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Posts posted by taraunnie

  1. I think it can look really nice and soften faces. I also think it can make men look handsome :smile: Some Asian people have them naturally without smiling, but most people have it when the they smile or squint. It is very popular amongst Asians, especially Koreans cause it makes you look softer and cuter (sometimes).
    Some examples of male Korean/Chinese celebrities that have aegyosal (I think all theirs are natural but just to show you some men as examples).

    Jaehyo- Block B.. Jaehyo was an ulzzang (‘best face’ guys and girls usually look innocent and good looking and aegyosal is very popular amongst this movement) before he was in a Hip Hop group and has aegyosal:

    TOP/Choi Seunghyun from Big Bang~
    TOP from super popular group Big Bang is very popular for his handsome and mature looks and also has subtle aegyosal:

    Sorry for the long post..but I hope it have you more of an idea on how it looks on men:smile:
    I think it looks really good on lots of people and I am thinking of getting it done as well x

  2. Thai surgeries are cheaper and in most cases I believed there are skilled doctors, BUT....

    1. I wouldn't say that they have less surgeries going on or are less popular for surgeries than Korea. Thailand is a very popular spot for western people from countries like the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand as Thailand is more popular and known a tourist destination for these countries than Korea (Korea has only in the last few years become more recognized as a tourist destination) and are also attracted by the cheap prices of these surgeries. There has been a number of news stories not that long ago on Thailand for cosmetic procedures.

    2. Although it is an amazing country with delicious food, wonderful people and culture..it is still considered a ‘developing country’ as opposed to Korea which is a ‘developed country’ and Korea is said to have a higher standard of living and is wealthier overall.
    This possibly means, because Thailand is in this situation and there are more people in poverty that may not have the means or money to get treated if any medical problems occur (more possibility of spreading diseases) and according to an article I read in a newspaper recently about medical tourism to Asia, they have one of the highest rates of possible infection and possibility of contracting a super bug in the world (I am not sure if this is entirely true, and they are not my words but it is scary all the same!).
    Btw As I said before, I love Thailand and I think it is a beautiful country so don't take this as me bagging it off, I am merely just stating facts I read..and I know not all of Thailand is like this, there are very wealthy people and clean places, and also I am not blaming the people who are in poverty or poor living conditions.

    There are many people who have had successful and satisfactory procedures in Thailand, so don't take this the wrong way, all I am saying is be wary, be sensible and put your health foremost as you would with any procedure in any country.

  3. How are you acquiring these prices are they just off Koreans on Naver? I feel like I've been ripped off big time getting a quote of ₩26m for FC,ZR, genioplasty and an ‘endotine’ face lift. I have partly tried to deny being ripped off saying its because they are quality/quantity and they are ‘just’ a bit more expensive! Have you found any Banobagi prices in your travels? I think there is a bit of leverage for bargaining in person, but I don't think in most cases it's possible to get the same fair prices as locals..

  4. I don't think so, it appears she has always looked like that. ImageUploadedByPurseForum1417075655.893974.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1417075705.572427.jpg
    As KCouture said, I wouldn't call her face chubby, I think it's just due to the shape of her facial bones. Btw a number (not counting overweight) Caucasians have chubby faces, just like quite a few Asians do

  5. My sides protrude more than my front too. ImageUploadedByPurseForum1416990434.646219.jpg my jaw seems to almost be nearly as wide as my cheekbones and between curves in like an hourglass (mine is in the wrong spot haha) ImageUploadedByPurseForum1416990566.100843.jpg BTW..I don't care about exposing my whole face but I just covered my eye area anyway since it seems to be more popular on here..I can be certain no one would recognize me on here haha..:PImageUploadedByPurseForum1416990696.974436.jpg I see my face shape kinda like these B/A from BK (a little different though) and I want a result more like the after too....without going to BK though, cause we all know why :smile:

    P.s I placed the butterflies there because I have bad skin atm sorry x

  6. My zygoma are higher and protrude at the side instead of the front too. Because this part of the zygoma is essentially an ‘arch’ as it is known, it is the thinnest and most fragile part of the zygoma so it is generally not shaven. The usual method used it the one you mention first, it is usually fractured/cut and shifted and then secured back in place.

    Btw I love your picture and name~ Molang is so cute and I love strawberries haha xx
  7. Yeah....CLinics can be kinda deceitful and sneaky in that way..I would understand if they hadn't seen your photo and just quoted you an average range price and when you saw them you needed more done than they thought, therefore making it cost more..but I can't believe they'd say that the email quote was a 'mistake'..:sad:
    Yeah I am considering Banobagi for the same reason, after all 'quality' is better than 'quantity', right?
    I think they quoted me about 7M KRW for endotine..I thought at the time, it must be special cause it's pretty expensive! So yeah, I think thread lift would be a bit cheaper!

    Below I found some information on the procedure if you are interested one is from Banobagi's blog explaining endotine and the procedure and the other is a small section on endotine for forehead lifting on JW's website~


  8. Banobagi recommended me to do a procedure called ‘endotine’, I think it's like a lifter procedure..for these three exact same surgeries. I got quoted about 18M KRW for the same three as you (I got ripped off xD!!) haha they are known for being one of the most expensive anyway..maybe the medical tourism gave you a discount idk..?? I think the results are worth it if it is successful and you are extremely unhappy with your face and have a major issue that needs fixing (not saying you don't) xx

  9. Side effects can include..Infection (especially possibly contracting a superbug like MRSA which is pretty unlikely, but still be aware), sagging (This is what I'm most scared about! I have heard so many people saying they have had major sagging after zygoma and facial contouring and now they have 'jowls' eeepp!) for sagging however some clinics suggest lifting surgeries..such as Banobagi suggested a procedure called ‘endotine’ which keeps the face firm and stops it from sagging for a certain amount of time.. I wish there were more people on here that had had this procedure :sad: I recently read some posts on a blogger named ’BonQiuQiu’ she did facial contouring and zygoma reduction, her posts are really informative btw so check them out if you want~ It doesn't look like she's had any sagging so far..but maybe it takes a few years idk..I just hope that it is not a common side effect :

  10. According to their website it is about 5,000 USD, which is suspiciously cheap. One of the forumers (KCouture I think?) did a good review on them. Go to the thread ‘Post prices of Korean Clinics Here’ cause she posted a link to it recently on the last or second last page.

    She posted it above ^^^^ I should of read more first!!

  11. How do you mean? (I tried looking back through your posts and other threads but I couldn't find anything of what you are talking about). Do you mean aesthetically or professionally? I have heard about some bad eye experiences there, but apart from that I don't know much else about it, except it's surprisingly cheap haha! I remember reading a post you made a while ago about paying more for more experienced surgeons, I agree with you, it's basically a case of you get what you pay for and is this what you are referring to with Oz Clinic??

  12. I thought that too, 10m altogether! That'd be like 1/2 or 3/4 of the prices of most other clinics, it does seem a bit too good to be true. But Oz Clinic charges that much altogether for those procedures (according to the prices on their website) so it is hard to know? It makes you wonder though how much the procedures are for locals in clinics that try to rip you off.

    Oh, I didn't know that the clinics got taxed on foreign income and that they only started letting Korean clinics operate on foreigner s five years ago, I saw a statistics chart and. I wondered why it only started at 2009, now I know, thank you~ These reasons partly make me understand why foreigners are charged more but I don't think it should be that dramatically different from locals that people reckon it is, because I can't see that as justifiable and I agree with you about clinics taking advantage of us in that aspect, I think a lot of clinics also think that we are quite wealthy because we can travel there for procedures.

    Ahhhhhhh, psychological pricing..The one I hate the most that's commonly used is ($amount of dollars$).99¢ it does not trick most people, it's really obvious that it's just the next rounded number amount of dollars!
  13. I got my quote from JW Beauty Clinic today ~
    The consultant recommended V Line, Zygoma reduction and Genioplasty, but did not quote them individually only the combined price.

    All together the cost quoted was - 14,000 to 16,000 USD.

    Which is a heck of a lot cheaper than Banobagi for the same procedures and all over quite a reasonable price. She did say however, the price might ‘change’ after in person consultation which I hope doesn't mean they are one of those clinics that quote you a good price online and double it when you get there :/

  14. It is really nice of them to not rip us off, it makes me feel they are a more honest and structured clinic. I know for some clinics it costs them more for foreigners, employing translators etc but there is no need to nearly double the price! It can't be THAT expensive to care for a non local? Idk..
    What I do know is though, it is great to see clinics [displaying] prices on their websites?? The whole other charade other clinics make you go through is so tedious, especially if they don't quote you in online consult and make you email them :/ So keep it up Oz and EverM!~

    Btw do you mean 11M individually or combined? It really kinda made me confused that Oz charges around that for both..!? It's by far the cheapest price I've seen so far!~

  15. Banobagi is considered one of the best for facial procedures but they are known to be over priced.. They quoted me 26m for facial contouring, zygoma reduction, genioplasty and endotine which is pretty reasonable, well I think 24m would be better. But apparently they raise the price quite a bit in purpose.
    DAPRS and EverM are good for facial contouring and two jaw surgeries and other dental related procedures, especially EverM.

    Thankyou for you input, you have mentioned a lot of clinics, I myself haven't heard of and will definitely check out (more to narrow down and decide between haha).

  16. I agree, I've found it kinda fun searching for forums and information myself :smile:
  17. I am still waiting on quotes from Item, Dream, JW and another clinic for Facial contour, Zygoma reduction..but I was looking at Oz and for once~ they had prices on their website! I think that is a good first step and is more honest..They are also the cheapest I have seen for these procedures (and a lot of others)..on their website facial contouring and zygoma reduction are both five million won each! It makes me a bit suspicious in a way, as the average price for these procedures are about nine million to ten million won?

  18. I recently contacted Dream, JW, Banobagi and Item and they replied reasonably quickly through their online consult on the website..I think this is an easier option and they always usually reply.
    It's basically the same you can add photos in email format so try online consult and they'll get back to you~
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