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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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I dunno, I've never actually heard of poor aftercare from them. The recounts I've read all spoke well of them.. so I don't know :/
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No it's not just 'sth nt for me' its just really bad done in general
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Is this going to be ur second eye surgery? Have u considered IOU?
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Did you quote me wrong? I have no idea what this was in response to... unless you meant "big dolls eyes" are badly done in general? Because that's not true! I've seen so many great examples ^_^

No I haven't :o I've researched a lot of clinics but there are always a lot more... I've heard of IOU but haven't checked them out yet~ thanks ^^ and no my very first!! (I know this is a "revisional" thread... I'm sorry... please don't throw me out.. xD )

Like I said I can only say what I know... and I'm only human... and I only know a little... even if it seems a lot... at the end of the day you must make your own decision ^^ Let me leave you with this: I struggle to remember anything from Regen about really badly done surgeries and I've seen two good results from them, one here and one Korean~ both were mini-v's though... so I can't say if they're good for eyes or not ^^ Please do not be swayed by other people's research... I am doing all my research for myself and only sharing it... Take what you need from it... but you have to decide yourself...
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is it that bad? i thought the worst from an eyelid operation the worst was too high or unsymmetrical. how come cannot close or blink?
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i think she's exaggerating... ^^ of course if you have small lids and a bad surgeon tries to put your double lid up to your forehead... haha... xD but there are more risks though... if a surgeon damages the tear duct you might tear up all the time or have dry eyes... other risks too... good to be aware of them but shouldn't let knowing the risks scare you so much you think you can't have the procedure... yes you can just need to find the right dr ^^
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It has been 2.5 months since my revision surgery. I am very happy with the results. I am looking myself again and although I believe recoveey is still progress, I compared with my original photos, I would say I almost reached 80+% - I mean the depth. For my height, it is the perfect height I wanted and it looks my original self too. I really hope my height don decrease further as some of you had mentioned.
During this period, I had emailed Dr Kang 3 times amd I received response within 1-2 days. Very happy with so prompt post recovery service. Earlier Teium took a long time to response to my recovery questions.

It's such a journey for me. I wished I had never done the dolly deep eyes surgery. Though it looks very pretty with make up and in photos but without make up ..really look fake!!!!

I am so glad to be out of this nightmare and ordeal.
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thank you for sharing... ^^ it's good to consider... are you willing to always always wear makeup? if yes... it's no problem... ^^ but i hope... it can look good without makeup too... "fake" "natural" means nothing to me... only "good" or "not good"... ^^ "pretty" or "not pretty"... if it's pretty... and fake... it's still pretty... ^^ so if you don't care... no need to wear makeup all the time... though... I like wearing makeup every day... so no problem ^^

i'm sorry you had to get revision... sorry you weren't happy... can you tell me who did your dolly eyes originally? ^^
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I have been a silent reader on this forum. Here is a summary of my experience. I apologize if the post is too long.

About a year ago, I went to Teuim and got my eyes operated by Dr. Kwon, based off the unanimously great reviews on this forum, as well as the after pictures on his site. Like everybody, he recommended the same procedures to me: ptosis + double eyelid + magic epi. I have natural double eyelids already. The reason I wanted a surgery is to get rid of the dark circles underneath my eyes, and I think I have mild ptosis on my right eye, which made me look sleepy, and I wanted to fix that.

Long story short. Right after the surgery, I could tell that my eyes were a bit too close to each other, even though Dr. Kwon only did a 1mm EPI on me. It made me look old and weird. The weirdness is enlarged in pictures. Due to the magic EPI, the cutting of the lower eyelid, I lost the graceful Asian 'S' curve. My eyes have become two very round ovals. I often look surprised, or like a teenager in the pictures. I am a consultant by trade, before the surgery my eye shape is almond-like and gentle, which suits me. Now with eyes that are very round and shapeless, they just do not mesh well with the rest of my features nor my personality. Worst yet, he probably cut the lower eyelid a bit too much on my left eye, and in pictures, my eyes look crossed as too much white is showing. The lower eyelid pulling outward is definitely a sure outcome of magic EPI, and in my opinion, it is not very attractive.

The only thing that is positive about this surgery is that I look less sleepy now due to the ptosis correction. However I think there is a mild over correction on this as 92% of my iris is showing now, giving me the sometimes surprised look in pictures.

I also did overall face fat graft, as well as fat graft underneath my eyes to get rid of the dark circles. I am not too satisfied with this procedure either. I no longer have dark circles, but due to the over fill, I now have mild-case eye bags, and the muscles around my jowls are sagging. I am not sure if it is due to fat graft overfill, or it is just a natural outcome after fat has been absorbed? Does anyone know?

Three weeks ago, I flew to Seoul and consulted with the doctor whom a lot of people on this forum went to to lower their eyelids. For a moment I can not recall his name. Anyways, I hugely respect this doctor. He told me that he could lower the eyelid but the improvement is likely to be 60-70% as I don't have a bad case, and toward the end, he told me not to get the surgery. How many doctors will willingly walk away from money, but he did, and that's quite something!

I then went to Eve Clinic and asked Dr. Chung to do EPI reversal on me. I am only 10 days post-op and can not comment much on this procedure yet. I could tell that my impression has improved. I look a bit more like my old self. He did a 0.9 and 0.7mm reversal on me for the left and the right eye. When I asked Dr Chung if I will get my S curve back, he said that it would improve. I am not sure, at this point, I still have not seen my S curve, though like I said, I no longer look old, weird and angry in the pictures.

At this point, I will monitor my eyes and their improvements before I decide on whether to lower my double eyelid to my original size so that they are more tapered. I do regret my magic EPI.
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hey... thank you for sharing your experience, very helpful... ^^ when you say "outward"... you mean away from the nose? i'm glad you found another dr to help you correct what you didn't like... would you mind sharing his name? you can also pm me... ^^ ps. different people want different things... i think it's fine if 100% of iris is showing... i wouldn't mind if i got a lot bigger than natural circle eye lenses... and most (85-90%) of them was showing too xD but... it's all about what you want... ^^
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Hi shinyglittery, by outward, I mean my lower eyelid was pulled downward, thus losing the sharp corner that gave me the graceful S curve before.

True, different people want different things, but showing 95% of your iris, AND on top of that having your upper eyelid pulled upward so that your eyes are very round, to me that is not a good look.
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i can't imagine how exactly it looked so hard to say... and oh, downward... okay... i wonder if you asked the dr to "redo" the s-curve even though pulling the lid downward... if that would work? ^^ if you want to keep it... but i agree... some curve is nice... ^^
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THankyou so much Shinyglittery!!!!

You totally are so helpful!!
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