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Posts posted by davincci

  1. Not true. Here's 365mc's reply on laser:

    " We have Dual laser and Lipolysis Laser

    Dual and Lipolysis is the laser which destroy fat cell and also melting fat with our powerful medicate liquid (for lipolysis) but it is basically for small area and provide skin elastic rather than destroy fat like liposuction surgery.

    *Dual laser
    Lower part of Abdomen 310,800KRW (V.A.T included)
    Inner thigh: 310,800KRW (V.A.T included)
    Outer Thigh:310,800KRW (V.A.T included)

    *Lipolysis Laser
    Lovehandle: 1,848,000KRW (V.A.T included)
    Inner Thigh:1,540,000KRW (V.A.T included)
    Outer Thigh:1,540,000KRW (V.A.T included) "
  2. It's possible. The surgeon just trim your mandible with a bigger inner angle. But it all depends on how your nerve are spread inside, so you'll need a CT scan. And only do it with a oral and maxillofacial specialist.
  3. This is stupidly expensive! 365mc laser assist lipo costs around 1.5-2m won per part (outter and inner thighs considered 2 parts) and JW around 2000-2500 USD per part. If you are not looking to have other procedures done, just go to 365mc. It's a obesity centre and expert in weight loss afterall.
  4. You should talk to a consultant about this. They will probably ask you to pay desposit if you want them to fix the date for you. But if you are not going during high season, they will most likely be able to operate on you within 2-3 days, so 10 days stay is enough. But are you sure you don't want to consult some more Dr? Always good to have 2nd and 3rd opinions...
  5. How can jaw surgery helps with sleep apnea? What's your main reason of blockage? Throat muscles? Jaw muscles? I'm reading up about sleep apnea, looks like you need Tonsillectomy and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.

    Why would you go to Korea for such surgery? Korea is more known for aesthetics than functionality. Doesn't your insurance in your own country cover that so that you can do it in a proper hospital?

    Well if you must do it in Korea for whatever reason, from my own research, I think EverM is best at jaw surgery. The Dr is very professional. Arrange a consultation with him and you'll know what I mean. But I have a feeling that you should consult an otolaryngologist in your own country first.
  6. Everyone's case is different. FG under eye is perfect for those who has hollow and thick skin under eyes. But the amount of fat injected is also key. My Dr told me that many people, including myself, has thin skin under eyes, that's why is not suitable for FG as there's potential risk of lumps and puffiness.

    Alternative is to have non-invasive fillers such as Teosyal Redensity, Restylane, Sculptra, which last from 6 to 18 months.
    * Teosyal Redensity - hyaluronic acid. Suppose to help with skin aging, and lighten dark colors. But my Dr said this is not suitable for Asian.
    * Restylane - hyaluronic acid. Good for filling up lines and hollows.
    * Sculptra - poly-L-lactic acid, suppose to to stimulate collagen formation. But I've heard cases that the Sculptra particles are too small that they moved from under eyes to cheek due to gravity.
    * Juverderm - It's good for face filling, but heard many bad reviews for under eyes. So didn't really look into that.

    You should ask your Dr which option is best for your case. Make sure you find an experienced Dr, who has experiences in different kinds of fillers.
  7. True on Coolsculpting, you suppose to have to maintain healthy diet and exercise. And I heard the % of fat that can really be eliminated using Coolsculpting vaires and depends on individual. That's why I think Liposonix suits me better.

    For 365mc, yea they didn't explain much on the ad. Here's their email description. Not much better LOL

    *LAMS - No incision/ No Anesthesia, No Garment, No need to have recovery time
    Effect like mini liposuction but very simple, no pain like non surgical treatment like injections. There will be only one small hole in the concerned area each. (size: one hole sized of button). Insert tunnel into your concerned area -> suction immediately -> insert specialized medical liquid for lipolysis. Only 30min-1hour for this treatment including consultation

    Also those procedures I've stated above only targets particular area. For overall weight loss or obesity problem, I'll think you'll have to undergo something like HPL from 365mc. But it takes longer time to complete the cycle. http://eng.365mc.co.kr/sub/03_obesity.html
  8. For jawline, Acculift better or just botox?
  9. I've been doing extensive research on slimming and body shaping. I would not recommend RF as I've tried it and the changes are too minimal. RF is better for firming.

    Best non-invasive shaping and weight loss methods so far are Liposonix, Coolsculpting and Vasershape, as compare to older generation laser procedures which only melt lipid inside fat cells, these 3 ELIMINATES fat cells. All takes around 3 months for fat to melt and discharge from body. But I still haven't found a clinic in Seoul that do them. (Liposonix can have best results out of the 3 as it can 'elimate' most fat while Coolscultping suppose to eliminate 20% of the treated layer. But Coolsculpting is painless, that's why it's gaining popularity)

    If you are up for minimal-invasive methods too, Laser/Ultrasound assist lipo is actually the best option in terms of results, safety and minimal scarring and pain. Personally think Smartlipo Triplex (newest generation), uses 1444nm laser to melt fat and lower degree laser to tighten your skin, is best option. Unfortunately I can't find any hospital in Seoul got that (Please let me know if anyone know). 365MC, which is a specialist in weight loss, has Lipolysis Laser, which is similar to Smartlipo but doesn't have tightening effect. Prices are reasonable (around US$1500-1800 per part)

    Alternative is Accusculpt which uses 1444nm laser to melt fat, but less tightening effect vs Smartlipo. BK and JW has Accusculpt (JW quoted around US$2500 per part)

    Also note 365MC is promoting this new innovation LAMS(Local Anesthetic Minimal- invasive lipo-Suction), pushing No incision/ No Anesthesia, No Garment, No recovery time. From their description, sounds like mini lipo + dissollution. Personally am skeptical about just sticking a needle in to pull fat out, but it's relatively cheap. They quoted around US$1000 per part. http://eng.365mc.co.kr/landing/Y14/D0623lams_eng.html

    All of the above procedures are supposed to be one- off, so better for visitors. Hope this helps.
  10. No one will know what really happens apart from the girl and the clinic. So use your own judgement. Personally am skeptical about the story. But again, you should choose your Dr, not the clinic. Stick with this concept and you'll be fine.
  11. I remember my Doc said harvested fat can only survive and be stored for 6months. It's useless if not injected after 6 months. But I guess better to check with the clinic that does it for you. Not sure where the newest technology is like.

    Also interesting read about fat graft if you guys have time. Esp topics: "The Art and Science of Fat Grafting " Part 1-4 http://www.exploreplasticsurgery.com/tag/fat-grafting/
  12. That's y I'm so skeptical about her story. She never posted this before pic on her blog. Her before pic on her blog are very pretty with sharp nice chin, which doesn't make sense to me that she's going through a chin surgery. She's not totally honest.
  13. This is not true. Fat Graft's reabsorption rate highly depends on surgeon's skills and the hospital's technology. Also, Nerves blockage, uneveness, infection can be caused by unskilled surgeons. There are many articles on the internet about FG.

    "The harvested fat is processed, and the removed fat is optimized to prevent reabsorption (i.e., when the fat is absorbed and there is a loss of substance) through the use of a special filtering process of liposuction , where any oil and serum is separated from the fat. When the harvested fat is processed, multiple filtering systems are applied to purify the fat and to prevent damage to the fat cells. Furthermore, the loss of growth factors in the fat is minimized during the fat purification process. Thus, the filtering process both improves the fat graft survival rate and maximizes fat maintenance at the injection site (i.e., the area where the fat graft is re-injected into the body) resulting in better, longer lasting results."

  14. Hi all PF-ers, would like to get some comments on Body Sculpturing. I'm not fat to begin with but would like to eliminate small amount of fat around love-handles and thighs area. So body sculpturing is more suitable for me vs lipo.

    Anyone familiar with the below 4 procedures? (all provided by 365mc) Which one is most effective and less risk of sagging/stretch-marks?

    HPL (Hypotonic Pharmacologic Lipo-Dissolusion): A method of melting and discharging fat, by injecting medication that breaks down fat down directly on the parts one wishes to slim down.

    Lipolysis: A method of melting and discharging fat, by injecting medication that breaks down fat down directly on the parts one wishes to slim down.

    RF (radio-frequency): Using sound pressure, ender-plus helps burn fat by contraction and relaxation, discharges dead fat cells via the veins and the lymphatic ducts. It gives a slimmer figure and an improvement in skin tone. It also eliminates the rippling effects of cellulite as well.

    Ender-Plus: Breaks down, dissolves and absorbs fat cells, by inserting a lot of storable fat dissolvent into the fat layer. It totally dissolves and naturally discharges the remaining broken down fat out of body, by demolishing them with an external laser or ultrasonic device.
  15. Does anyone know if JW includes free 2nd graft?
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