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Posts posted by taraunnie

  1. [Q UOTE=asiandreams;27945645][/QUOTE]
    Hi lollipopswiss23,

    I went to DAPRS too. I was in a rush so could not see the doctors. The head of consultation - Korean girl (translated by an inhouse Chinese assistant) - really put me off. She hardly looked at me, no smile - came across really arrogant.

    Yes the price was very high. Similar to what you were quoted. Not only because of their brand, but the number of "cosultants" at the front desk (I think 5 of them) would be costly too. There were not many customers at the waiting room even on a Saturday morning.

    I have decided not to pursue with DAPRS even though I will be in Seoul mid Feb again. I will try to see Namu again.

    I went to see Dream, Namu, Girin's doctors. Of course I went to see Co & You (referred by a friend whose nephew's father in law is a doctor in Seoul). I will pm you my experience later.

    My plan is like this: Eye and nose surgey on Apr 1st, Apr 1 - 6 stay with my family (they will leave Seoul on Apr 6th. Apr 6 afternoon have surgery on breast and liposuction, 1 night stay at hospital. Then Apr 7 check in a cheaper hotel, and check out on Apr 12. So the period of Apr 7 - 12 will be without any company. Are you going to be in Seoul? during Apr 7 - 12?[/QUOTE]

    Could you please share with me your experience with Girin Clinic? I am interested in going there and I haven't read many reviews (one that I can recall) of consults there :smile:
    Yeah DA is totally overpriced I saw they quoted one person 10m k₩ for vline O: I had considered them but I am not to fond of their kinda unnatural looking chiseled and overly sharp vline results ~ but as ShinyGlittery said.. It's [that look] popular in Korea..so fair enough..

  2. No problem, I'm here to help if I can (:

    Yes, with the BK girl you mentioned..I know what you mean ;-.- I have seen a few before and afters from people's candid surgery at ID and Grand and they looked really good, but I don't think it is worth the risk with all the info and reviews surrounding them.. Even though a small part of you thinks “maybe I could get those results if I took the risk" or "maybe the reviews are over reacting and they can do some good surgeries" .. Famous last words haha x
    I will check out that website you mentioned, it sounds really interesting-thanks (:
    Cosmetic procedures, especially in somewhere like Seoul (where there nearly six hundred clinics) take a loooot of pain staking research and elimination processes to find suitable and reputable clinics..That is why this forum is such a help and so brilliant - I don't know what I would've done without it (Probably have been drawn in by ID's slick and attractive advertising as I initially was and gone with them-eek!) and I am also glad that you are not going off as you were going to with limited research..It is not as instant and easy but it is rewarding in the end!

    I know what you mean though, after reading about so many complications, dishonest practices and clinics..it does make you have second thoughts about having the procedures and whether you can trust any clinic or doctor - after all it is your life in their hands and their responsibility to not screw your face up and leave you with long term complications.

    It's such a great shame that your best friend cannot go with you..she seems very knowledgable about the clinics and she'd be great for moral support for you :'( she is exactly right about clinics not needing foreign patients if they get enough business from locals already- I could imagine that if you wanted to bargain the price if you thought it was a bit high, they could possibly be quite disinterested and not accept a lower price simply for that reason. I have looked into JW a while ago and I like their results and extensive sources of them such as both stories and videos on YouTube which were interesting to read and see. But then there was that story of the Chinese woman getting bad surgery and leaving her 'deformed' and 'asymmetrical' (<- I put them in apostrophes because I don't believe it to be entirely true and I didn't see it, even from her 'before and after' pictures), I don't know how true this was and apparently one of JW's surgeons offered to review her case and help her, but even so, she spent a week or two protesting outside the clinic, so I don't know....

    I read a couple of people's reviews a while back and they said Cinderella produces quite fake looking results which were reflected in the staff there which told them that they get discounts or (free?) surgery for working there and also the before and after photos at the clinic were similar.. I don't know personally though because I have never really looked into the clinic.

    Wow! Sounds like you had an above fantastic experience at Shimmian, So lucky~ I hope mine is similar (: even proves more how much better smaller clinics are for care.

    Um..It is my first time to get any procedures, but I want to do facial contouring/ vline and maybe zygoma, cheekbone reduction..but I haven't decided completely yet due to the sagging factor :sad:
    No, I am planning to go in late 2016 because there are a few other forumers going and we have arranged a group..and it gives me time to help finance the trip hahax Oh and I am from Australia..I am guessing you are from Switzerland haha (from your name)!?

  3. Naww Thankyou :heart: I try to and really enjoy helping people when I can x I know it is one of the best posts on here and has fantastic information (:

  4. I'm glad you appreciated it (: I thought it would be good to move it forward since it was an amazingly helpful post on here - thanks SG :heart:
    Anyway, View does not appear to have an English email but they do have English consultants who do online consult on the English website..however they do have a Korean email which I thought I'd just put here -> [email protected] .. Just in case you would like to try it anyway, because they might be able to answer it in English or forward it on to the English consultant? (maybe just my hopeful thinking haha). I would just try online consult myself..
    Anyway I found their website really hard to navigate originally because every time I would search it..it would take me to the English introduction page which you can't seem to get out of and I thought that was the layout of their website-just one page with no info on procedures xD Luckily it isn't haha

  5. Just moving this post forward cause its so helpful! It is a bit different to the other table that was posted previously however but I don't know where that one came from or it's credibility. I trust this one more I think :smile: They seem a bit Girin biased hahaha just joking x They even raved about it twice x

  6. ID Hospital is well known to be a 'factory' clinic and is known for ‘Surgeon swapping’ (a process where the experienced doctor starts your surgery or is there as you are anaethetised but when you are unconscious they hand the procedure over to a inexperienced or new surgeon) it is known for bad results and bad after care (I have heard there is basically no after care from people's reviews, they perform surgery on you and then move you on, sometimes pretty much straight after you wake up after surgery, hence the 'factory'). It is blacklisted in a lot of places along with the clinics BK Dongyang, Grand and Wonjin for similar reasons. Other clinics known for unsatisfactory results are Pitangui and Oz clinics. There are variables however and some few people have gotten great results from them, but this seems a quite rare occurrence.
    I have read some good reviews from Regen, but not many..there don't seem to be many (I've seen) on places like Naver blogs and Soyoung (Chinese beauty and cosmetic surgery site). A lot of people bring up the Singaporean blogger BonQiuQiu as a successful case, but you must remember, and I'm not saying this is always true or relevant to Regen, but she was sponsored because she was a popular blogger and often (like on Korean surgery makeover show Let Me In), surgeons will do their best to 'showcase' their work to people if a large amount of people will see it. It would of been terrible if Regen (I'm not accusing them of doing this AT ALL!) had surgeon swapped or the surgeon stuffed up the surgery then she went and told all her followers about the bad result :sad: I have to say though, I hope this reflects Regen's constant work because she had quite good results, I thought, even though she has had some sagging probably from her Zygoma reduction but this is pretty common for the procedure.

    The Line clinic has had some good reviews for FC/ Vline,except for one case that was posted on here of a woman who had Vline there and instead of cutting her jaw in a gradual curve for a more natural look, they cut it straight and too high which may be a reflection of a lazy or inexperienced surgeon and made her look pretty unnatural. This is probably just one of those uncommon cases though and is probably not a reflection of their constant work.

    There was a table posted a while back..which for the life of me I can't find >:sad: which is really frustrating, but it had a list of the clinics that were blacklisted and which procedures they were good or not good for. I remember though, because I am interested in FC/Vline too.. That the clinics that were listed to be good for this procedure were Girin and Banobagi. These clinics (especially Girin) are popular with locals (which is usually a good sign :smile: ) and a user (this also I cannot find grrrr!) collected before and after photos from Naver users and the different clinics they went to which was super helpful and interesting, and there were a number of Girin patients there with nice results.

    Nonetheless, I think you will get great results as long as you stay away from the 'factories' and blacklisted clinics like you said with ID. At the end of the day it is really up to what you want, whether you like and trust the clinic and the surgeon after you do the consults.

    Btw when were you planning upon going?
  7. If you wouldn't mind..could I please see the collage too? I would be most grateful since Delightful Aesthetics is on my list for FC. I also wonder..did you get a reasonable price for FC there (you don't have to give the price) because I have heard it is quite expensive compared to other clinics? BTW I love your profile picture, you look really pretty and I am so happy you got results you love :heart:
  8. I guess you can discuss what you want with your surgeon but I find TLPS and DAPS facial contouring to be too unnatural and pointy? I guess they are taking more the v-line approach but I don't really want this sort of style-it would look too dramatic and not natural and make it obvious I'd/you'd had something done.
    I like how View has an option for 'natural v-line' where they don't cut your jaw and chin too pointy and leave your chin more flat/squarish....
  9. I'm going (if I can save in time haha) in 2016 as well I am thinking September cause there is another forummer going in September..we should start a group closer to the time :heart: it would be great to have a number of people for support (especially if we are doing similar procedures even if not at the same clinic) and maybe share accommodation and costs :smile: I promise I will make juk or hobakjuk for us :P
  10. They do have a couple of english consultants~ Hebe- who does most of the online consults and some inhouse translating and Claire- who acts as a personal consultant and translator for foreign patients. It is quicker to do online consult than email I found even though it takes about one~two weeks but you do get a relevant and informative reply..not just I recommend *this* for you and some brief copy and paste info on the procedures (you get thorough copy and paste info xD). Make sure when you do online consult you attach a photo if you want a 'accurate' quote or quote at all for that matter :smile: Good luck

  11. Hello Alizeyang~

    You only have to buy a simcard in S Korea if you are planning to do calling ( S. korea has a great number '1330', of you call it you can get translation services, directions or any tourism information you need!) or texting while you are there. It is optional if you won't be doing any of this, because Seoul is known as the most wired city in the world and there is lots of WiFi everywhere you could use if you just want to access the Internet.

  12. I'm thinking of going with the September group in 2016, it seems a while away but at least we get time to plan etc beforehand and its the earliest I think I'll be able to go haha.
    Anyway I am thinking of doing the same procedures as you minus the rhinoplasty at Banobagi and maybe cheekbone reduction..but I'm still unsure due to the side effects of sagging etc.. :/
    What made you choose Banobagi if I may ask :smile: and how long do you think you will stay ~~?
  13. Me too haha :smile: Shame we can't go together..Which clinic are you thinking?
  14. I had not really considered Girin until I saw some really good B/A's a forummer had collected on Naver of facial contouring/V line (which I'm interested in doing as well).
    Thanks for writing this its really helpful since I haven't heard any forummers write reviews of consults at Girin and View for FC/VL. Also your information about prices and quotes is really helpful-Thanks :biggrin:
    I hope you have a successful surgery and good luck~ Don't feel too much pressure to update on here..just recover for the time being :heart::heart:

  15. Are you talking about botched jobs at view? And is it the clinic off your list? I haven't heard many reviews about them and none on any sort of facial procedure, only eyes with good reviews so I don't know..
    I think sometimes the surgeons make an effort when they do people for shows to lure them in and then with the general consensus of people where because it isn't going to be displayed on a show or anything like that they just don't care..That's my theory anyway..

  16. I have not consulted View. When I first researched them I got taken to this website -> http://viewclinic.com/en/e_htm/intro.php .. And I thought that was the whole website and didn't list any of the procedures or contact information and was really basic, I was kinda naive and brushed them aside because of this reason. When I read your message today I went back and searched and found the [actual] website. I am interested in how many facial contouring procedures they have and how they have a ‘natural vline’ procedure that doesn't make the chin pointy and unnatural, I like that idea better :smile: They have a procedure called ‘face off™’ which is essentially the same as Banobagi’s ‘All for One’ procedure (Facial contouring, Buccal fat and muscle removal, etc). I did not have to online consult to get quotes though cause they don't lock their consult enquiry messages as private so you can read through all people's messages and enquiries (a little bit odd). This is good if someone is enquiring about a price for the procedure you want because you can just read the quote where the consultant replied :P

    The prices I found (by doing this) are as follows:

    Square Jaw Reduction ~ &#8361;6M*
    Cheekbone reduction~ &#8361;6M*
    Vline~ &#8361;9.5M

    *The consultant also stated that if you have these two procedures together they can organise a discount or discuss the price when you get have face to face consultation.

    Have you had any experience with View? You have sparked my interest in them because I like most of their before and afters from Let Me In and they seem like a reputable clinic with skilled surgeons to me :smile:

    I heard about the scandal at JW with the Chinese lady, but apart from that I haven't heard anything else, have you? I am a bit skeptical of it but, I don't know....

  17. I have consulted so far~ Banobagi, Item, Delightful Aesthetics (DAPRS), The Line and JW.. I think I am certainly being ripped off..
    ZR and FC= Zygoma Reduction (cheekbone) and facial contouring (vline) they are the procedures I have been quoted for..most clinics have suggested genioplasty as well but mostly for those three procedures I have gotten an average price of &#8361;18~20 M which I think is pretty expensive compared to the prices I have seen you post. As you said, the prices should be competitive and lower due to the competition. And yes, they SHOULD be ashamed ripping us off that much..it almost seems as though they think we either have money to burn or are pretty oblivious and stupid.

  18. Or a pre surgery fine banquet before fasting haha..I think it's pretty unreasonable as is making you pay more if you pay by card as opposed to cash in some clinics..As someone said earlier, it is not convenient and impractical to be carrying around thousands of dollars of cash to the clinic. I hadn't really considered Dream until you mentioned it, K Couture, but I'll do some more research when I get time, because it sounds like a pretty good, honest clinic.
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