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Posts posted by davincci

  1. How's your nose? Did you have that with Dr Suh? Did you wake up during the surgery like a few other forumers did?
  2. Here's my post in the past regarding consultation at EverM. Hope it helps.
    # You can also look up Peterpan88's surgery experience at EverM. He seems to be really happy with his result.
  3. Omg is it common to wake up in the middle of rhino surgery!? I'll definitely freak out if I do!!!
  4. Man... I think that's what I've done wrong. I've told the consultant too much....

    Yes I was told by other clinics that lengthening is needed. Read some other posts about rib harvesting. Some said is more natural and less risk of revision.... But also read K Couture's "Avoid Cartilage for your rhinioplasty!" sounds like it's the opposite... So confused...

    Anyways, the price they quoted is way too crazy and she didn't even explain much about procedures and materials and didn't even answer me when I ask who will be performing the surgery....
  5. K and Cloudbusting, thanks for both's reply.

    My case is definitely not complicated. I've done face to face with a few other reputable clinics, and they told me I don't have big issues. One surgeon even told me I've got a nice bridge. My nose is a bit short, bottom part looks slightly big and got flaring nostril. The usual recommendations I've got before are silicone implant, tip plasty, lengthening of nose, tip debulking, nostril and base reduction.

    The quote I've got from at least 5 other clinics are between 4-5m. Dream quoted me almost double.:mad::mad::mad:
  6. Hi Cloudbusting, How much did you pay for your rhino @ Dream? Including Tipplasty? I think they are over-quoting me...
  7. Jaw surgeries are very major operations that many hospitals will tell you it's for correctional purposes. It's a difficult and dangerous surgery which you should only undergo through a oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

    Potential complications includes: Excessive Bleeding, Nasal bleeding due to blood accumulates in the sinus areas, Nerves and muscles damage, Loss of sensation. CT scans are crucial for the surgeons to see your nerves layout. Some people are not suitable for such surgeries due to the spread of nerves.

    Also, since you will need general anesthesia. Please refer to risk of GA below. "Errors by the anesthesiologist, such as not monitoring the patient or measuring the amount of anesthesia in the patient's system throughout procedure" is what caused the recent death at Grand hospital. http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/anesthesia/basics/risks/prc-20014786

    And don't forget recovery is a ***** for jaw surgeries. It takes long time and is very painful. This is why I'm having huge debate with myself whether I should put myself through that.

    Please add if I've missed out any more risks.
  8. Here's LIFE's official reply to my question:
    "Dr. Kim was a representative doctor at Grand clinic before opening his own clinic, and now, LIFE and Grand does not have any relationship at all. "
  9. Hi K Couture, really thank you for your contribution. All your posts are really informative and helpful. I'm currently considering Item and Dream on Rhinoplasty. But I remember you mentioned many surgeons try to avoid close surgery because it's a very skillful procedure. I've asked Item's consultant a few times on close method but she kept telling me open method is better as it gives the surgeon a better view during the surgery (she's still waiting for surgeon's reply on this matter)...

    From what you know, is it possible to have close surgery if I need to have silicon bridge implant to lengthen my nose, as well as septal cartilage for tip and nostril reduction?
  10. Here's the quote:
    EverM V-line 9.9m (additional 1.5m for dissolvable screws)

    Item V-line 12.3m
    Item Rhino 7.5m

    Banobagi V-line 15m
    Banobagi 2-Jaw 18m

    Well according to Item, they said the quote they give me in email was a mistake. I'm not sure why they put me in lower price group from the start, or if there's really a lower price group. Guess I won't be able to find out as they will not admit it even if they do.
  11. MaiQ, I'm totally with you!! I'll definitely avoid all the BIG hospitals.

    Would like to share some of my consultation experience. I'm looking to have rhinoplasty and V-line as I got short nose and asymmetric mandible. Did consultation with Item, EverM and Banobagi.

    EverM - Dr. Yoon Kyu Sik is a dental surgeon and only specialized in face contouring. I have to say, he really impressed me. He's very friendly, professional, detail-oriented and patient and able to address all my concerns. I've done free CT and X-ray and he explained to me the degree and causes of my asymmetry. He suggested 2-Jaw surgery at first but I told him I'm not going to consider such a huge surgery. He then suggested alternatives, which is using V-line and chin sugery to improve my imbalance face and discussed with me pros and cons about using this method. They even have optional disolvable screws. One downside about EverM is, they do not have eye or nose surgery, which means I'll have to do them seperately. Prices are reasonable. (They don't speak English and got one Mandarin translator)

    Item - Dr. Kim Jin Sung is the specialist on face contouring and nose. He's a bit more formal and business-like. He pointed out my issue including wide nose bridge, short nose and shifted chin. He suggested septal cartilage for nose tip. He also told me that I have a nice nose bridge, that I don't need to change the height of my nose too much. Overall positive, but when we talked about price, they somehow quoted me 60% higher than their email. They ended up agreed with the lower price as they said it's their mistake (They probably have different prices for different people)

    Banobagi - This is not for me. Banobagi is famous for featuring in TV show 'Let Me In'. The whole building belongs to the clinic and they provide recovery accomodations, which is why I wanted to check it out at the first place. I do not have a doubt about their skills. But the clinic is way too busy. The lobby was filled with people (both mainland Chinese and Koreans). I met with face contouring specialist, Dr. Oh Chang Hyeon. He seemed to be in a hurry throughout the process. I've told him I'd like to correct my asymmetric face and he suggested 2-jaw. When I told him I will not consider such a big surgery and if there's any other alternatives to improve, he basically stopped talking. He didn't wanna explain further.... A bit of awkward silence in the room and the chat was less than 10 mins. I'm not sure if he didn't want to entertain me as he realized I'm not one of those well-off mainlanders/ Koreans or what. Also, the price they quote me is 50%+ higher than EverM and Item. Money is never my top concern as long as it's good and I feel that they worth it. But sorry Banobagi, I don't think you worth my money.

    All in all, we are talking about placing your life, face and future on this person's hand. I think TRUST is the most important out of all criterias. I trust EverM the most on its face contouring skills and knowledge. If I'm going to have rhino and V-line seperately, I'll definitely go for EverM. I'm quite positive with Item too although the pricing incident. I'm still debating whether to have seperate surgeries.
  12. Something really weird. I'm reading some online consultation on LIFE's website and when I clicked into those private ones (with a lock) to open in new tab, the tab automatically renamed as Grand. So looks like LIFE is still under GRAND? I know Dr Rhee used to work for Grand but didn't know the 2 clinics are still related... Heard Grand had many botched operations.... Anyone know if they are actually still same company? subsid?

  13. Perfect! I was about to start a thread about this!! Jaw surgery you mean 2-jaw or just V-line? Well I'm planning to do V-line and Rhinoplasty myself and have done some research.

    Actually many clinics will recommend you to do them together. I've read it on a US forum with actual US surgeons answering questions. All of them said it's possible to be done together but depend on how big your surgery will be. All of them suggested to have a face-to-face meeting to decide.

    For Korean clinics, most of the ones I've checked said the 2 procedures will be done together except for EverM. This is only because they are a proper dental clinic and they do not do Rhinoplasty.

    In terms of sequence, it's definitely jaw first then rhinoplasty so that they can correctly measure and position your nose. I've read through some threads and a few people suggested to wait for at least a month before Rhinoplasty, and full recovery for V-line takes 4-6 months. EverM however suggested me to do them 2 weeks apart and even said 3 days is possible. I'm quite skeptical about this as I know V-line's swelling will be worse on day 3-4. Having said that, EverM is a reputable jaw and dental specialist.... so I'd like to get some comments from those who has experience too...

    Would someone who has done both procedures give some advice? What are the risks of having both at the same time? Complications? Asymmetric results? Unbearable pain?

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