrated.

Thanks though.
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thanks,maskd for giving me advices.I should have dumped him long time ago,there were many warning signs of his sickness that I didn't even bother to pay attention to.once he even tempted to punch me right on the nose coz he knew my nose implant would go right through my brain.he used that to really freak me out if he was pissed at me for some reason.he has guns with pinballs as bullets.the one you use in airsoft place where people wear thick clothes and helmets while shooting each other with pinballs guns.the guns can still seriously hurt people if they are hit at a certain spot.guess what,if I tried to leave his house to avoid the fight,he would point that gun on my head.sorry for giving you guys so much depressed scary news. anyways,I just want you guys to know that make sure to take care of your nose,eyes after the surgery, don't let anybody hurt you!!
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wow, that is super freaky... you should be so glad that he is on his way out of your life completely! Nobody deserves stuff like that. Unfortunately, these types of people never learn how to be just simply normal.

CRAZY! Man, I'd be kinda scared. Hopefully, you live with your parents or something.

just as a side note, the implant wouldn't go through your skull though if he punched you...at least I have never heard of someone's implant getting lodged into the brain after a ball hits it.

I really feel for you. I've never been put in the situation, but I can only imagine.
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I'm fine,maskd.thanks.I'm going to my doctor for my eye checkup on Saturday.and I will ask him if he does tip defatting or if he can make my nose bridge higher or something.so I don't have to travel all the way to other countries.
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you got western looking eyes, maskd?wouldn't that be wonderful?don't you like Eurasion looks?you are lucky,my eyes look completely asian even after the surgery!!:cursing:I want Eurasian look! the doctor is good, but he kepe disappointing me. first the nose than the eyes.
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