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Posts posted by taraunnie

  1. Banobagi has its own accommodation, a guest house..I'm not sure how long you can stay there, the maximum amount of nights. As Koreasaurus mentioned AirBnB is a good cheaper option..(https://www.airbnb.com.au/s/gangnam--seoul?source=bb) there are lots of nice whole apartments (or private rooms if that's what you want) you can get from $60 up that are nicely furnished and come with cooking implements and some even with basic food or toiletries, central in the Gangnam-Gu district.With that is the bonus of a host that can help you if you need anything.
    I have never tried AirBnB yet, but I am strongly considering it when I go :smile:

  2. I don't know about Izien and Wannabe (sorry ;-; ) but I have heard (from information collected from social media websites like naver and weibo as well as forums, they had information collected and put into a chart, it's on this forum somewhere but I can't find it :sad: Also people have reviewed them on here as well for consults mostly but some surgeries) that:

    DAPS, Banobagi and EverM~ are good for facial contouring and other jaw surgeries.

    Pitangui~ can be a bit hit and miss! the doctor is quite rude and arrogant apparently. Read the Pitangui thread also, one or two forumers on here had a terrible experience there.

    SMPS~ I don't know much personally because no one I have heard of has been to there yet, only thinking. They have, however, been the centre of a number of deceitful posts though, with a couple of their staff posing as people who have had surgery there and were promoting the clinic and their results. (Be really careful~)

    Wannabe is new to me but I think it looks good, I have been watching the videos on their YouTube channel cause they are really informative. Btw what surgeries were you thinking if getting?

    Hope you have a nice day~

  3. Hello Cuddlelooker..nice to meet you~

    No, unfortunately..I wish it was a video consult that would be soooo helpful! I have heard some smaller clinics do video consults sometimes, but not busier ones like Banobagi and sometimes with those ones you actually speak to the doctors themselves not a consultant, but I don't think this very common.
    Usually online consult is a section on the clinic's website, in Banobagi's case it's right up the top in the middle next to 'about Banobagi' and left of the search bar. They are a section where you can write an inquiry with questions that could be similar to these..'Can you please suggest procedures (and attach a photo), Prices for procedures? What does this [certain] procedure/s entail? What facilities do you have for [procedure] etc....’ or whatever you want to know. Here you can write an enquiry in an email-style format and have the option to attach maximum two photos usually of front (face) and profile/side if you want. My recent one to Banobagi (I wrote about the I got reply in the thread ‘prices of Korean clinics’, I think its called?) I just told them the procedures I wanted and why and asked for a quote for them. You get a password for your enquiry for privacy and have to enter it whenever you want to access your enquiry.

    Hope I helped somewhat and hope you have a nice day~

  4. Usually clinics prefer online consult if you are seeking information, once I emailed a clinic (I think it was JW?) and they replied and said “Please, let's talk through online consult..”,..I'd much prefer to email, but that's their choice I guess :/

    Hebe is also English consultant and also sometimes the in house translator at Banobagi, so I think it may be a lack of man power, not their fault though because I think they are really busy most of the time too~

  5. Have you done an online consult with them? It's usually very helpful, especially the information they can give you on a technical level, well at least me :smile: they may take about 4~10 days to get back to you but it usually is helpful :smile:

  6. I hope mine come to accept it too haha :smile: a What is their main concern about you getting it abroad? Is it because you'll be so far away and won't be able to recover straight after at home? I wouldn't like to take my mother either..Especially if she chose to get surgery..I'd be scared I'd pick a bad clinic and she'd get a botched job, that'd be so embarrassing..I think I'd blame myself for ever D: It's great your boyfriend is really supportive, it's good to have someone to accept and support you that's close to you..it's really helpful.. People think the same when you mention ps cause they think you'll end up with a botched or bad job xD
  7. I totally agree with VanityGirl in regard to, if they love you and see how much happier you are they should accept it and not judge you afterwards. And I agree with you Bingu too, I think I will get a nice hair cut and maybe colour (something totally different like short hair) and hope that it will draw people's attention away/ believe that, that is why my face looks a bit different and slimmer. Or like you, tell them I lost weight idk, haha.
    The thing I dislike most is when people say things like “Don't be stupid, you don't need that/ you look fine the way you are/ it's not what's on the outside/ your jaw isn't big/ high cheek bones are seen as really beautiful/ you'll learn to accept what you look like”. (Mostly my parents) Ugh! I know people are trying to be supportive and kind but it really doesn't help, they aren't you and they don't have to live with you features and opinions. I told my parents and they were really disappointed and angry because:
    1. They felt it personally, they said to me “It makes us really sad that we've given you these features etc etc..” (The usual guilt trip)
    2. They are nurses (Unfortunately) so they gave me a lecture about infections and superbugs especially present in Asia (They aren't against Asia they've travelled there a lot, but there are lots of articles in their nursing magazines about it :sad: They also don't really understand Korea's advanced medical technology and methods and aren't really willing to listen.

    When I see my father, he says things like “you look really pretty beautiful/ your jaw doesn't look square”, which shouldn't, but it really annoys me that he's trying to dissuade me. Also he has told a lot of my family members, some when I am present and I think that's really wrong since I see it as a personal thing and I don't want them to know or judge me, otherwise I would of told them myself!

    Also, I have become very self conscious about my face shape since most people I see have nice face shapes and mine is like the first two ladies before on BK Dongyang facial contour before and after and also I have high cheekbones which gives me sort of an hourglass/ in curve on the side of my face :sad: I have suffered pretty bad self esteem and depression because of it :/

    Anyway I believe basically it's down to what you want and believe and it's your face and you have to be happy, it's no one else's and it's sad that plastic surgery is still such a taboo and so frowned upon. And it's also sad that people don't try to understand your situation and just go off their own biased opinions..

    Thanks guys so far for your interesting responses, it's interesting to know~~
  8. I remember reading a couple of articles about her some time ago. She was on 'Let Me In' as someone said, she was also well known for, after her surgery, her surgeon proposed to her because he thought she became really beautiful after surgery.
    I couldn't find out what clinic she got it done at or what he [the surgeon] name was, but I know her name is Huyn Jang Jin :smile:
  9. I thought I would start this topic to address the important issue of how you PS ideas, plans or results have affected your family or friends. In other words, how have they reacted when you broached or tried to discuss your ideas of getting PS or how have they reacted when they've seen your results? Were they completely anti and negative about the idea or plans or were they supportive?

  10. Hey Flawn~

    I haven't gotten a chin implant (but Banobagi suggested it with vline, but that's another story xD), I can try to help answer your question about materials though..

    Silicone and goretex are the most common materials for chin implants and also the most simplest method. Several (2~4) incisions are made intraorally (inside your mouth under your bottom lip) and the implant, which has been resized or modified to fit and suit that area is implanted in,on or under your chin on or against the bone. Sometimes surgeons remove part of the bone to make the implant fit in better.

    The second method is cutting the bottom of the bone on the chin and moving it forward and fixes it in the desired position. This is seen as the most natural looking method.

    Hope I helped :smile: What are you thinking of getting done Flawn, if I may ask?

  11. I thought it was Grand the asterisks where the same number as the letters in the name “*****”..a hint maybe? I feel so sorry for her, I hope she and her parents get the justice they deserve~ Grand has been responsible for a few incidences like this, and they should either step up or shove out.. And stop putting profit over patients!!

  12. Waaaaaahhh ;-; So lucky..I can see why though, Singapore is super amazing~ Hopefully in the future they do an international one.. Good luck Chubbychub and other fellow SG forumers who enter the competition..I hope you win~ ^^

  13. I agree about the Pitangui girl, I wonder if she wanted to go for that look :/? I think our racial distinctiveness is what makes us unique and beautiful :smile: also I think that's an excellent idea if they are doing it for non-Koreans/Asians to visualize their look, it's a really good idea cause it does make it easier for everyone now haha (mostly :smile:).

    Park Bom has always been naturally beautiful and especially during the years during and shortly after 2Ne1’s debut~ I agree she looks just too..um..and pretty plastic now. I think she has had like 4~5 eye surgeries and a couple of nose jobs too. Her surgeon is really irresponsible for continuing to ruin her natural looks and quash them into oblivion, and also to agree to continue to do it and not get her help. Surely the rest of 2NE1 is worried about her? And YG? Idk I feel really sad for her and really concerned..please get help if you have an addiction (which looks like you do) Bommie!

    I love both Goo Hara and Yura. Goo Hara has very unique looks, I think it is something to do with her eyes? She is very pretty and she has an amazing body too haha :biggrin: and I love her hair in their new mv.. Yura is also very pretty, she is very elegant and sweet looking and I love her hair wavy with a fringe :3 Hara said she already had double eyelids before hand but they weren't that obvious, so did Krystal Jung apparently..I think a lot of idols have had either eyes or nose or both, but they don't admit to it and its good when someone like Hara is honest about it :smile: I like Nine Muses too they are feminine and attractive but not too ulzzang or cutesy like some Kpop Groups like you said. A lot of groups are changing or evolving from cutesy though, like T-ara and SNSD, and that's better but for some reason some are either choosing to be cutesy (which I'm not that a fan of) like Orange Caramel and Crayon Pop (which I don't really find that good, but their videos are fun at least?) or they are becoming really over sexualised like Stellar or 4Minute..Idk..there's too many idols and groups ;-;

    Lim Kim is very beautiful and her vocals are so unique and amazing~ That's so cool you've got similar features so that's a good idea to show the doc her :smile:

    I want a bunny like that..it makes me feel so happy too~ the super cute creature~

  14. I think there has been a recent trend with Korean clinics to put other ethnicity people (than Korean) on their website. I remember when Pitangui just was solely Korean models so it surprised me when you said about the African woman. I saw the same when I was looking on Wonjin the other day and it surprised me cause they used to be the same. I think its good though :smile:
    I agree, her nose does look pretty good on her but it does make her look a bit...idk odd? She looks kinda plastic in the after pictures as well, however.
    I think looking at Kpop idols is a good idea, as long as you don't get addicted like Park Bom haha (I think she's pretty though) Apparently, lots of Koreans take their favourite idol to the surgeons as a guide so surgeons would probably be used to it :smile:

  15. Sorry It wouldn't let me PM to you, because it said you have chosen not to receive PMs or might not be allowed to apparently..
    I get the same way when waiting for a reply don't worry, haha. When I did the online consult with Banobagi it took them nearly two weeks to reply D: They had heaps of them to reply to but I checked nearly everyday when the other ones around mine got answered..mine was last! Haha.. I will like to hear SMPS’s response, thanks for choosing to share it :smile: What sort of time difference do you have with Korea? I feel lucky cause it's only an hour behind me (AEST)..
    Yes I agree with you, it IS like they think your not smart enough and it is very patronizing and insulting. I bet they'd love it like we were like that though, no difficult questions and no revealing information that might put the patient off surgery.

    Anyway, I plan on traveling to Korea either end of next year or the year after that..but it mostly depends on my finances..Oh..and I plan to get facial contouring (like you) and possibly zygoma reduction surgeries (I wrote more information them and the responses and quotes I got from Banobagi in the thread ‘Costs of clinics in Korea’ (or something similar) recently if you are interested (Even though you aren't planning to go to Banobagi..It just has some interesting info from the consultant, well I think anyway haha)..
    When are you thinking of going and is facial contouring the only procedure you plan to get?
    Hope you have a nice day~ (and SMPS gets back to you quickly haha) :smile:

  16. Ack..I wonder why they decided to be so expensive? I bet the locals would probably get the procedures for half that price assuming they are like a lot of other Korean PS. I'd hope that / maybe it would be sort of a quality over quantity thing where you are paying for the doctors’ supposed cutting edge skills and fantastic results? But maybe that's just trying to sympathize with and justify them? Idk..but what I do know is that Banobagi was pretty lousy in regard to you not being able to meet the doctor even though you had booked so far in advance. I mean, what are their priorities? Surely they would have marked it down and scheduled it for you? Did you just do the consultation with Hebe? In a way I kind of (not meaning to be rude to them) find those sort of consultations, especially if they are on of the final leading up to your surgery, pretty meaningless as it is the doctor/expert you want to discuss it with, the one who will perform the surgery on you..not the consultant (which is what Hebe is, isn't she? I think?) and that's kinda slack, I'm not trying to mean to them though, the doctor might usually have time for consults or he might not, hopefully he does and it's not the standard slack procedure you unfortunately had to partake in. In saying that however, you were able to find a really good clinic with skilled surgeons that you were able to consult beforehand and get a (likely) more affordable deal and great results :smile: I reckon having to take your stitches out when you returned home would have been much more of a hassle and is not really fair for a foreign patient.
    That was good you were able to see the doctors at Wonjin, Teium and View and get a more thorough consult. I considered Wonjin at one stage but I don't remember what made me fall beneath the sidelines? Idk..

    Anyway, one final question..What were the clinics you visited like and did they vary much from one another in regard to layout and interiors, the size of the building and staff etc
  17. Hello Eimsies~

    Your experience with Tian PS does sound very shady and suspicious. The fact that the consultant told you that the doctor did not want to perform your surgeries anymore and they wanted no further contact with you, not only is quite rude, but also very odd.
    Your questions were perfectly valid and as you said, a good clinic should be able to answer them honestly. I, well if I were you (no pressure! Just an idea) would pose these same questions to SMPS,Banobagi,Pitangui and DAPS or any other clinics you are considering on online consult, email etc to see their responses on these questions.

    I myself, had a similar sort of experience with staff from SMPS, I asked questions similar to yours about infection, risks etc and instead of being honest, they sort of told me what I wanted to hear, like “The surgeon [Dr Lee?] is very skilled so there are no chance of these happening”, so I though, right! They are not honest with me and I would like an honest clinic, as you are sort of putting your life in their hands. I know it wasn't an exact representation of the doctors skill, but I thought that this would probably make them better at lying and denying anything went wrong if it did, therefore possibly not providing any support afterwards. Maybe I was kind of overreacting when I look back, but as you know, ps is not a thing to be taken lightly especially ones under GA and it makes you want to trust the clinic that you are sort of putting your life and well being in their hands. At the same time the R.R sort of scandal was in full force with her posing as fully a patient with no connections to the clinic promoting it on I think it was about 4~6 different PS forums when she was found out to be a paid worker and promoter for the company..not saying that her ps wasn't amazing or she wasn't a lovely person, she answered many of my questions about vline and the procedure from her own experience which was so helpful! It's just..I didn't appreciate that sort of dishonesty from someone like that when I found out after she was promoting a clinic I was considering and swayed me even more to go there (obviously her aim). Idk now that I think about it, it probably isn't as bad as it was at the time and maybe I was just overreacting? The doctor probably is very skilled and it possibly is a really good clinic idk..I just got put off by the dishonesty of the staff..Have they got new staff now Eimsies? Hopefully they have and I'd love to know more about the clinic from your own experience (take mine with a grain of salt as it was mostly staff related), from online and when you get there :smile: I think SMPS is newer because idk there is much information online (last time I checked) all I could find was reviews on what clinic haha.
    I also want to commend you for looking for a smaller clinic as, as you said, it is likely a more personal experience and therefore has many more benefits than bigger clinics~ If you are talking about size, I think Pitangui is quite a big office like building (I could never find it on google maps xD), but Banobagi is a smaller (well compared to most popular like ID, Grand etc) 4~6 story (As I recall, maybe a bit bigger) building that can be found on google maps, but the street view was taken before they moved in so you have to try to recognize the building haha. In regard to their operation (number of patients) they are the opposite way than mentioned previously (Often forumers have said that they had consults at Pitangui and the waiting room was empty!). I don't even know where daprs is and I haven't heard much about that either so I can't comment on them, but they are on my list as well because I like their results and have heard very good things about them :smile:

    Anyway sorry for my long piece of ‘feedback’, I hope that it helped you somewhat because I really appreciate yours about Tian~ and I feel sorry that you were treated like that from them, I don't think I have ever heard a story of a clinic turning down a patient! I don't know why any clinic would do that, especially if it was just for those perfectly valid questions you have a right to know. Odd, right!?

    Hope you have a good day today~

    Tara :heart:

  18. I have seen that Banobagi can be expensive !(~_~;) but I think quoted prices online and face to face can vary. Some of their prices I have found are quite the standard price quoted for procedures for foreigners over 8M KRW does seem a bit overpriced for those procedures. I think since they recently won the Medical Asia 2014, KGMSA and Asia Medical Service awards they put up their prices or think they can rip us off..Just joking x
    Banobagi's waterdrop breast surgery looks very natural and is innovately miles ahead of the round implants and shapes some other clinics around the world use..I don't much like the two melons on the chest look. :sad:
  19. Hey everyone!~
    I thought I would add to this topic and I hope you find my post helpful :smile:
    I recently (well about two weeks ago!) contacted Banobagi for an online consult and quote.
    I posted photos to them (cause if you don't they say they can't give you an accurate evaluation and quote?) of profile and front. I included what I wanted which is zygoma and facial contouring/ vline. I also have a slight underbite (not major) but it has made my bottom lip curl over slightly..I have had braces and my orthodontists tried a non surgical method of bringing my jaw forward into better alignment by use of orthodontic plates :,( they made me have an even bigger jaw when I wore them cause of the plastic chunks that overlapped and made it hard to eat, they were removable (just thought I might add that if anyone is going to have similar or if they didn't know about this method), anyway, back more on topic, I told her this and asked if there were any solutions as well and waited for a reply. And waited...and waited..until finally this afternoon..I got a reply. Admittedly the workers were probably busy replying to the plethora of other messages and doing other things, I was just a bit impatient for her reply and quote.
    The lady that replied to me was called ‘Hebe’, she seemed nice..I think? Haha she only really gave me information on procedures xD.
    Anyway, she suggested for me all for one surgery (which included mandible or jaw reduction/vline, muscle reduction and buccal fat removal), cheekbone reduction and genioplasty.
    For your information, here is some quotes (not price) from her about what the surgeries entail :smile:

    All for one~:

    “....It is not the traditional meaning of just cut[ting] your mandible bone (the angle). Actually we do a long line cutting from the jaw angle (but we will save some angle to make sure your jaw line looks natural) to your chin, It is a surgery [that] can adjust your jaw line and chin length together. After this surgery you will feel your chin narrower and harmonious with your face line as well.


    “We have a special cheekbone reduction called “3D Rotation Malar Reduction”....We observed that you have cheeks are pointing sides not the front. Therefore, 3D rotation cheek reduction will help you move your cheek to point the front side so that your face will be more 3 dimensional structures.

    >> Surgical procedure

    1. General anesthesia is carried out.
    2. An intraoral incision is made and the cheekbone is excised to shift its position.
    3. An excision of the zygomatic arch is performed through a pre auricular stab incision and the cheekbone is removed.
    4. The amount of inward shift of the protruding cheekbone is decided prior to the surgery and the cheekbone is moved and the moved bone is fixed.

    (It was suggested that I undergo ‘cheek endotine’ (?) as it will prevent sagging skin and would improve my lip curl.)

    Note- I am still a bit unsure about zygoma..it sounds a bit..idk..not structurally sound and tricky since the zygoma is a smaller and thinner bone and I am unsure of the long term sustainability since I have heard it described as ‘like a tent [structure]’ and holds every thing up in that part of the face and I would imagine sagging (I am not sure of what cheek endotine is so if you know I would love to hear) would be prevalent and therefore lead to implants etc which is more expense if so.

    Note Two- It was recommended that people doing these procedures from overseas should stay in Korea for a minimum of fourteen days as that is when stitches are removed. Also apparently 80% of swelling will subside in about that time period and the final result will be seen in six months.

    Time now for the exciting bit, what this whole topic is about..Prices, the prices I was quoted for these procedures at Banobagi.. !! So let's not waste any more time and without further ado I'll tell you :smile: ~

    Firstly, for All for one surgery the quote I received was ₩7700000 Or 7.7M KRW or around 8280 AUD (USD is only a few dollars difference).
    For cheekbone or zygoma reduction I was quoted ₩6600000 or 6.6M KRW or around 7100 AUD.
    For Genioplasty I was quoted ₩4950000~₩6050000 which I found slightly ambiguous since it was a pretty big gap as far as money is concerned, I wonder why that is so? Anyway I converted it around halfway at ₩5050000 which amounts to about 5442 AUD.
    Finally for the extra of ‘cheek endotine’ (?) it is an additional 7150000 KRW or about 7706 AUD.

    All up it amounted to around ₩26,500,000 or 26 1/2M KRW or $28,560 (AUD).

    Personally I found it quite/slightly overpriced (not that I am an expert on prices for procedures in Korea). I am not entirely sure if I need genioplasty but idk I might..and whatever the ‘cheek endotine’ is it is quite pricey (well that's my opinion but idk what it is!) :smile: I welcome your opinions on the prices as well as I would like to know what you think about them.

    Sorry for my long and possibly partly irrelevant ramblings but I hope it helped and maybe even saves you time if you were wondering about quotes and information of the procedures if you were gonna wait for the online consult of Banobagi.

    Thank you so much for reading and all of your informative and helpful posts. Have a nice day everyone~ :heart: ^_^ x

  20. Congratulations on your successful surgeries :smile: You look really pretty and the results were really natural and nice! (Not saying you weren't pretty before hand!) Thanks for posting this..as you said not many people post results so it was helpful to have yours. ~ :heart:
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