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My nose and chin turned out great. I was really worried for the first 1 month or so because of the swelling but slowly it started to look better.

I went to see about 7 doctors before I decided on Dr Lee. I'll just name the ones from NYC: Stephen Pearlman, Daniel Baker, Mark Sultan, Sherrell Aston. Some of these guys always make in New York Magazine top 10 Plastic Surgeons every year. I think I spent over $1000 in consultation fees. In New York, they charge $200-$250 per consultation!
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I told my mom that I wanted to get a nose job and eyelid surgery and she told me to wait until we went to Korea together because she has connections in the movie industry and she could find out the good clinics and doctors. I really didn't want to get my nose done overseas because I was concerned about aftercare incase there were any complications later on. I am however considering getting my eyes done there.
I don't know when we are going to Korea, probably in a year or two. I wonder if I can wait that long.
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Not all the people have the money to take the most qualified plastic surgeons. I think the prices from Dr Lee is too expensive, it is just because he comes to many shows. I want to undergo plastic surgery but I can't afford the expensive procedures of these plastic surgeons. I can if I wait one or two years but it's way too long.
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nissy, maybe we can go to korea this summer together. that would save on hotel fees or maybe we could try the hostel thing. i'm still debating on which clinic to go to tho.. i wish i knew where the celebs went.. ><

mkryu, if u find out any good clinics from ur mom, plz let us know. i would hate to get a botched job just because i was lead wrongly by false advertising. :sad:
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thx. something to keep in mind.
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That can be a good idea, is gonna be my first trip to Korea and going alone is risky. What procedures do you want to do? The double eyelid surgery? I think you live in United States, I live in Canada. The best of the possible cases is that we can meet somewhere near the Incheon airport. But all that is just talk, need your reply. :smile:
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To Nissy & blueheavens1011

Hey. I'm kinda new here, but definitely not to the plastic surgery forums. If you guys are seriously considering going to Korea for plastic surgery, and you wouldn't mind an extra companion please count me in?

I'm seriously considering doing my nose this year, but I was leaning more toward the Taiwan side because there's less of a language barrier. But honestly, I definitely prefer going to Korea to have it done because I think the surgeons are more experienced there.

I here Dream Clinic in Apkujong is pretty famous and does surgery for celebrities. I haven't heard anything specifically negative about OZ but I have heard that the surgery room is a bit old and outdated.

Let me know if you need another travelling companion :smile:
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I was reading a few entries back and it seems like you also considered going to Taiwan to do surgery. Dr Chuang has received quite a few positive reviews, you can check out the Taiwan plastic surgery forum on SGEXPATS. He also speaks English (not as fluently as he writes though) so you can actually email him in English and usually he can take up to 2-3 weeks to reply. He also speaks Mandarin.
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I totally understand how you feel. I wish I could get my eyes done now, but I know I need to wait until I find the right surgeon and also when I'm emotionally ready for another change. Recovery from plastic surgery is extremely taxing on your emotions. You look weird for at least 30+ days, not knowing how things will turn out...that's a long time to stress out.

I've been wanting to get my nose done for at least 15 years. I finally acted on the urge a couple years ago and started meeting with various doctors for consultations. It took 2 years of consultations until I finally decided on Dr Charles Lee. I had some money saved up and I put the rest on an interest free credit card (which I'm still paying off slowly). I actually feel that Dr Lee's prices are quite reasonable compared to some of the top New York plastic surgeons. I was quoted $10,000+ for just a rhinoplasty in New York. $17,000 in Rhode Island!!!:wtf:

I think that BK and OZ clinics in Korea will provide good results but I find it scary to travel to a foreign country to get plastic surgery. I just worry about "what if something goes wrong? How will I be protected against malpractice? will it be inconvenient for me to fly back halfway across the globe if there are complications during the healing process?" These are the questions I had in mind when I had to decide on whether I should go with Dr. Lee in Beverly Hill, USA or go to Korea. Sometimes I wonder how different my results would have turned out had I gotten my work done in Korea. I'm really happy with my results. I look much better after the surgery and my friends agree as well. I think I look like a cross between Nicky Wu and Hwanhee. I feel that Dr. Lee has a really good concept on what's attractive in Asian society. He understands that there is a slight "westernized" standard of beauty (slim faces, big expressive eyes, slim and tall noses) in Asian culture but also is aware that most Asians who desire cosmetic surgery still want to retain their Asian identity while trying not to look Caucasian. This was another reason why I chose him as my surgeon because he knew what I wanted.
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I will definitely let everyone here know when I find out (but it could take a while since I don't want to piss off my mom with my nagging questions and have her thinking that I'm really vain). I'm also meeting with a friend of mine soon from Korea. I think she had some work done recently. I think OZ and BK clinics can provide good results. I don't know about BK anymore since there have been some negative posts here on this forum. Dr Park from the OZ clinic seems really nice and experienced. I just feel that the majority of native Koreans seeking plastic surgery would not go to a clinic that caters mostly to foreigners. I hear there are so many plastic surgery clinics in Korea, they like as abundant as Starbucks or McDonalds. I just want to find out where Hwanhee got his eyes done.
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I can't go to all the clinics of Korea because I can't speak Korean. Unfortunately, they have only a small proportion of clinics that speaks English. They have BK and OZ as far as I know.

OZ is not popular in Korea, it seems popular because this clinic is good for foreigners but the clinic is really small. In Korea, BK and Migo Clinic is popular.
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Hello, I'm new here. I'm a male Filipino with a muscular body. However, it is not enough for me. My nose is flat and I hate it. I've been reading posts here and I have decided to get a nose job. My plan is to go Philippines this summer and consult with Vicky Belo. I heard she's phenomenal there. Is it wrong to look like a video game character? I used to date a hot blondie and she said I look like a Jin Kazama. I know I'm being rediculous, but I'm starving for a change. I want a high nose bridge like this asian dude below. I don't want to look like Brad Pitt, Justin Timber Lake, or George Clooney. Hey ladies look at the picture below, don't you think he's a HOT asian dude?!!!! I'm a male and I think he's hot![​IMG]
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Do any of you asians have uneven eyelids? What do you do about it? I have one crease that is very noticeable and the other crease is lower.
Do you think that sleeping with a blanket over your face can cause uneven creases to set in?
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