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Posts posted by madambutterfly89

  1. It’s he surgeons fault for not explaining all the risk to his patient. If he had mention that it’lll change the look to your eyes and skin and cause premature again then no one would do this sh*t surgery. He hid this info bc he didn’t want to turn money away. He also promise no sagging. On top of that he overly shaved one side of my jaw and did the zygoma Incorretly.so yes, it is his f***ing fault.
  2. Zygoma and jaw reduction is the dumbest surgery ever invented for money. It looks like sh*t in person and completely throws off the balance and ruins the support for the soft tissue. I deapise and hate my surgeon for destroying my life. I have to live in this hell hole while he co tinues to operate and butcher other patients. I have such strong hate and anger. My face looks off balance, soft tissue drooping, lack of support and contour. No amount of money can fix this mess that this stupid Korean dumbass did. How the hell do you risk someone’s face and life this way for greed!!! Stupid surgeon that lack skills and ethics but act like he knows what he’s doing. These Frauds who pretend they know what their doing but just wings it. I wish I could punch his dumb face and bash his head into glass.

  3. She looks lovely however it’s hard to tell from a smiling photo. You really have to look with a critical eye. It would be more helpful if she had a frontal view, not smiling photo of her face.

  4. The first thing to do is meet with a cranialfacial surgeon and get a ct scan. Then plan from there.

  5. May I ask where you had your zygoma done?
  6. Li bing bing is the ideal face shape that I adore. Just beautiful.

    Unfortunately, the second guy in the photo looks kinda like mine? I think that’s what happened to me in the zygoma part. I don’t know if custom cheek implants would benefit me. My surgeon respected the contour/definition part of my cheekbone. Now there’s just a gap.

    Another option is bone graft from hip and pushing the zygoma out but I think hard too traumatic and unpredictable. The result might not even make any difference either.
  7. In the second photo-if the guy was a girl do you think the result would be better for female?
  8. Remember to take in proper nutritionnto help aid in recovery. Vitamin C, D, tumeric, magnesium. Make sure your supplements are natural without fillers such as magnesium Sterate. In the morning make some green juice using kale, apple, blueberries, lemon....

    Recovery is just as important as the surgery itself so nutrition is key. Also to wear your compression headgear but not too tight!
  9. Oh wow. I trhought you just had the jaw reduction. Didn’t know you had zygoma reduction done as well.
  10. You’ll going to need double jaw surgery. You’re jaw shifts to the right and needs to be midline. I think facedental or Eu dental might be good. I’m not 100% sure so you’ll really need to do an extensive research. This can be improved so make sure you take the time and find a skilled surgeon. You’ll def want to get it right the first time.

  11. There was a girl who had zygoma and jaw reduction at gng and It was a disaster. Alledgedly. I have to say that due to legal reasons but it did happen. she shared her story awhile back on a Chinese plastic surgery forum. Her face sagged and had clicking sounds due to these unusually large plates and screws. Last I heard she went to another surgeon and had to have her cheekbone reposition using the coronal incision.
  12. You gotta see me in person to understand. I wish it was that easy. The way he cut my cheekbone was done incorrectly. One side completely flat giving me an empty look to my eyes. Just imagine a worm or a turtle. Also the left cheekbone is much lower then the right. Creating a hallowness. I look overcorrected. Lopsided. My face before fits my skull better now I look too narrow and elongated like a horse and I’m afraid the lifting the tissue might exacerbate it. I have to think very carefully about my next step and not jump to quickly into surgery.
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