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Korean Plastic Surgery Kakao Chat Groups
alex replied to kino's topic in KOREAN PLASTIC SURGERY (NEW! ACTIVE FORUM)
Hi everyone! I'm Alex (aka __looking_for_things on Discord). I'm early 40's, I actually used to live in Korea over a decade ago and I was there again in 2019. I plan to go back in 2025 for a few cosmetic procedures. Procedures I'd like to do our skin treatments like laser, rhinoplasty, and either a mini facelift or something that will help nose folds.
- Last week
I had it and now regret it so much. I'm terrified that it will cause blindness as I've had previous fat transfers that turned into hard lumps and the area in the orbital space behind the eyeball is very tight, with lots of blood vessels and the only lifeline to your vision, the optic nerve, which could be dismantled by a lump growing in the area. NO DOCTOR AGREES WITH PLACING FAT BEHIND THE EYEBALL. THEY ALL SAY DO NOT DO IT. AND YET HE IS THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD DOING THIS? DON'T YOU REALIZE WHY?! IT'S BECAUSE IT'S SOOO STUPID TO DO THIS. I am trying to see if anyone else has done this procedure and how long ago it was. I'm going to start getting regular orbital MRIs to monitor the lumps if they start to appear. FML
- Earlier
I wish I had read all the botched reviews about this clinic before falling victim to their high pressure sales tactics by their evil Deborah (literally the biggest bitch ever). She cares only about commissions and will belittle you and insult you if you have any worries. All of my worries were completely legitimate, like hmm..can you go blind putting fat BEHIND THE EYEBALL, which no other oculoplastic surgeon or plastic surgeon in the world does FOR A REASON (because it's NOT a good idea?) Or how about when the fat dies off at different rates, wouldn't that leave one eye more popped out than the other?! I went in for a simple lower canthoplasty as part of their Barbie 360 and she said I had to do the eye pop surgery. I didn't know there was such a thing. I also asked if it was possible to change my lids from a tapered to a higher parallel and she said not without the eye pop, but yes, with it I could and I drew a photo for them asking them, wouldn't that lead to a very visible scar from my old tapered lids? They didn't answer the question at the time prior to surgery and just blew it off as a non-concern, then later afterwards said that they told me it would be "barely noticeable," which I really don't recall. By sheer logic, the tapered scar would be visible. I didn't know if he had some magic trick he could pull out of a hat, but APPARENTLY NOT. The lids look so unnatural and the scars so apparent!! He also fat grafted under my eyes, so now I have huge BAGS that aged me 18 years. Next, we have the lateral canthoplasty, the biggest disaster of all!!! My left eye lower eyelid is flipped outwards-you can see the inside of my lid just hanging there, with a big bubble which is a hypertrophic scar. On the right side, the canthoplasty closed up and left a huge scar in the corner. I've had to go to several oculoplastic surgeons and they were so sorry that this happened to me and said they never would have done any of these things to my upper lids or corners. The only thing I can do is try steroid cream or injection, which can cause thinning of your CORNEA and cause blindness (SO UNECESSARY!!!) And I need to have a reverse lateral canthoplasty likely to have the skin go back to the right position. Lastly, I told her I was worried the labiaplasty would bleed a lot and she dismissed that fear, saying only if I went and walked around all over the city would I cause bleeding like another patient did. I woke up to a blood soaked bed and the nurses all panicking to stop my bleeding. ANOTHER QUESTION I ASKED THAT SHE DISMISSED AND I ENDED UP BEING CORRECT. I WILL SUE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS HOSPITAL. I CANNOT GO OUTSIDE ANYMORE AND I WAS BEAUTIFUL BEFORE THIS. MY LIFE HAS BEEN RUINED BY PITANGUI.
How far in advance do I need to book?
Pael replied to sera's topic in KOREAN PLASTIC SURGERY (NEW! ACTIVE FORUM)
Ok, reviving an old thread here, but this is a huge worry for me too.... Making the big trip there and not being able to secure a surgery date! That said, if clinics are taking consultation appointments with foreigners, they must be aware that those ppl are only in the country for a few weeks at most. Definitely a good question to ask when booking consults. -
Hi everyone! So... What a journey it's been that's led me here. I had primary double eyelid surgery in 2021 which left me with some mild scarring and sausage eyes. I stupidly tried to get it fixed in the States and ended up with very asymmetrical eyes, indented crooked scars and some serious emotional turmoil ha. The thought of going to Korea was always intimidating but I'm committed to going through with it now. Looking forward to connecting, learning and sharing experiences!
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Dr. Tak Seung-wan, Dr. Tak Plastic Surgery's director, specializes in bulldog fat/under-eye/lip surgery in Gangnam. Those of you who have come to this article are probably want to know: 'Is Dr. Tak Plastic Surgery trustworthy?' - 'Can they do proper procedures?' I think you might be curious to know. Or, you may have come here looking for a good plastic surgery clinic before undergoing a procedure. Dr. Tak Plastic Surgery, is it trustworthy for [url=]Lip lift[/url], corner lip lift, lip filler lip surgery etc. From initial consultation to post-operative care, your well-being is at the heart of every process. Experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing you're in the hands of seasoned specialists dedicated to delivering optimal results with minimal risk.
Dr. Tak Seung-wan, Dr. Tak Plastic Surgery's director, specializes in bulldog fat/under-eye/lip surgery in Gangnam. Those of you who have come to this article probably want to know: 'Is Dr. Tak Plastic Surgery trustworthy?' - 'Can they do proper procedures?' I think you might be curious to know. Or, you may have come here looking for a good plastic surgery clinic before undergoing a procedure. Dr. Tak Plastic Surgery, is it trustworthy for [url=]Lip lift[/url], corner lip lift, lip filler or lip surgery etc. From initial consultation to post-operative care, your well-being is at the heart of every process. Experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing you're in the hands of seasoned specialists dedicated to delivering optimal results with minimal risk.
I am in Singapore and I got 1ml of juvederm voluma in February this year. it was the biggest regret of my life. so i regretted getting the filler as i felt that it pulled my face unnaturally and ask the doctor if it could be reversed and this doctor said he could dissolve it for me. however, while not knowing the brand, dose and dilution amount of the hyaluronidase he used, he dissolve the filler twice and after that my face completely drooped and i have structural skin damage soon after dissolving the filler. now my face and skin texture and face structure completely changed. im crying out for help as my face morphed over the months after getting those procedures PLEASE RECOMMEND ME A CLINIC OR DOCTOR WHO CAN DEAL WITH THIS COMPLICATION. THANKS A MILLION
Hello everyone! I'm Aprial, middle aged female, never been to Korea. Looking to get deep plane facelift, rhino revision, maybe: neck lift, jaws, cheeks? Also interested in veneers. I would love to learn but also would love to share once I have my experiences in Korea.
I’ve been diving into research on facial contouring lately but keep wondering if two-jaw surgery might be the better option for improving my jawline. From what I’ve read, facial contouring (like V-line surgery) seems great for reshaping and slimming the jaw and chin area, but two-jaw surgery seems to tackle structural issues, especially if there’s any functional stuff like an asymmetry or misaligned bite. It’s hard to tell which would actually give me the best results. Anyone here had experience with both? Did you notice a big difference in the kind of results each can achieve? I’ve seen that MACS Clinic seems to offer both and uses a lot of high-tech planning tools, like 3D CT scans and simulations, which sounds pretty promising. I’m wondering how accurate those tools are when it comes to predicting results, though. Like, do they actually help the surgeon make a noticeable difference, or is it more of a sales thing? Would love to hear any insights or personal experiences! If you’ve done either or consulted for both, how did you decide? FYI: this is MACS OMFS:
Korean Plastic Surgery Kakao Chat Groups
coconut123 replied to kino's topic in KOREAN PLASTIC SURGERY (NEW! ACTIVE FORUM)
I am coconut123. please add! thank you -
Korean Plastic Surgery Kakao Chat Groups
coconut123 replied to kino's topic in KOREAN PLASTIC SURGERY (NEW! ACTIVE FORUM)
I am coconut123. please add! thank you -
I’ve been thinking a lot about getting double eyelid surgery and have been researching clinics in Seoul. I’m really into the Korean beauty standard and achieving that natural but defined eye look (Jennie Black Pink), like some of the K-pop idols I follow. Has anyone heard of Note Plastic Surgery or had a consultation there? I’ve come across Note in some Korean apps & sites, and people seem to really like their experiences, especially for eyelid surgeries. From what I’ve seen, they are making sure everything looks good, but natural. I also noticed that they focus on facial contouring, which I’m considering for the future. Would love to hear if anyone has any personal experience with them or if you’ve seen results from someone else! Any recommendations or advice would be much appreciated!
I’ve been thinking about getting facial contouring for a more defined, yet natural V-line and was curious if anyone has checked out Macs OMFS in Seoul. I’ve heard they’re newer but seem to have some advanced methods that people are talking about on tpf and reddit. Has anyone heard of them or know someone who’s had surgery there? I’m aiming for a more natural look, like what you see with some K-pop idols—not too dramatic. Any insights or tips would be super helpful!
Hi. I am planning on visiting Korea in a few weeks and want to get chin lipo, i've been researching clinic and the consensus seems to be that larger hospitals are not the way to go. If anyone has suggestions on clinics/doctors please let me know.
how long to stay in korea
Jabba replied to bharbhieee's topic in KOREAN PLASTIC SURGERY (NEW! ACTIVE FORUM)
Hi, great questions. If you already decided on a clinic in Korea for facial liposuction and platysmaplasty and want to save time, it might be good to block out the surgery date with a deposit, and ask them when the final check-up would typically be. If you arrive, consult, and then decide you might have a surgery date the next or a few days later if you didn't block out the time. -
im planning to get face lipo and platysmaplasty in jan 2025 and decided on a clinic, however, im aiming to just spend as little time as possible in korea as i dont want to waste my time there lol. do you think i can get away with 7 days? or would it be wiser to go around other clinics as well and then schedule a surgery based on the consultation?. my surgery seems pretty straightforward unlike eyes or rhinoplasty so i figured, i dont need to be too in depth about it.
Korean Plastic Surgery Kakao Chat Groups
noemi24 replied to kino's topic in KOREAN PLASTIC SURGERY (NEW! ACTIVE FORUM)
I am noemi24 on kakao talk