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Posts posted by taraunnie

  1. Hello AvidAquarius,

    I am caucasian and an aquarius too, haha! I was wondering what procedures you had at April31st because I have heard many good reviews and are considering them :smile:

  2. Hey Maggie~
    I would like to hear more about your experience if you would like to share, because I am thinking of Banobagi for the same procedures and there are basically no people who have been there or talked about having surgeries there on this forum. Thanks :smile:

  3. I agree :sad: I don't want to get addicted .. Hopefully (and I'll try to be strong) this will be the first and last time to get cosmetic surgery! I only have one problem with my face (my face shape) and I love my other features..I just want to enhance them and improve..I hope it stays that way after and doesn't manifest into finding more flaws to fix x

    I haven't had anything done yet.... But I am looking to spend between $8~$12 thousand dollars for Facial contouring, genioplasty and possibly zygoma reduction and full face fat graft.. :smile:

  4. Interesting..I got quotes from TL over kakaotalk and for square jaw reduction, zygoma reduction, genioplasty and full face fat graft they quoted me 15M KRW..which they said could be negotiated once I got there. Going from your prices without genioplasty, it was be around 20M KRW!

  5. Thanks (: I was wondering if I ended up going there whether they did procedures like zygoma or whether I'd have to do it somewhere else lol. They do more than I thought..impressive!
  6. I just k’talked TLPS and asked them for a quote. It was funny because I asked if I could get a quote for the following procedures and she said ‘of course’..so I was waiting for a while and then she said ‘can I see your pictures?’. I was like ok, fine if that's the only way I'll get a quote (I don't mind) and sent them to her. However instead of a quote she recommended me procedures, very similar to what I mentioned.... I asked again for a quote and an hour later I got one lol. I don't know if there was a bit of a language barrier but it was pretty funny xD
    Anyway..they gave me a rounded number with discounts and said I could further negotiate when I got there (I hope it's not a case of them denying that they quoted me this price and put it up when I see them face to face!)..
    The following price is for Square jaw reduction, zygoma reduction, full face fat graft and genioplasty:
    It was 15M KRW (₩)..
    I think it is pretty reasonable, (at least compared to Banobagi's quote of 26M for the same procedures!!) but I would hope. I can bargain down a tiny bit more!

  7. Aww~ no problem at all :biggrin:

    I think it's great and much better traveling with others as well, we will be able to support each other and keep each other company! It's good we have something in common, eh? These clinics do seem legit and I am also really are impressed with their before and afters..I am really excited too, but I am sort of glad its a bit of a long time- time to save my money haha!
    I know right! You don't have to convince me haha..I'm so tired of photoshopping and makeup to try and improve and make my face look smaller as well~ It will be so helpful and hopefully makeup will look better :smile:
    I am not a total expert..but from what I have read and researched that is the difference between the two surgeries..I think vline will be perfect for you if you only have a problem with facial width and your bite and chin are ok (: | | | |
    When you get a kakaotalk account, you are welcome to add me ~ My ID is on my signature below VVVV .. You're welcome too, to contact me whenever as well..I am not an expert nor have I had any procedures but I'd be happy to help with anything if I can :smile:
    I can give you procedure quotes I have gotten, information or anything haha.
    Yeah kakaotalk is very popular on here and in Korea, lots of Koreans use and clinics use it as well and I have used it to get information and quotes from them!

    P.s. That thread has been amazingly helpful for me, I hope you find it helpful too

  8. Hey Mary!~ Nice to meet you~
    We have a group going that are traveling to Korea next year in September, you are welcome to join us :smile:

    I am not Asian either and I have a similar face, but not as wide, more square with no defined chin.. :sad:
    The surgery that slims the face is commonly called ‘Vline’ or ‘facial contouring’ surgery. Two jaw is usually if you have either..a really bad over/underbite, or big or long chin..usually orthodontic as well. It involves cutting and breaking the jaw right through, moving it and then fixing it , where vline only cuts the bottom edge of the jaw up to your ear from your chin, usually, different clinics have different techniques.
    I am not looking for the super pointy 'v' like an alien, like you said, but something more natural but slim and feminine.
    The clinics on my list are similar to you, Girin, EverM, DA and Banobagi.
    I highly recommend you check out the thread ‘The ultimate Korean PS resource thread’ (I think that's what it's called or close to it!) because there is a post with clinic reviews in a table and also 130+ before and after photos collected from locals on blog sites on Naver and other websites. It's super helpful (:

    Good luck~

    Tara x

  9. Wow! How quickly time goes~ I also hope you are recovering really fast and have gotten the results you desire (: I would also be interested to see your photos if you are willing to show them....(no pressure at all though!).. I am interested in Girin for similar surgeries too..
    Asian Dreams~ Have you checked out ShinyGlittery's post of before and after photos she collected from Naver community members from different clinics? There are some really nice Girin ones there as well..
  10. Haha, that's funny! I hope thats a good thing? Yeah..It looks pretty easy to find on a map but thanks for confirming that and giving me the address haha..thats helpful (: Was it a whole building or a section of a building? I don't know where Gangnam station is but I hope I'll learn when I go..
  11. Has anyone heard of Romian Clinic (hangul 로미숙) ? I have not seen any mention on PF about it.. they have some really nice results on youtube under both english and korean names..they have an english website and it is pretty simple (one page) but covers everything and has got me intrigued..I think Ill do online consult for quotes and Ill post them on the specific thread for you guys (:
    Anyway it would be great if someone could shed some light or give me some info on them because as I said I have never heard about them on here before :? Have you guys?
  12. These are my prices so far I have been quoted* for four clinics (I think I have more somewhere I will post later if I find them) and counting (more soon)~~

    1. Banobagi:

    All for One surgery (Square jaw reduction, buccal fat and muscles removal) - 7.7m KRW ₩
    Cheekbone/Zygoma Reduction - 6.6m KRW ₩
    Genioplasty/ Chin implant - 4~6m KRW ₩
    Cheek Endotine - 7m KRW ₩

    2. Item Clinic:

    V-line Osteonomy - 12m KRW ₩
    Cheekbone/Zygoma Reduction - 7m KRW ₩

    3. Girin (기린성형외과):

    V-line - 7m KRW ₩
    Cheekbone/Zygoma Reduction - 4.5m KRW ₩
    Fat Graft - 1.2m KRW ₩

    4. JW Beauty:

    (They gave me a rough price combined for these procedures)

    Cheekbone/Zygoma Reduction, Mandibular Angle Reductiom and Genioplasty -

    14000~16000 USD $

    * Most of the clinics that quoted me said that I could get a discount for combined procedures :smile:

  13. I am thinking of seeing Dr Lee at Girin. Did you enjoy your experience there? Is Dr Lee a nice person or is he arrogant like people have said a lot of Korean surgeons are?

  14. I was looking at The Line's website this morning when I was looking for laser blepharoplasty..Um..I don't know, as I've said before, I'm sure you can discuss what you want with the surgeon but I find the afters on their website .. I find the vline done too pointy at the chin and in some the chins a bit unnaturally long.. Koreans like the pointy 'V' shape though so I'm not against it (: the model on the website with them light brown/ orange hair looks a little fake but she's still pretty.. 3 Million!? Wow! that's half and even quarter of the price of a few clinics that quoted me..are you a local, I hope I can get around that price :3

  15. I researched a lot around a lot clinics on the Internet and even looked on whatclinic Seoul..but I couldn't find any sorry..I'm sure somewhere would do it because they are pretty up on technology in Korea and they have laser liposuction so there shouldn't be any reason why they wouldn't have laser blepharoplasty....I'll keep looking for you and let you know (:

  16. Yeah, I hope we will ^^

    Ohhh that's so sad and terrible :,( poor thing x Thats the last thing you want to happen when you get a procedure but it is always a small possibility....What was the main problem with her/what do you think she had done that went wrong?

    Ohk, I would like to go to Europe after I squander my money on cosmetic surgery then save it again haha..just joking I believe it is worth it. Why did you decide to move to Switzerland..if I may ask out of interest?
    Yeah I like Sydney (and Melbourne!) both are great cities! I was down there last week to see an exhibition at the art gallery. I love it there is so many great cultural things to do (like most cities) and so much great food ^^ If you like fresh bakery items make sure you go to Fujipan next time if you haven't already..it's a great and cheap Japanese bakery that's really popular :smile: Don't know how it would compare to all those amazing bakeries in Europe though D: I live four hours north of Sydney in a small town for now so it's a novelty to go there for me haha..I'll be moving soon though x Do you like Sydney? It's great you can come and catch up with your friend I want to make friends overseas .. One day.. So I can travel and visit them (:

    Anyway *back on topic* (sorry I got carried away haha!), it's interesting you should say that about doing surgery in Europe if you were Caucasian, I don't know how it differs in numbers from Europe (per countries) but Australia has a number of cosmetic surgeons too, but the reason I chose Korea was because they offered procedures like vline or facial contouring and cheekbone/zygoma reduction which aren't accessible or available here and would probably twice the price if they were. Also I see it partly as a holiday and an adventure which would be a good bonus! I love travelling in Asia and I have wanted to go to Korea for a while..I am even thinking of doing WWOOFing there beforehand haha!
    Oh I am Caucasian btw but I trust Korean doctors have a good enough handle on the anatomy and bone structures that race won't matter too much.

    Oh! I forgot to ask how many times have you been to Korea and what procedures did you get? Was it just atShimmian and BK?
    Yeah, your BK experience sounds a bit scary..it's as though surgery like that has become so commonplace there that it is simply a 'service'..did it turn out ok though? There are so many bad reviews of BK that I was just wondering if you had a better one? Maybe they are only for bone related procedures idk? How did your fat graft go and how long did it or is it lasting? I am thinking of it on my forehead but I don't know heaps about it..

    So true, it is amazing how it can change people's lives! Hopefully for you and everyone here it changes your life for the better and you gain the confidence and happiness you deserve (:
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