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Asian Nose Job 3

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I sent Dr Kunachak from Yoskarn Clinic some more photos and this is what he replied with "The following are comments for your nose
1.Board bridge
2.Drooping big tip
3.Inadequate tip projection

The solution is Refinement Rhinoplasty which include
1.Osteotomy to narrow the bridge
2.Tipplasty using septal cartilage
3.Alarplasty to narrow the alar wing.
The cost $6900usd under general anesthesia include 2 nights"

I disagree with alarplasty. I think my alars are alright.

Does anyone though what kind of osteotomy this is? He says "Osteotomy performed by chiseling and realign the nasal process of maxillar bone" but it doesn't really clarify this for me. Is this the nose itself, or the bone under the eyes?
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I am wondering if there is anything we can do to reduce and bring down the swelling of our noses/nosetips after a rhinoplasty? I am using hotpacks for eyes but no idea what to do with my nose except for sterilizing and applying cream on the incision areas.
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Check PM.
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I'm not sure if septal cartilage could be done on mine. I'm an Asian, but that was what Dr Park at Oz clinc suggested too, so I am hoping it is really possible. I don't really want to do ribs. So finger crossed it is possible. :smile:) I'm thinking of going around August. :smile:)
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Hey Lacryssa
I just had my rhinoplasty last week Monday and had taken off my splint today. And.. all I have to say is that I look like an avatar. The swelling is seriously really bad. The surgeon told me that I was one of his few patients who had such a bad swelling. He said that I was due to the huge hump on my nose. He said the procedure to shave my hump off took the longest. But I am super scared... I have to wear this huge scarf around my face just so that people won't stare at me.. !! I am going to purchase some arnica pills tonight.. and I hope that my swelling will go down asap.. Do you have before and after pictures of your nose??? I'd like to see how yours turned out.. What else are u taking for swelling?? I don't know what else to do since its exactly been 1 week post op......

I hope my nose will decrease substantially within the next couple days.
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I had my nose done at korea in jan. In the beginning, it was swelling like my old bulbous nose. In fact there was bridge. Now post 3 months, my nose still looks bulbous, deswelled by40% and my bridge is gone! Im so sad that i didnt get the nose that i wanted:sad:
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Not sure if I should risk going for revision as I fear it would worsen the condition or thinning the skin, making the silicone more obvious :sad: or should I resort to the fact that I will never get my dream nose. I still have two more months to decide!
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If I were you, I would remove the implant or get a revision. Either way, that silicone needs to go! If you are prone to infection (it looks like you have one) then I would advise you to stay away from foreign materials from now on.

Leaving the implant in would surely worsen the condition. Please consult with several reputable surgeons who specialize in revisions before deciding. Even if you don't go to them, you will want to have different opinions because of the condition of your nose.
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Sure, pm me your email and I'll send you some photos. Mine isn't so bad and I am 13 days post-op. But yeah, it was pretty big on the day they took my splint off and I wasn't used to how my looks changed. I was expecting it though so it didn't bother me much. Just for your info, I didn't do osteotomy. I am eating pineapple and pumpkin but I am not sure how helpful is that hahahaha.
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Oh, and I forgot to ask where you had your rhino. I had mine at JW.
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Thank you for your advice. But the rigt side is pre surgery. Left side is post surgery. I get questions all the time on the right pic if my nose is infected etc. it's not! It's my original bulbous nose! :smile: well, I want a higher bridge. Not sure if anyone experience sudden gone of the bridge after two months. Should I get a higher implant via revision? Or should I get a fat graft instead. :sad:
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Hey, could you guys recommend me someone for alarplasty? I'm having a hard time finding the right doctor. A lot of them are negative about it since it might leave scars or I noticed they do the triangular unnatural look. I want my doctor to use the modified Weird incisions however so far I could only find dr.Sam Rizk and L&S (Profiles) who offer it;/
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Sent you an email! From what I know, bone shaving causes more swelling than usual.
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I went to Koreatown in LA - it was a Dr Bae and the stitches were tiny, cut was made at the outer corner of the inside of nostrils.
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