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Posts posted by davincci

  1. A reminder, many English consultants do not work on Saturdays. I was told by 3 different clinics. You better check.
  2. I personally think there's no harm to ask for an initial price to have a gauge. Coz so far the clinics I visited never used the price they quote me on email anyways. But just used it as reference and don't bargain in email (they won't be able to tell accurately until they see you face-to-face anyways). I would expect the initial price to be higher than actual price as that's before discount and also you might not need all the procedures they assumed.

    I really hate it when the consultant said "oh the quote in the email is old/incorrect" or "oh we just raised the price". I think that's total BS.

    Anyways, so far no clinic gives me a higher than email price after I met the surgeon.
  3. Nope, didnt do it in Korea. Just my local Dr. I don't know if it's useful yet. Different surgeons do it different ways, and my Dr do it 5 different times with each 3 months apart. I've only had my first one, so will see. Some Dr do it in one go, not sure which one is better but some comments on realself.com says the way my Dr does can last longer.
  4. Mjitsu, I think your nose tip is pretty defined and agreed with skinnypig, your alar looks fine. I'm not sure if it's really more upturned coz the angle of your before and after pics are different. Both before pics are from a slightly higher angle, so can't really compare. But overall, I think is good. Subtle and natural changes that you yourself can tell, while other people will only say "oh you look great!" but can't really point out what. :graucho:
  5. Oh abdomen might be better. We'll my rhino is not traditional one. I don't have implant, just tip plasty and alar reduction, and cartilage graft to smooth out the bridge. Price is mentioned in my note ;)
  6. Quite agree with what oryza says. And actually, I just come back from my surgery. You can check someone's post/thread history by clicking onto their names.
  7. Wait... are you sure you can do hydro injection and botox together with FG?? Coz I know fillers cannot be done together with FG.

    I also have botox in my calves ;)
  8. Hmmmm My 2 cents... for the 5 things you wanna do, I'd consider SG and Lipo (I assume lower or full body) bigger surgeries compare to tipplasty, acculift and FG. So you'll have an easier recovery if you seperate SG and Lipo. Also depends on where you do your Lipo, but I think you better do it with FG so you don't need to extract fat twice. If you're not doing SG, I think 1 trip will be enough.

    For tipplasty, acculift and FG, staying for 8-10 days is enough. SG I heard 2 weeks is ok. For Lipo, they recommend sutures removal on day 14 (for normal non-wolverines). But the post-op treatment takes an extra week AFTER suture removal. You can go back for it within 6 months.

    Btw reminder, I was recommended to do Lipo before rhino because I had to lie with face down for Lipo.
  9. I had gauze in my nose for the first 24 hours, so I was breathing with my mouth on the first night. I breath normally after they took out the gauze. Cast outside the nose didn't affect me breathing and that was removed on t he 7th days.

  10. Hi Jusscurious, I think everyone here has gone through the same confusion and overwhelmed with info period. I believe Koreasaurus didn't mean anything mean or disrespectful. It is true tho, that there's no short cut for the research process. This is because 1) everything on this forum is subjective 2) there are many promoters here so even if someone recommend you a clinic, you should be careful and investigate on both the clinic and the person 3) Even some of the top clinics has pros and cons in terms of price, language, responsiveness, speciality, anesthesia type etc etc. You really need to read people's experience one by one to understand it. I spent 9 months to research, watched this forum every single day like a hawk. The procedures you want to do might change as well after doing more research. You should start by creating an excel and put down all the info you gather when reading through the threads.

    Here's a really good list put together by Shinyglittery with some quick comments (gathered from the forum) # It's not a complete list, some of the forum popular clinics like April31, Braum and DAPRS is not on it. But it's a good start. You can use the forum search tool to find threads on a specific clinic. Also the few links Koreasaurus gave you are really informative. I followed those as well. Also read the Negative Experience thread so you can rule out some of the choices.

    You can also check websites of some big clinics which educate about surgery methods.
    You can usually find pros and cons of those methods by searching specific words in posts. Realself.com also got some info in western perspective.

    Once you shortlisted the clinics, you can start emailing their consultants to ask specific questions. Responsiveness of their consultants should also be taken into consideration.

    I also tend to find all the past post by some forumers who I find them knowledgeable and helpful. Their experiences can teach you a lot too. Also identify dodgey forumers who are possibly promoters. You need to be patient with the process. Researching is confusing at the beginning, but you will have fun soon after. Absorb the knowledge like a sponge! Good luck with your research :smile:
  11. LOL I definitely enjoyed that ride :P The fat repositioning sounds very interesting. Is there any risk that the fat will move/drop after a while? and is there risk of reabsorption after repositioning?

    So fraxel is for wrinkles? What's the diff between thermage (RF) and fraxel (laser) in terms of target user?

    Maybe I can be your guinea pig for the hydro injection. I'm quite interested when Daphne told me about it last time. But heard this one really hurts....

  12. Haha did your friend also have the roller coaster ride?? For her eyebags treatment, are there stitches under her eyes?

    Please do share your Ulthera experience. I'm planning to do it in a few months too :smile:
  13. Haha, the key is to go during low season. So you wanna have rhinoplasty and genioplasty and lipo?
  14. Hi Syxwan, Yes I did mine at Dream as well. Didn't have silicone implant. I've done tipplasty, alar weir and bridge relocation for 4.7m. Bruising and swelling is minimum (just like I've drank too much water the night before), I believe is because I don't have any external material nor bone surgerry. Here's my experience: #
  15. Oh Wishingstar, I've done similar procedure! tipplasty and cartilage+fat injection. I'm just 3 weeks post-op, the fat is slowly subsiding. When I touched it 1 week post-op, I could actually feel a lump (kind of away from my bridge). Now I feel it's much closer to the bridge, kinda like slowly 'sticking' onto it. But the use of my injection is just to smooth out any bumps instead of raising my bridge, so I'm not sure what's the max it can raise.

    Haha... sorry, not too helpful here.

  16. Unji is nice too. She helps Daphne to take care of me a couple times. But I never communicate with her on Kakao or email, so can't comment on responsiveness.
  17. % reduction? hmmmm Pretty hard to determine. My best fat % this year is about 19%. Right before surgery, I stopped all diet and stopped going to gym for 2 months. My fat % shot up from around 23-24% to 25-26%. I checked again yesterday it's 21%. But I slowly picking up exercising, so hard to say what's the exact % reduction is from the lipo...

  18. This is Daphne's email: [email protected]
  19. Hey BlancNoire, I brough Kelocote but didn't use at all. I use the oinment they gave me. If you don't want rib cartilage, why don't you consider silicone?

    I don't speak Korean either. Most of the clinic I visited got translator and Dr. from Dream, April 31 and Item all speak ok English. It's also easier to explain yourself with pictures. I didn't use photoshop but brought my pictures and I drew on it so they know the exact angle and width of alar I want.

    What do you wanna be done with your hair and skin? teeth you wanna do laser whitening? and also rhino? Well 9 days is enough if you heal well like me. How many clinics are you planning to visit? For the number of different procedures you'd like to do, I think you better leave more time for consultation. Esp these procedures are done by different surgeons, so even if it's same clinic, you'll have to wait between consultations. I consulted 2 clinics for rhino and 1 for lipo in one day, and it lasted from 930am-730pm. If you are going to consult 1 clinic for all these procedures, I guess you'll have to spend at least half a day. Not to mention you might need to do these procedures in different clinics.

    Also, you better check with the clinics in what sequence you should get them done in case in seperate clinics. e.g. 365Mc said I'll need to lie with my face down so better have Lipo before rhino.

    For rhino, they recommend to remove stitches on Day7. But you have an option to remove stitches when you are back in your country.
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