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Posts posted by taraunnie

  1. They definately are foreigner prices!!
    Fair prices are (from what I have been quoted myself and read)..
    5~7M for breast
    2~3M for genioplasty implant
    1.5~2M for fat graft (full face)
    I am not certain about Vline genio..do you mean T osteonomy?
    For usual vline though around.. 5~7 M..

    I have seen prices on naver blogs and apps for Opera and a lady paid 5.5 m krw for Vline..

    Also..You never know what you will be quoted in person and how much leeway there is for bargaining so take online quotes just as a guide..as the consultants usually say, they are only guide prices.
  2. That's interesting they got back to you so soon~ maybe because they heard the word 'consultation'..more business..just joking I am pretty sure they aren't like that!
    I contacted them a while ago and seem to be too busy posting videos and pictures of their meals on Facebook and instagram to reply haha jks! :P

    In regard to deposit, from what I have heard it can mean two totally different things.
    Sometimes if clinics are going to be really busy during your chosen time period they will recommend you put down a deposit in order to guarantee you a spot.
    On the other hand, many a dishonest clinic try to pressure or require you to put down a deposit as a method to get your business and prevent you from seeing other clinics.

    Im sorry I can't say which JW is, as I don't know enough about the clinic, but I am hopeful it is not the latter because they look reputable eniyg and I like their results..

    Good luck~ ♥♡

  3. Umm..Cheek implant would be an implant made of silicon which would garner more permanent results as silicon can't be easily absorbed by your body, where as fat graft is inserting fat into the area which is semi permanent and is eventually absorbed. The reason (I believe) they would reccomend fat graft over implant, is as they said less side effects as fat grafting uses a material (fat) that is already present in your body and will be accepted easily. An implant is a foreign material and has a higher chance of being rejected by your body and, thus, leading to side effects such as an infection. Implants are usually firmer and when put in a larger area like a cheek or a forehead, have a chance of being visible, shifting etc. fat grafting just makes the area more plump as if you had more fat in the area.
    Both options are viable, but I think for you implant would suit you better as it is permanent and is more customised than a fat graft because you can control the shape and height better than if you just inject fat as it is a little unpredictable. Also fat grafts can get a bit annoying as they require maintainence of re injecting every so often when it starts to disappear and be absorbed.
    Good luck~

  4. That's good (not technically, but you know what I mean) that you have the same sort of problem as me and went and saw someone about it. I would be very grateful if you were able to find the name card as I would like to go to one you recommend / were satisfied with. I was not entirely sure where exactly to go for such a problem after my orthodontist, so I am really happy for the input as well~ Do you have any sort of mentolabial sulcus because of your overbite? I would like to ask what sort of options are available for that as mine is pretty bad and looks like I am kinda pouting..

    In regards to the SMAS lift, are you able to do it at most clinics in Korea, because I could find little mention of it on any clinic website, or should I wait until I come back here? Could you do it separately later, because I am younger and as you said it might be too invasive. (Not sure why?).. Do you even get much premature aging from the procedure when you are below forty or does it start after a few years?

    May I ask why you thought it was a poor choice exactly? Was it because, as you mentioned previously, you weren't a candidate and you didn't believe it was needed? It's funny how the biggest rage before was to go to Bangkok for procedures (it still is with a lot of British and Australian women for BA) and now it is Seoul..how quickly things shift..
    One thing I have wondered, with mandible reduction, I don't believe it would be the case because it is just the edge of the jaw but I am just curious, do you have as much full function of your mouth and jaw as you had before? I am just a bit nervous after seeing how badly the jaw is incapacitated after swelling.

    Yes, the flow of immigration and foreign investors have both contributed to the house prices majorly. Look at Sydney for example, prices have increased by a couple of hundred thousand dollars in the last four years and they are continuing to rise, it is ridiculous! You would have to have a brilliant job or want to be in debt for the rest of your life if you wanted to buy there, I don't think it is worth paying the same amount you could buy a nice four bedroom house elsewhere for a poky little apartment near the CBD. Priorities and preferences though, I do love the food and atmosphere :biggrin: thanks investors lol! It is even happening to Melbourne now and I would like to live there after Uni :'(

    Anyway, all that aside, I truly am appreciative of all your help and your wealth of knowledge ~ thanks eternally!
  5. Dear KCouture,
    Firstly I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping all of us here on the forum.
    In another thread, you mentioned that nearly ten years ago you got facial contouring, may I ask whether it was here or overseas?
    And secondly you said your friends have all experienced premature aging (you just mean sagging right!?) from facial contouring procedures..may I also ask what kind, if they did any, of lifting/tightening procedures they did and whether they were successful and satisfactory?
    I am reevaluating my decision to do that procedure, which makes me terrible sad :/ I look at my mum and she has a similar not as overdeveloped face as me and she has not had any superficial sagging yet compared to most ladies her age, maybe I should follow suit?
    As you said the economy here is bad atm but yet house prices are going up..I hope wages also don't go down too drastically O:
    P.s. I am thinking of seeing a maxillary specialist after I get my braces off to discuss my slight overbight and assymetry (I think thats who you'd discuss stuff like that with) do you know any good ones here? I am willing to travel..
  6. It is shaping the jaw to be smaller and more feminine. So it is probably not the surgery you are looking for.

  7. I had really oily skin not that long a go and I found that a mud/clay mask really helps me reduce the oil and brighten my skin..also moisturizing as well makes the skin supple and reduces the oil because maybe your skin is lacking moisture as well?

  8. It is a bit of a shame this happens, but it doesn't happen to everybody..it just depends on a number of reasons.
    -how good your skin is at re adapting and how firm and elastic it is.
    -How much bone is taken out..more= more room missing and more leftover skin etc.
    -also how much muscle is taken out as well as muscle is like the walls on a house~your bones are the foundation and structure.
    -If you do any other procedures~ Zygoma reduction is known to be worst for sagging because I heard someone say once that a surgeon told them “The zygoma are like the poles holding up a tent, you remove a bit and the tent sags and falters..etc”..

    I don't know what the very long term risks are and I would like to find out!

  9. My general idea and plan too :smile: Better have a feminine face with a bit of sagging that can be fixed than stuck with a wide and strong face eh? (Not saying your face is like that lol!)

  10. Like Callie, I am getting my braces off too at the end of this year, from then on I will have to wear retainers for a year or maybe two (I don't know how much FC would affect my teeth, but hopefully I will stop wearing them by then)..I also have to save money to finance everything and also I will go before I start at Uni..with a fresh look haha, I would rather do it before than do it after I have started in case people notice etc. I am looking forward to going with Callie and FlyingWind even if it is a bit far away~
  11. You can have my cheekbones, Ive got enough to share and have quite a bit left over lol. Good luck with your recovery~
  12. Why not for Vline..if I may ask??

  13. I have been curious as well about this since I started looking into it..I wonder if their are any major detrimental effects later on..I guess we will have to wait 6~10 years for some of the forummers on here to report back..I am thinking more 40+ years though later down the track when you age..will it all fall apart? Lol.. I think it highly unlikely though because a square jaw is an genetic overgrowth of the jaw bone and people who don't have square jaws don't have the overgrowth and have a similar jaw to the end result after surgery..so I think you will have as much chance as them to have any problems..I am more wary of zygoma reduction though because when you look at xrays and 3DCT images of the end result it becomes a smaller fragile bone against a bigger bone so it looks very unstable..I have heard accounts on other places of people's zygoma bones not bonding again and remaining unattached D: pretty scary!
  14. I would beware of botox..I am not against medications or all chemicals, but you should be wary of injecting such harsh chemicals into your system. It has not been long enough yet to know what affects they have long term either. Just my thoughts.
    Surgery is a permanent solution so in one way it is easier than semi permanent solutions but also is not changeable so you have to make sure you really want that and will be happy with the results even though they may not be exactly as you imagined beforehand.

    My motivation is I really have a strong dislike against the shape of my face and think it drags my whole face down..I really like my other features. I have a strong-ish jaw..It is not as wide as some but it is wider thane normal and lacks definition (I dont really have a defined chin that goes down..the bottom of my face is basically flat and my chin appears higher than the side of my face :sad: )...My zygoma are very prominent and my face is as wide as them and at the three quarter angle my face 'curves' inward..curves in the wrong place lol! I also want to fix the slight assymetry of my face..I dont want to look perfect..just better and improve :smile: I hope everyone on this forum gets a satisfactory result and their lives improve :smile: Good luck everyone

  15. I completely agree..I haven't told anyone except my parents and they are kind of (more my mum) are accepting of it now..but they still try to convince me that appearances don't matter as much as personality and that I am beautiful the way I am. I think if people really love you for who you are they will accept your choices and try to overlook them..ultimately at the end of the day, it's still you~

  16. I am considering having a consult with Delightful Aesthetics, but not sure if they can do a more natural look rather than super 'v' line.. I will look forward to hearing about your experience and outcome though :biggrin:
  17. Hello ChibiOwl~
    Nice to meet you (:
    Yes..there is a group of us thinking of going in late 2016 (September) at a time that is not too hot or cold or busy. You are most welcome to join~ We were thinking of discussing it closer to the time and making a thread or kakaogroup..
    May I ask what procedures you were thinking of having done?
    I think 2016 is a good time for me too..cause like you, I have to save my money lol :P

  18. Haha :P

    I want a natural look like you did and hopefully I will get it like you did (:
    You got a lot of procedures at once..did you think that getting them was really much worse than if you had of had just one procedure? I am thinking of multiple procedures as well, but not as varied as yours ~ Jaw contouring, Genioplasty, Fat grafting and possibly Zygoma reduction (I am still not certain, but I'll discuss with the surgeon).
  19. Eek! What fat pockets and where are they located, and what do you mean ' it will be a different story when she hits her late twenties'? Do you mean that facial contouring causes you face to majorly sag and not hold its shape like it would of natural? I knew there would be slight sagging because of removing the bone to present surface area of skin etc....but I am really confused now and am reconsidering slightly....thats so sad!
  20. Thats a fantastic idea! I will definitely start a spread sheet now from the info I have collected both myself and off here..I have just been writing it down on my phone's notes haha!

    I do know about neti pots..they are great but they hurt so much and make my eyes water and make you feel sick ): I guess..no pain, no gain?
  21. I am thinking of Vline and Fat grafting as well as genioplastly and likely zygoma reduction....I was wondering when you were thinking of going? If you would like to talk more easily feel free to add me on Kakao..my ID is in my signature (:
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